
Regional economy


Geyman O. A., Krupa O. M.
Theoretical Bases of Typology of the Regions of the Country (p. 31 - 35)

Theoretical bases of typology of the regions of Ukraine are analysed in the article. The hypotheses of typology have been suggested and proved: on identification of regions which need state support on the basis of their typology and on the character of typology of the regions of the country

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Geyman O. A., Krupa O. M.
Analysis of Irregularity of Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 37 - 45)

In article results of research of non-uniformity of economic development of regions of Ukraine on indicators of level of economic development and dynamics of economic development over the last ten years are presented.

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Bielikova N. V., Volik I. М., Kasyanova L. V.
Increase of Competitiveness – the Purpose of Formation of Regional Industrial Policy (p. 75 - 81)

The analysis of interrelations between an industrial production level of development in region and its competitiveness is carried out. Scientifical and practical recommendations about definition of directions of increase of competitiveness of domestic commodity producers at formation of a regional industrial policy are presented.

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omelchenko O. I.
Methodological Bases of Estimation of the Standard of Living of Population in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 81 - 90)

The methodological approach to estimation of a population’s living level in regions of Ukraine is offered in article. This approach is founded on calculation of a population’s living level as an integral factor by entropy method and on clustering regions of Ukraine on its basis.

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Kyzym M. O., Omarov S. A.
Estimation and Substantiation of the Purposes of Steady Ecological Development of Region (p. 34 - 38)

In article the problematics of a sustainable development of the countries of the world and their regions is analyzed. The concept of a sustainable development which is based on idea is offered that quality of life of people and a society condition are under the influence of set of economic, social and ecological factors. The concept of steady ecological development of region is offered. On the basis of the given concept the estimation is spent and the purposes of steady ecological development of the Kharkiv area are generated.

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Kyzym M. O., Dorovsky O. V.
The Analysis and Forecasting of Tendencies of Disease of the Population of Ukraine and the Kharkov area (p. 39 - 44)

In article tendencies of disease of the population of Ukraine and the Kharkov area on classes of illnesses are investigated. Dynamics of disease of the population of Ukraine till 2020 is predicted. Classes of illnesses which need prime actions from the state on their prevention and treatment are defined.

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Kyzym M. O., Cherednik V. I., Zaytseva А. Y.
The Clustering Approach to a Choice of Priority Directions of a Sustainable Development of Regions (p. 44 - 55)

In article the clustering approach to the organization of regional economy is considered. Types of clusters, their characteristics, the purpose and feature of creation in the different countries of the world are analyzed. Government programs of clustering of economy and legislative documents in this sphere in the post-soviet territory countries are considered. Models of construction of clustering structures in world economy, and also distinctive signs and possibilities of their application to world and domestic economy are analyzed. The technique of use of clustering technology in Ukraine and the scheme of formation regional innovative research-and-production clustering structures is offered.

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Tischenko A. N.
About Necessity of Regional Strategy for Development of Territories (p. 55 - 60)

Some aspects of modern theories of regional development. The necessity of developing regional strategies for sustainable economic growth areas and socioeconomic disparities.

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Amosov O. Y., Gavkalova N. L.
Problems of Improvement of a Condition of Housing and Communal Services in Regions (p. 61 - 62)

The article is devoted to the problems of improvement of the habitation and communal economy in a region. Offered approach by the development of suggestions on the improvement of the habitation and communal economy.

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Kyzym M. O., Lelyuk O. V.
Analysis of Directions of Increase of Energy Supply of Kharkov Region (p. 42 - 52)

In article the problem of energy supply as one of the pillars of national security and sustainable development of Ukraine. We analyze the situation in this area in the country and in the Kharkiv region. Analyzes the reserves, production and consumption of the main types of energy in the region. Identified strengths and weaknesses of the regional energy sector. The recommendations and a set of measures to reform the fuel and energy cycle in the Kharkiv region.

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Rayevnyeva O. V., Krupa O. M.
The Analysis of Inequality of Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 52 - 64)

The article studies the problem of inequality of socio-economic development of administrative and territorial formations. Analyzing the statistical data it proves the hypothesis about the presence of inequality of economic development of the regions of Ukraine.

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Tischenko A. N., Timusheva N. Y.
Administrative and Territorial Units of Ukraine: Development and the Taxation (p. 41 - 46)

The analysis of a social and economic condition of areas of Ukraine and their distribution behind level of social and economic development and tax loading is carried out, tendencies of influence of indicators of social and economic development of area on tax revenues are revealed.

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Kyzym M. O., Moschitskaya T. A.
Research Interregional Disproportions of Social and Economic Development in Ukraine (p. 36 - 39)

In the article the analysis of interregional disproportions of socio and economic development is presented in a country, basic factors that assist the origin of disproportion and the system of indexes is offered for the estimation of interregional disproportions in Ukraine are outlined.

