
Identification of Objects of Accounting in Carrying out Operations under Concession Agreements
Svirko S. V., Kovalchuk V. V.

Svirko, Svitlana V., and Kovalchuk, Volodymyr V. (2018) “Identification of Objects of Accounting in Carrying out Operations under Concession Agreements.” The Problems of Economy 4:325–329.

Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing

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Under modern conditions that require improving qualitative characteristics of information resources generated by an accounting system, the identification of objects and their properties, which is the basis for their further evaluation and reflection in the accounts, is gaining importance. In the course of the study it is found that accounting of operations under a concession agreement has industry specifics. There defined the structure of an accounting system, which is represented by objects that make up and ensure economic activities: business processes; resources received by the concessionaire, owned or acquired by the concessionaire to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract. The features that are taken into account when forming the structure of the accounting objects are determined. The structure and characteristics of the system of objects of accounting in carrying out operations under concession agreements are defined. In particular, the following groups of objects are singed out: non-current assets, current assets, work in progress, construction in progress. In the course of the study it is found that the organization of accounting operations under concession agreements is extremely complex and important at all stages of the formation and implementation of a public-private partnership project in the form of a concession.

Keywords: accounting, accounting objects, concession, concession agreement, state partnership, private partnership.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Svirko Svitlana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)
Kovalchuk Volodymyr V. – Applicant, Department of Accounting and Audit, Zhytomyr State Technological University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)

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