
Modeling of Social and Cultural Systems
Drogobytskyi I. M.

Drogobytskyi, Ivan M. (2018) “Modeling of Social and Cultural Systems.” The Problems of Economy 4:344–350.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy

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The euphoria resulting from the effectiveness of using the methodology of system modeling of natural processes for the analysis and design of technical systems has inspired scientists to its large-scale application in the study of economic, sociological, political, and other systems in which the main role belongs to man. Unfortunately, many years of hard work have not yet yielded tangible results. It turned out that these systems (they belong to the class of sociocultural) are fundamentally different from natural and artificial systems, and methods used for investigating the latter ones are not always suitable for studying the considered systems. There required a special methodology and apparatus of system modeling which would focus on the study of sociocultural systems at the level of its basic provisions. To this end, the article proposes an original graph for modeling the dynamics of sociocultural systems and analyzes the prospects of its use in the study, interpretation of the current state of such systems and prediction of their future. There stated the fractalіty of sociocultural, and living systems, based on which the expediency of initiating a new direction of scientific research – genetics of sociocultural systems – is justified.

Keywords: system, classification of systems, cause-and-effect relations, feedback loop, model of internal dynamics, organizational DNA, corporate culture, modeling of social and cultural systems.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 16.

Drogobytskyi Ivan M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, National Cultural Center of Ukraine in Moscow (9/1 Arbat Str., Moscow, 119019, Russia)

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