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Tischenko A. N., Shlykova V. O.
Analysis of the Influence of Individual Factors on the Growth Regions of Ukraine (p. 39 - 43)

The article investigates the influence of individual factors particular scientific and technological activities on the economic growth of regions of Ukraine. Analyzed their dynamics in quantitative and value terms. On the basis of cluster analysis identified regions of the leaders, implemented changes to the forecast of the gross regional product using the dynamic model.

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Bodrov V. G., Reznichenko A. V.
Economic Efficiency of Processes of Technological Modernization of the Industry of the Kharkiv Region (p. 43 - 47)

The results of analytical and empiric researches of industry’s technological level, efficiency of industry’s technological modernization and basic directions of improvement of modernization processes are presented in the article.

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Khaustova V. Y., Gorbatova Y. F.
Positioning of Health and Recreation Institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the Resort Area of Great Yalta (p. 47 - 54)

The article considers the essence of the process of positioning as one of the most important components of marketing strategy development. It suggests the scheme of implementation of the given process and made the positioning of health and recreation institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the resort area of Great Yalta according to the «pricequality» criterion.

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Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y.
Features of Formation and Development Agro-Industrial Cluster in Economy of the Kharkiv Area (p. 42 - 47)

In article results of research of the market situation which has developed in agro-industrial complex of Ukraine are presented. Need of development of agro-industrial clusters on production and meat and milk processing in its regions is proved. For realization of this direction development according to the project «the future village» is offered.

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Vartanyan V. M., Kolisnik O. P.
Formation of Functions of State Management of Innovations at the Regional Level (p. 48 - 52)

The article defines the functions of state management innovations, their division into general and special kinds and it is found that management functions defined by nature of managerial work. It is also found by classics of economic science that we shall include into functions of management functions of decision making, which leads to the realization of innovative goals.

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Krasnonosova O. M., Olejnik A. D.
Regions-Leaders in Economic Space of Country: Competitive Edges and Social Problem (p. 52 - 55)

The dynamics of the main social and economic development indicators of the major Ukrainian regions has been investigated. The problem questions about the level of nominal wages of employers and environmental costanding of the region were considered. Emphasis is placed on the fact that we have to implement economic and ecological model of development and the experience of European countries.

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Bashta A. I.
Innovative Development of the Recreational Areas on the Basis of Energy Conservation (p. 55 - 58)

The analysis and economic assessment of innovative energy saving technologies in the development of recreational systems was performed that will save conventional energy resources, environmental improvements and enhance the quality of recreational services.

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Pronoza P. V., Gromyka N. K.
Social and Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of Crisis (p. 58 - 70)

Results of research of influence of world crisis on social and economic development of regions of Ukraine are given in article. Resistance of regions to crisis and depth of the crisis phenomena is estimated at them.

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Kyzym M. O., Pazhina S. L.
Conceptual scheme of the mechanism of activation of investment activity of the region (p. 61 - 64)

The article develops a conceptual scheme of activation of investment activity of the region which is based on synthesis of hypotheses, assumptions and principles concerning formation of the mechanism of activation of investment activity. The end result of the use of the conceptual scheme is formation of scenarios of activation of investment activity of the region.

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Bashta A. I.
Analysis of efficiency of introduction of resource-saving technologies in the recreation area in the overall energy budget of the region with the purpose of protecting environment (p. 64 - 67)

Basic economic aspects of the efficiency of introduction of resource-saving technologies in the recreation area are considered. The role of resource-saving technologies in the overall energy budget of the region with the purpose to protect environment is examined.

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Tischenko A. N., Golyakova E. V.
The theoretical and methodical analysis of aspects on intergovernmental relations (p. 24 - 29)

The article is devoted to the views of domestic and foreign scientists about the interpretation of category «intergovernmental relations». The definitions of «intergovernmental relations», «fiscal levers» were refined on the basis of theoretical analysis. made proposals for further reform the system of intergovernmental fiscal relations.

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Tischenko A. N., Timusheva N. Y.
Terminology essence of the term «intergovernmental relations» (p. 30 - 34)

The essence of the concept of «fiscal federalism», his interpretation of the economic and legal aspects, as well as the value in states with a different constitution.

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Klunko N. S.
The problem of the introduction of the cluster model of innovative development of the pharmaceutical industry at the regional level (p. 34 - 40)

In the article there is an analysis of possibilities of organization of cluster model of innovative development pharmaceutical industry of industry at regional level. It is underlined that such organizational form is able to show out Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry on the new level of innovative development.

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Kurzenev V. A., Perekrest V. T.
Crossing the Role of Institutional Factors in the Process of Unemployment in Regional Labour Markets of Russia in 1995–2010 (p. 7 - 11)

Some determinants of institutional unemployment are considered. Information and analytical technologies for labour market assessment and labour force quotation for regional labour markets are offered.

