Introduction of Smart Specialization in the Context of Formation of Investment Potential of the Tourism Sector Biletska N. V.
Biletska, Natalia V. (2024) “Introduction of Smart Specialization in the Context of Formation of Investment Potential of the Tourism Sector.” The Problems of Economy 3:84–91.
Section: Economics and national economy management
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UDC 338.48:330.322:332.1
Abstract: The article examines the role of smart specialization as an innovative approach to the development of the tourism sector in the regions of Ukraine. The aim of the study is to analyze, systematize, generalize and improve the theoretical and methodological support for the introduction of smart specialization in the context of the formation of the investment potential of the tourism sector. It is determined that the development of tourism in the context of smart specialization allows combining economic growth with innovation and sustainable development. Smart specialization is focused on concentrating efforts and resources on a limited number of strategic areas that have the greatest potential for attracting investment and increasing the competitiveness of regions. The study showed that the introduction of smart specialization in the tourism sector contributes to structural changes in regional economies, increases the added value of tourism services and stimulates local development. The process of developing a project to increase the investment potential of the tourism sector on the basis of the introduction of smart specialization, consisting of eight stages, is substantiated as follows: analysis of the tourism potential of the region with the purpose of assessing the existing tourism potential of the region, which involves identifying its unique resources, opportunities for development and existing limitations; strategic planning of tourism development, the purpose of which is to determine the main directions of development of the tourism sector, set priorities and develop a long-term strategy; analysis of infrastructure development in order to study the existing tourist infrastructure and identify areas for its improvement; partnership and cooperation, the purpose of which is to establish partnerships with local businesses, scientific institutions and civil society for the joint implementation of the project; development of innovative solutions with the purpose of integrating innovations into all aspects of the tourism sector to increase its competitiveness; development of a strategy for attracting investments, aiming at formation of an effective strategy for attracting foreign and domestic investors in the development of the tourism sector; marketing and promotion, the purpose of which is to create an effective system for promoting the region’s tourism product in the domestic and international markets; monitoring and evaluation, in order is to track the effectiveness of the project and ensure that it meets the set goals.
Keywords: smart specialization, tourism sector, regional development, innovations, investment potential.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 9.
Biletska Natalia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Taxation, Finance and Entrepreneurship, Vinnitsa Institute of Designing Clothes and Entrepreneurship (7 Kosmonavtiv Ave., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine) Email:
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