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All changes to previous conditions are highlighted red. ATTENTION! Delivery of the article to the Editorial Office with the purpose of its publication means automatic agreement of the author(s) with conditions of the License Contract. NEW PUBLICATION CONDITIONSIN THE «THE PROBLREMS OF ECONOMY» JOURNAL(come into force from March 15, 2013) 1. The article should be structured in accordance with «Requirements to articles, which are submitted to the «The Problems of Economy» journal». 2. The article is submitted to the Editorial Office to the electronic mail address: pe.ua.kh@gmail.com. All communications with the Editorial Staff are carried out through this address. 3. The Editorial Board preserves the right to carry out editorial proof-reading of the article. 4. Articles are published on a paid basis. Authors pay for pre-publication preparation of the article and reproduction of the article based on UAH 50 per standard page of A4 format (210x297 mm). Text should be typed with Times New Roman font, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, margins –2 cm each. 5. The article, annotations, key words and information about the authors should be in the same file. ONLY THE ARTICLE AND LIST OF USED REFERENCES ARE INCLUDED INTO PAYMENT FOR PUBLICATION. MINIMUM VOLUME OF THE ARTICLE AND LIST OF USED REFERENCES HAS TO BE NOT LESS THAN 12 PAGES. 6. The author gets 1 (one) author’s copy of the journal (1 copy of the journal for 1 article). Additional copies of the journal could be purchased from the Publisher by preliminary order (specify in the end of the article or send the order by e-mail). 7. Articles of authors that do not have academic degree not considered. 8. The Editorial Board send the article for external reviewing. The author if informed in the event of negative decision with respect to publication of the article. The article can be sent back for revision. 9. The Editorial Board makes final decision with respect of a possibility to publish the article after external reviewing. In the event of positive decision on publication of the article, the author receives relevant notification and invoice. Invoice is paid through cashless settlement in any bank branch. 10. Articles that belong to one thematic section of the journal are published, as a rule, on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date of submission of the article to the Editorial Office. Articles are included into the list only after the Editorial Board receives confirmation of payment for publication. 11. Copy of the journal with a published article is sent to the authors by post (only to those that live outside Kharkiv) or handed in the Editorial Office (to Kharkiv citizens). |
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