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Malуarets L. M., Velykorodnaya D. V.
Determination of Capacity Market Information Products and Services in the Region (p. 12 - 15)

Determined the actual and potential capacity of the market of information products and services, identified specific impacts on its capacity, proposed a formula for calculating the actual capacity of the market of information products and services in Ukraine.

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Tatarkin A. I.
Market institutions of spatial development of regional and territorial economic systems (p. 71 - 80)

This paper estimates the capacity and willingness of regional and municipal entities to modify the spatial development using a systematic approach to the selection of priorities and market development program-project institutions. The potential of the individual factors and institutions in the system of regions and territories development is reviewed; the need for program-project modernization of the federal structure of the Russian Federation is justified. New institutions for regional development - self-development of regions and municipalities, business area of program-project planning of spatial development, etc. - are proposed.

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Ivanov Y. B., Tyschenko V. F.
The evaluation of the level of knowledge economy development in the regions of Ukraine (p. 81 - 90)

The article deals with the methodical approach to evaluation the level of knowledge economy development. It’s based on a three-level structure of the complex index, wich is consisting of components: an innovative component, an educational component and the component of ICT. This approach is also based on calculation of integral parameters by entropy method. It’s aims to grouping regions according to the level of the knowledge economy components. The results indicate a significant regional differentiation in Ukraine, which is due to their different levels of socio-economic development and deepening of inter-regional disparities and the concentration of innovation, information and education activity in the more developed regions.

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Tischenko A. N., Rozhon I. V.
Methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of regions (p. 90 - 96)

In the article the variety of directions in the assessment of the competitiveness of the region associated with the polysemy of the phenomenon. It is shown that the existing trends are grouped into three main methodological approaches, one of which provides the most complete description of the level of competitiveness of the subject of competition.

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Petrykiva O. S., Gunko D. V.
Theoretical Approaches of Definition the Concept ‹Competitive Advantages of the Region» (p. 107 - 114)

The article analyses the theories of formation of competitive advantages, defines their distinctive features from the point of view of different approaches. Relevance of research of the concept «competitive advantages of the region» of a context of formation of a certain level of competitiveness is proved. It was found that a competitiveness is one that captures the competitive advantages, and without the latter can not be competitive. Development of competitive advantages at the regional level is an important and necessary prerequisite for achieving a certain level of competitiveness, and the mechanism of formation of the competitive advantages of the region is a key issue for further research.

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Tischenko A. N., Uzunov V. N., Rozhon I. V.
Economic diagnostics of regions as a method of competitiveness administration (p. 151 - 158)

The article considers the role of economic diagnostics in administration and approaches to economic diagnostics of the region as a necessary element of development of the regional economic policy. It shows dispersion of opinions of scientists that deal with definition of the term “economic diagnostics” and gives author’s interpretation with reference to a region. It reveals the role of economic diagnostics in defining competitiveness of economic systems. It reveals main tasks of economic diagnostics that deal with the use of results for assessment of regional differences, identification of deviations and pathologies. It shows that the existing directions could be laid in the foundation of the system complex approach to administration of regional competitiveness.

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Ievsieieva O. A.
Efficiency of activity of local self-governance bodies in realisation of social policy (p. 159 - 164)

The article substantiates theoretical approaches to formation of social policy of Ukraine and increase of efficiency of activity of municipal formations in its realisation. It reveals specific features of vesting local self-governance bodies with state authorities. It shows the functions of local self-governance bodies in realisation of social policy. It gives results of analysis of social programmes of local self-governance bodies and their realisation. It offers measures on improvement of activity of local self-governance bodies on social protection of population. It proves that, in order for the social state to function in reality, it is necessary to realise adequate practical mechanisms of its development, activate social policy of all its subjects at the national, regional and municipal levels and accentuate it on the priorities, which would allow optimisation of resource potential.

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Kotenok D. M.
Concept of life cycle in managing city economic potential (p. 165 - 172)

The article reveals theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of the life cycle of systems. It allocates two main methodical approaches to assessment of the life cycle of a city as an open socio-economic system: Malthusian and functional. It identifies main parameters of assessment of the city life cycle. It allocates indicators of the first and second orders in Malthusian and functional approaches, which allowed determination of their basic structural differences. It offers to use the proposed methodical approaches for allocation and study of a fragment of the Kiev city life cycle. It identifies that significant change of functional direction of Kiev economy and structure of active economic potential of the city took place in the end of XX century. It substantiates a necessity of use of results of the functional approach of analysis of the city life cycle when developing strategic documents of development.

