
Basic Provisions of the Logistic Mechanism of the Development of Enterprise
Gubarev R. V.

Gubarev, Ruslan V. (2024) “Basic Provisions of the Logistic Mechanism of the Development of Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 2:123–128.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article highlights the importance of developing a logistic mechanism with a focus on ensuring the development of enterprise activities. The importance of such a mechanism is determined by a number of factors in the formation of the internal environment of the enterprise and its ability to adapt to market challenges. Particular importance of the logistic mechanism lies in the definition of rational managerial decisions that provide for a stable increase in the efficiency and development of the enterprise with a focus on meeting the interests of end consumers. Considerable attention is paid to the aspects of establishing the commodity turnover of enterprise, which are determined by the market challenges of building a logistics system and also trends in competition and changes in the consumer needs of buyers. It is emphasized that the logistic mechanism is a set of elements (principles, functions, tasks, etc.), which are aimed at achieving the aim and priorities of development of the enterprise. According to this approach, the built logistic mechanism is focused on creating an attractive environment for the development of new types of enterprise activities, which are largely related to digital technologies. Special attention is paid to the aspects of informatization of the enterprise’s logistic system and it is concluded that the management of logistic flows will increasingly involve the transition to digital platforms and networks in order to choose optimal and more efficient routes for the supply of products. Also, the main guidelines of the logistic mechanism include the systematic management of all flow operations and their coordination with the strategic goals of the enterprise’s development, achieving minimum costs, while saving the time and volume of delivery, increasing the efficiency of using the resource provision of the enterprise and its optimization when establishing new directions of product logistics.

Keywords: logistic mechanism, logistic system, logistic flows, enterprise activity, development, management.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Gubarev Ruslan V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of, Purchasing department, MEDICAL ADVANCE LLC (257 Heroiv Kharkova Ave., Kharkiv, 61044, Ukraine)

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