remember, that annotations written in the languages other than the article language are the only source of information about the contents of the article and results of research stated in it for readers that do not read in the language of the article.
When writing an abstract, we strongly recommend you guided by the requirements of publishing house Emerald
2.5. There should be NOT LESS THAN 3 AND NOT MORE THAN 8 key words or phrases.
2.6. Metadata are published in the journal, relevant review editions, on the website of the journal and are stored in domestic and foreign databases.
3.1. The article should contain contact information of the authors in one language: telephones (are not published anywhere) and electronic mail address (published) for a possibility of fast settlement of arising issues.
3.2. For authors that live outside Kharkiv, the contact information should also contain a complete postal address in one language for sending the author’s copy of the journal. Home postal address could be specified.
3.3. In the event the author does not have academic degree, a scanned copy, in a graphical format, of the review (recommendation, assignment, reference) of the scientific adviser, certified with a signature and seal, should be sent to the email address of the journal apart from the article file. Information about the scientific adviser is published in the journal after the text of the article (family name, first name, patronymic name, academic degree, place of employment, position, city).
3.4. Availability of UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and a list of bibliography used is mandatory.
3.5. The list of used references should contain minimum 8 entries. Remember, that requirements to the list of used references are very strict everywhere in the world. The article with a presented list of references demonstrates professional outlook and quality level of research of its authors.
3.6. The Editorial Board welcomes bibliography references to articles published in the «The Problems of Economy» AND «Business Inform» journals.
4.1. Articles are accepted only in the form of files (text – in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt formats; charts, drawings – in any graphical format for Windows). Charts and drawings should be submitted in the form, which allows their editing. Formulae should be prepared in a standard mathematic symbolics, preferably in MathType editor.
4.2. Text of the article and metadata should be typed on sheets A4 (210x297 mm) with Times New Roman font, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, margins – 2 cm each.
4.3. The article, metadata and contact information should be in the same file.
4.4. Volume of the articles (WITHOUT METADATA), submitted to the Editorial Office, should be not less than 12 pages (Times New Roman font, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, margins – 2 cm each), including tables, charts, drawings and a list of references.
4.5. The list of references should be prepared in accordance with DSTU (State Standard of Ukraine) 7.1:2006.
4.6. The article should be structured in the following order:
Title of the article
Family name, first name, patronymic name of the author(s) (family name and initials)
Text of the article
List of the used references
Annotations (including full name(s) of the author(s) and title of the article) ARE TO BE WRITTEN IN TWO LANGUAGES (UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN)
Information about authors – IN TWO LANGUAGES (UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN)
Text: “Presented material has never been published and has never been sent to other editions”
4.7. The article is sent to electronic mail address: All correspondence with the Editorial Staff is performed through the same address.
5.1. Absence or incompleteness of any component of metadata (IN UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES).
5.2. Absence of contact information.
5.3. Absence or incompleteness of postal address (only for authors that live outside Kharkiv).
5.4. Absence of a review (recommendation, assignment, reference) of the scientific adviser, certified with a signature and seal (only for authors that have no academic degree).
5.5. Absence of UDC.
5.6. Absence of the list of references.
5.7. Insufficient volume of the article (less than 10 pages WITHOUT METADATA).
5.8. Insufficient volume of the annotation (less than 0.5 pages
5.9. Insufficient volume of the list of references (less than 8 entries).
5.10. The article was already published in another edition (including electronic editions and Internet).
(all names of authors and organisations, and other information are conventional)
(Times New Roman font; font size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; margins – 2 cm each.)
UDC 661.65
Organisational basis of development of financial clusters in Ukraine
Sidorov A.V., Petrov R.N.
Introduction. The process of management of the social, economic, industrial, technical and infrastructural development of the regions requires significant improvement at present time. As the world practice shows, development of an efficient system of financial provision and provision of high competitiveness in the country and a stable economic growth of subjects of the financial sector is ensured by development of relevant clusters, which ...
Conclusion. Advantages of work in a financial regional cluster for its participants lies in their localisation in a certain territory, which results in a possibility of distribution of expenditures between the participants, reduction of transaction expenses, reduction of terms and increase of efficiency of interaction between the cluster participants.
1. Sokolenko S. I. Strategy of competitiveness of Ukrainian economy on the basis of integration systems – clusters / S.I. Sokolenko. – Sevastopol: Publishing House LLC Ribest, 2006. – 37 p.
12. Strategic challenges of the XXI century to the society and economy of Ukraine: In 3 vols. / Edited by V. M. Geyts, V. P. Seminozhenko, B. Ye. Kwasnyuk, Vol. 3. – K.: Phoenix, 2007. – 556 p.
Сидоров О. В., Петров Р. М. Організаційні засади побудови фінансових кластерів в Україні
У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан кластеризації в світі та Україні. Обґрунтована актуальність створення фінансових регіональних кластерів. Запропоновано визначення ... (0,5 – 1 page)
Ключові слова: кластеризація, фінансовий кластер, регіональний кластер, ... (not less than 3 and not more than 8)
Сидоров А. В., Петров Р. Н. Организационные основы построения финансовых кластеров в Украине
В статье проанализировано современное состояние кластеризации в мире и Украине. Обоснована актуальность создания финансовых региональных кластеров. Предложено определение ... (0,5 – 1 page)
Ключевые слова: кластеризация, финансовый кластер, региональный кластер, ... (not less than 3 and not more than 8)
Сидоров Олександр Володимирович – доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри фінансів, Київський інститут ринкових відносин
Контактна інформація: 050-248-45-73, (044)296-16-75,
Петров Роман Миколайович – кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри математичного моделювання, Київський інститут ринкових відносин
Контактна інформація: 066-171-89-46, (044)296-87-49,
Сидоров Александр Владимирович – доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой финансов, Киевский институт рыночных отношений
Петров Роман Николаевич – кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры математического моделирования, Киевский институт рыночных отношений
Postal address for sending a copy of the journal:
Sidorov O.V., Kyiv Institute of Market Relations, Department of Finance, vul. Gaydamakiv, building 8, Kyiv, 00162.
Presented material has never been published and has never been sent to other editions.
End of example