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Pashkevych M. S., Chernysheva Y. S., Gviniashvili T. Z.
Modelling sustainable development of territorial production systems (p. 173 - 178)

The article provides an imitation model of stable development of territorial production systems, synthesised with the method of system dynamics, which, unlike the existing ones, has three basic levels – economic, ecological and social, takes into account cyclic fluctuations of external market situation in long-term and short-term periods, and is based on interrelation of stable territorial development with the innovation one. It substantiates structural and process approach to defining stable development, which lies in the basis of modelling and envisages establishment of a balance not only between static above-mentioned levels of territorial production systems, but also between those processes, which take place between these levels. It provides such a list of linear quantitative links between components of a territorial production system, so that in long-term prospective its development could be identified as stable with predominance of innovation production over resource intensive one. It makes a long-term forecast of development of the Dnipropetrivsk oblast on the basis of functioning of the proposed model.

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Ievsieieva O. A.
Improvement of the strategy and infrastructure of innovation development of a big city (p. 119 - 126)

The article considers clusterisation of economy of a big city. It offers to define a cluster as a horizontally integrated target group of profile oriented and technologically and territorially connected enterprises and organisations of a big city. It reveals principles of efficient strategy of development of an infrastructural complex. It determines scientific and technical directions oriented at solution of the most topical problems of a big city. It considers methods of assessment and support of major investment projects as one of the incentives of innovation development of economy of a big city, based on principles of project management of economic development, flagship projects and indicators of efficiency of investment projects. It determines the role of the bodies of regional authorities and a complex of means they have for the most efficient use of this instrument. It studies specific features of realisation of major investment projects in the system of territorial planned administration of a big city.

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Petrenko Y. V.
Principles and factors of regulation of the socio-humanitarian development of a depressed region (p. 127 - 131)

The article determines principles of state regulation of the socio-humanitarian development of depressed regions in Ukraine. It identifies main factors of increase of disproportions of regional socio-economic development and reveals main problems of socio-humanitarian development of regions. It conducts a statistical analysis of data of the State Statistics Committee on development of the social sphere, reveals main tendencies of development of the social sphere in Ukraine. It studies the mechanism of regulation of the socio-humanitarian development of depressed territories and identifies factors that influence regulation. It uses results of the conducted analysis to identify the mechanism of management and regulation of the socio-humanitarian development of territories and main principles in methodology of management of regional development. The main attention is paid to the necessity of strengthening the regional policy on solution of problems of the social sphere, especially in depressed regions.

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Smentyna N.
Socio-economic development of the City of Odessa in the context of strategic planning as a form of management of development of meso-systems (p. 132 - 137)

The article studies specific features of the domestic practice of strategic planning of economic and social development of territories of the meso-level from the positions of regulation of the issue in the country’s legislation. It shows shortcomings inherent in the domestic practice of composing strategies of economic and social development of territories in the context of the chaotic character of the process and personal initiative from the part of meso-systems and also non-observance generally accepted world practice of the project management during realisation of strategic plans. It shows, form the point of view of strategic planning as a form of state administration, prospects of economic and social development of the City of Odessa till the year 2022 as a result of symbiosis of the existing domestic methodological legislation and foreign practice of strategic planning at a local level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Duginets G. V., Sarkisian L. G.
Specific features of measuring the ecologically adjusted gross regional product (p. 184 - 191)

The article formulates a necessity of deepening and improvement of ecological and economic indicators and considers the existing indices and indicators of sustainable development. It conducts a comparative analysis of existing norms of calculation of the ecological tax and fees for environmental pollution. It marks main problems of nature management in Ukraine and their consequences, namely, negative impact on health of the population. It offers methods of measurement of the ecologically adjusted gross regional product (EGRP) on the basis of improvement of the cost method. It analyses dependence of the regional welfare on the state of environment with the help of measuring the EGRP of Ukrainian regions. It studies the pressure on Ukrainian regions by components: pollution of aquatic environment, atmospheric air, land resources and rates of waste formation. It conducts grouping of regions by EGRP per capita with specification of positive and negative dynamics of the indicator.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vynogradova O. V., Darchuk V. G.
Problems and strategic priorities of development of rural (green)tourism in Ukraine: the regional aspect (p. 183 - 191)

The article proves prospectiveness of development of rural green tourism in Ukraine on the basis of its significance for socio-economic development of regions; based on the analysis it reveals and classifies problems of development of this type of tourism in Ukrainian regions; it justifies the process of interaction of regional bodies of executive power by strategic development of the rural green tourism with consideration of international experience; it develops the mechanism of identification of strategic priorities by regional bodies of executive power for development of the rural green tourism and justifies relevant measures that include this mechanism. The article states that the process of introduction of the developed mechanism into practical activity of regional bodies of executive power would promote development of the rural green tourism in Ukrainian regions. Moreover, the accompanying measures on achieving strategic priorities, which should be carried out in co-operation by regional bodies of executive power, rural communities and subjects of economic activity, which deal with the rural green tourism, should be as follows: arrangement of tourist routes and camps for tourists, improvement of operation of tour guides, improvement of transportation services for tourists, formation of the network of lease of tourist equipment, development of accompanying services (culinary, for example), organisation of cultural programmes and development of homecraft.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasyuk V. Y., Byk L. I.
Specific features of realisation of socio-economic interests of Ukrainian regions with the help of financial mechanisms (p. 192 - 197)

The article studies theoretical and methodological grounds of ensuring realisation of socio-economic interests of the region with the help of financial mechanisms. In particular, it establishes the essence of the financial mechanism, conducts theoretical analysis of this notion and marks out its main components. It offers a new vision of the financial mechanism of ensuring realisation of socio-economic interests of the region. It identifies that the main element of the financial mechanism is financial provision. It justifies significance of financial provision of the region for realisation of socio-economic interests and sustainable regional development. It provides requirements the financial mechanisms should meet, with the help of which realisation of socio-economic interests of the region is carried out. It identifies main tasks of improvement of the financial mechanism of ensuring socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions. It shows that realisation of socio-economic interests of the region with the help of financial mechanisms envisages financial capability of the region.

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Kuzmynchuk N. V., Zyma О. G.
Analysis of types of inter-budget transfers with respect to solution of regional problems of budget formation (p. 198 - 205)

The article analyses the existing (fixed by legislation) types of transfers and their structure with consideration of changes in the Budget Code of Ukraine, in particular, analysis of expenditures, which are taken into account when determining the volume of inter-budget transfers. It provides regional distribution of additional grants for levelling financial provision of local budgets. It analyses subventions directed at ensuring social protection of population. It considers execution of volumes of subventions from the State Budget to local budgets for construction, re-construction and maintenance of public utility roads. It justifies that the policy of providing social transfers is not perfect. On the basis of the conducted analysis it marks out main shortcomings of inter-budget relations that appear due to low efficiency and permanent increase of transfers. Elimination of the specified shortcomings would facilitate improvement of the transfer mechanism.

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Glebova A. O.
Modern theoretical and practical aspects of the process of organisation of financing of socially important projects on the basis of fundraising (p. 206 - 211)

The article studies the essence of the fundraising notion, which has become popular in Ukraine and is actively used in the world practice and allows solution of a number of social problems both at the level of the region and state. However, due to a complex financial and economic situation in the state, absence of experience of development and realisation of social projects, market institutions, legislative provision, significant number of fraud in this sphere, inactivity of the state etc., there is a necessity in a permanent search for modern methods and tools of management, which would allow creation of prerequisites for realisation of socially important projects. Experience of Great Britain is one of the most successful, when the state, private sector and the sphere of culture united and achieved the result when volumes of financing since 1976 until now have increased in 233 times. There is successful experience of medical projects realisation with the help of fundraising, which allows solution of a big number of social problems. In spite of the results of sociological polls in Ukraine, which testify to reduction of trust to charity, the article states that today it is impossible to solve socially important problems without charity (financing projects for disabled, old people homes, incurable patients, etc.). Implementation of the fundraising experience is also important for the bodies of local self-governance, which are responsible for solution of social problems in the region, and, under conditions of the world financial crisis, are forced to permanently search for alternative sources of financing social projects. Only formation of partner relations between the private sector, local bodies of self-governance and local society could create prerequisites for socio-economic development of a region.

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Danko N. I., Dovhal G. V.
Creation of the tourist cluster as a way of increase of investment attractiveness of a region (p. 212 - 218)

The goal of the article is to analyse specific features of formation of cluster associations in the tourism industry as the basis of increase of investment attractiveness of the region. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of a number of scientists, the article considers specific features of creation of cluster associations in the sphere of tourism, their distinctions from other associations (networks) of enterprises and impact on investment attractiveness of a region. In the result of the study it specifies the tourist cluster notion and studies the most successful experience of creation of tourist clusters at the cross-section of various industries: Californian wine cluster, Tropical Northern Queensland cluster and South-African tourist cluster. It also makes a conclusion that experience of creating tourist clusters in former industrial regions is useful for the Kharkiv region: Ruhr Valley, Glasgow etc. – in accordance with the “Creative economy: expansion of ways of local development” concept, proposed by UNESCO. The article offers the procedure of creating a tourist cluster and managing its development using methods that take into account different stages of evolution development of clusters. The prospects of further studies in this direction is adaptation of the methods of creation and management of cluster ICM333 to specific features of the tourist industry and Ukrainian legislation.

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Kriachko Y. M., Rozhon I. V.
Structure diagnostics of competitiveness of regions on the basis of the cognitive approach (p. 219 - 228)

The article considers application of the system approach to diagnostics of competitiveness of regions. It justifies expediency of conduct of such a diagnostics on the basis of the cognitive analysis and modelling of development of semi-structured situations. In the result of the conducted structure-purpose diagnostics of the semistructured situation, the article identifies efficiency of integral impact of competitiveness factors, which gave a possibility to reveal real and potential problems of purposeful development and identify priority of levelling the revealed problems of competitiveness of Ukrainian regions.

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Chernykhivska A. V.
Strategic planning of the regional environmental policy (p. 180 - 185)

The article justifies the necessity of introduction of management of regional development of strategic planning. It focuses on importance of the complex work on creation of regulatory and legal, organisational and educational grounds of these activity and also availability of social and material motivation for this activity to become necessary, mandatory and sensitive. The article is devoted to theoretical, methodological and applied issues of formation and realisation of the regional environmental policy. It justifies theoretical essence of the “regional environmental policy” notion. It offers priority directions of the regional ecological policy. It shows that strategic planning of the regional development is based on assessment of competitive advantages and shortcomings of a region and also opportunities and threats with respect to its further development and is considered as one of the most prospective and efficient mechanisms of realisation of the long-term regional environmental policy under conditions of global integration.

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Baduda M. P., Zhuk I. I.
Ways of Increasing the Budgetary Financing of Socio-economic Development of the Carpathian Region (p. 174 - 179)

The aim of the article is to identify the main problems and causes of low efficiency of public resources in the areas of the Carpathian region and develop ways to increase their financial viability. The article describes the main problems and causes of low efficiency of public resources in the areas of the Carpathian region. Emphasis is placed on the low efficiency of such mechanisms for regional development, as delegated expenditure, public procurement, and public investment. According to the results of the research the directions were set to increase the financial viability of the Carpathian region. It is necessary to provide incentives for economic growth in the region through a clear link between budget spending priorities of state and regional policies, increase efficiency in order to achieve results at the lowest cost. Prospects for further research in this direction is the introduction of targeted program planning; evaluation of the effectiveness of budget expenditures; restructuring of the public sector; improvement of the state and public financial control over the development budget.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korsak V. I.
Formation of Regional Retail Networks, Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects (p. 180 - 186)

The theoretical postulates of the theory of sustainable development of regional retail chains were developed. We used the scientific and special research methods: the method of critical analysis, grouping, specification, scientific abstraction, comparison, synthesis and generalization of scientific experience of modern theoretical studies, systematic and comprehensive approaches. The key socio-environmental threats to human development were analyzed. The basic socio-economic and ecological theories were analyzed, which highlight the way out of the ecological crisis and ways to prevent the development of a possible environmental disaster. In light of the territorial and industrial approach to address social and environmental problems of the proposed theoretical postulates, which can form the basis of the theory of sustainable development of regional retail chains, practical implementation at the regional level which will allow the formation of retail chains in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. On the example of the retail industry it was proposed to use regional-sectoral approach in addressing environmental problems. The theoretical postulates of the theory of sustainable development of regional retail chains in the environmental component parts were created. This study will contribute to the understanding that retail should not only step on the path of economy of non-renewable natural resources, but also encourage manufacturers to change the principles of nature management. It can also significantly affect the consumption by the population in regions and determine the image of its life, identifying public trends and adjusting to the environment that would not conflict with the principles of sustainable development, help local governments in developing and implementing programs to address issues such as unsustainable lifestyles, inefficient production and consumption patterns, which currently impede the realization of the principles of sustainable development of the regions.

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Samojlik M. S.
Optimization Principles of Resource and Environmental Security Strategy in a Region (p. 187 - 196)

The problem of resource and environmental safety, more efficient use of natural and economic potential of the area is a priority issue for each region of Ukraine. Therefore, the paper develops and scientifically substantiates optimization principles of resource and environmental security strategy in Ukrainian regions, oriented at more efficient use of natural and economic potential of the area, resource saving and substitution that include: identification of danger as well as areas of resource and environmental security, allowing to choose a primary strategy for providing resource and environmental security in the region; measures to provide sufficient resource and environmental security in the region based on the optimization of economic models and integrated assessment of alternative scenarios; adjustment of decisions. Theoretical and methodological grounds of the study are the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of economic theory and regional studies, environmental economics, domestic and foreign scholars’ research on management of regional resource potential. In this regard the implementation of the planned strategies and measures will allow to: improve supply of resources and competitiveness of the region, to obtain additional income from secondary resources; preserve primary resources and improve their quality; exploit contaminated land for agricultural needs of the region; reduce the risk to public health from the negative impacts of waste; optimize the social and psychological climate in the region; to ensure the preservation and restoration of the environment of the region, natural ecosystems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vahovych I. M., Chul O. M.
Development of the Creative Economy under the Conditions of Cross-border Cooperation (p. 182 - 186)

The article analyzes the role of cross-border cooperation in the promotion and implementation of creative development. The evaluation of the prospects and possibilities of cross-border co-operation programs in the context of the creative development of the border regions was made, and on this basis, the priority of areas for international cooperation was identified. The authors note that the deepening of cross-border cooperation in the development of the creative economy should contribute to the comprehensive promotion of new forms of business, enhance investment potential of the region, the creation of new jobs, the formation of high-quality infrastructure, ensuring a high standard of living.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voznyak H. V.
Modern Mechanisms for the Implementation of Budget Policy of Development: Regional Vector (p. 187 - 193)

The paper analyzes the budgetary mechanisms to support regional development, which sources of funds are local budgets. Much attention is paid to the issues of expansion of revenue sources of local budgets, budgeting development, interregional cooperation as an alternative system of financial support and municipal borrowing as a source of budget revenue development. The study established the features and contradictions of innovations introduced by changes to the Budget and Tax Codes, in the financing of regional development, discussed the pros and cons of interregional cooperation, and studied the work of the municipal bond market and municipal credit institution as a significant source of funding for local investment programs. It is proved that budget policy has a lot of issues that should be sought in the expansion of the revenue base of their own financial resources and capacity building, access to credit by strengthening the local market borrowings.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondarenko V. M., Mashiko K. S.
Tools of State Regulation of Business Development at the Regional and Subregional Levels (p. 212 - 219)

In the scientific literature on regional economic policy and regional development, aspects of comparability of science-based tools for regional policy and legislated means to implement the authorities at the regional and subregional levels remain unresolved. As a result, the enterprise of a certain territory or a potential investor does not possess the full information on the possible directions of state support for business development of regional and local authorities. In this regard, the idea of the study is to determine the means of implementation of statutory instruments of regional policy at the regional and subregional levels in the context of possible support for business development. In this article the reasons of differences in scientists interpretation of content and components of the regional development regulation . Analysis of national law allowed to systematize tools promoting regional development for the following units: budget and financial, raising competitiveness of business; institutional guarantee; interaction and communications support. In the article there are set out means to implement the above-mentioned instruments; they reflect existing powers of local governments, local and regional executive authorities to create conditions for the effective and efficient functioning of enterprises or direct influence on these processes in accordance with the priorities of territorial development. The developed system declared means of implementing regional policy instruments has practical importance for business in Ukraine, because it indicates the potential direction to facilitate their development by the authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Veshсhypan O. O., Poliakova O. Y.
Diagnostics of the Regional Economic Development Based on a System of Leading Indicators (p. 220 - 228)

The article analyzes the prospects of using a system of consolidated economic development indicator indices for operational diagnostics of the regional economic development. The analysis shows that inclusion of consolidated leading, coincident, and lagging indicators into the system of operational diagnostics of the socio-economic development of regions allows predicting the trends for the immediate future and diagnosing the economic development of a region as pre-critical, critical, or as growth depending on the dynamics and temporal correlation of the turning points of consolidated indicators. Using the example of Kharkiv region, smoothing and search for the turning points in the economic development were conducted on the basis of monthly data using filtration. Consolidated leading, coincident, and lagging indicator indices were constructed which suggest the leading character of erosion of the purchasing power of the population relative to the decrease in industrial production volumes. Analysis of the dynamics of consolidated indicators over the past two years allowed concluding that the critical situation is still in progress and currently there are no signs of stabilization observed. After a certain increase in late 2013, the consolidated leading indicator index dropped drastically again, which suggests a new wave of crisis developments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goliyad N. Y.
Analysis of the Categorical Framework for Regional Crisis Management (p. 229 - 233)

The article presents an analysis of the categorical framework for regional crisis management based on study of literary sources, which includes, in particular, analysis of the existing interpretations of the definitions “crisis management”, “crisis”, “region” and proposing more accurate ones; analysis of the factors which have caused a crisis in Ukraine; analysis of principal theories concerning the origin of economic crises; identifying basic spheres of activities of a region and types of crises that affect them. Besides, the analysis described in the article allows claiming that more accurate definition and understanding of the essence of crisis management is likely to be instrumental in developing an effective mechanism of leading a region out of a critical or pre-critical situation, which, in turn, will make a significant contribution to the recovery of the state overall.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manoilenko O. V., Savchenko N. V.
Formation of a System of Basic Indicators for Evaluation of Sustainability of the Socio-Economic Health of a Region (p. 234 - 240)

The objective of the article is forming a system of basic indicators for evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region. The study presents a comparative analysis of the existing methods for evaluation of basic indicators of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region using the following criteria: structuredness of an integral indicator; its formation process; orientation of the evaluation (dynamic and static trends); the quantity and quality of utilized indicators; interpretation of the obtained evaluation results. The findings of the analysis were used as a basis for forming a methodological approach to evaluation of basic indicators of sustainability of the socio-economic health of an area. The following groups of indicators were singled out: the population quality; the economic activity of the population; the living (consumption) standard; the volume (scale) of business activities; economic performance; quality of the regional environment. An integral rating for evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region was formed which is obtained from simple addition of the component indices of individual indicator groups. Integral ratings measure the interregional differentiation in sustainability of the socio-economic health of regions and characterize sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region in an indirect way, through the achieved development level and development dynamics (as realization of the competitive advantages of a region). Final comprehensive evaluation results allow positioning regions within a system of parameters, showing the results on schematic maps (constructing cartograms), drawing a textual analytical conclusion based on the interpretation model.

Article is written in Russian

Preobrazhenska O. S.
Methodological Support for Analysis of Resilience in Regional Development (p. 241 - 248)

The article focuses on the sustainable development of regions as a basis for satisfaction of the economic interests of the country, analyzes the essence of the term “economic resilience”. The regional constituent of the economic resilience was considered within the context of its interconnection with the sustainable development concept, and stages of diagnostics of the economic resilience of a region were described. The article also provides an analysis of the primary components of the economic resilience of regions, namely the investment and financial components, as well as the sustainable development index in terms of three dimensions: economic, ecological, and social ones. The study also identified the hazards which produce the most significant effect on the socioeconomic situation in the country – crime, corruption, social disparity, unemployment rates. The constituents of resilience in functioning of Kharkiv region were listed. Prospects for future research of the economic resilience of a region with application of the market analysis methods were determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Methodological Approaches to Creation and Maintenance of the System of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine’s Regions (p. 180 - 186)

The article discusses methodological approaches to creation and maintenance of the system of monitoring of the socioeconomic development of Ukrainian regions. Ensuring stability of the socioeconomic development of regions requires efficient organizational management based on constant monitoring and evaluation of the current socioeconomic state of the region with a view to updating the managerial decision-making and determining the future development prospects. Organization of such monitoring allows establishing the relations between the indicators of the socioeconomic development of the region and responding to negative trends in these indicators in a timely manner. The system of monitoring and evaluation of the socioeconomic development of Ukrainian regions based on the methodological recommendations proposed in this work is time-efficient, dynamic, and flexible; it demonstrates the existing variations in the level of the socioeconomic development of regions within the studied time frame. The proposed methodological approaches to creation of the system of monitoring and evaluation of the development of the region allow virtually real-time independent assessment of trends in the development of its socioeconomic state, obtaining information on the state of the business climate in the real sector of the economy and its possible changes, promptly analyzing the financial state of the region and the most essential factors that determine the regional socioeconomic policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fedorenko I. A., Mordovtsev O. S.
Indicative Planning of Regional Development as a Socio-Economic System (p. 120 - 125)

In the article the necessity of using the indicative planning as one of the effective mechanisms for the implementation of strategic goals and objectives of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine is substantiated. It has been proposed to consider indicative planning as an open socio-economic system with the feedback, which elements are: the Planning Board; planning process entities; institutional and legal support; processes reflecting the main stages of development of the planning documents; information subsystem for monitoring the socio-economic development, information subsystems of indicative planning of administrative areas of business entities. The conditions for the effective functioning of the system have been determined. The procedure for the formation of the indicative plan for socio-economic development has been proposed. The emphasis is made on the effective mutual interaction of planning process entities (government institutions, business and social entities). There has been proved the necessity of using information subsystem for monitoring the socio-economic development, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of development trends in the region, forecasting and controlling the dynamics of objective indicators in a continuous mode.

Article is written in Russian


Slava S. S., Sember S. V., Mashiko K. S., Hapak N. M.
Structural Statics and Dynamics of the Economy of Transcarpathia under Pre-Crisis and Crisis Conditions (p. 108 - 114)

Under current conditions in Ukraine, when the vector is directed at increasing self-sufficiency of the regions, diagnostics of structural transformations in their economic systems is a mandatory and necessary component to identify potential points of the region development. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to study the structural trends in the economy of the Transcarpathian region and identify its leading sectors under the pre-crisis and crisis conditions, balance in dynamics of the main indicators — the volume of sales, regional value added, capital investment and the number of employees, as well as formation of the main directions in development of the regional economy. It has been revealed that for the past ten years the restructuring of the region economic did not go on too rapidly and it is still difficult to speak about a clear trend of transition to a post-industrial system. Given the current characteristics of the economy of Transcarpathia, the article defined the basic problematic aspects of its structural transformation. It allowed to determine the long-term, according to the authors, ways of “modernization” of economic processes in terms of attracting investments, increasing innovation, business activity, formation of a complete production cycle, use of alternative energy sources, implementation of the EU requirements.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachenko S. A.
Improving the Methodology for a Monitoring Subsystem in Strategic Regulation Systems of the Regional Structure and Territorial Organization of Agro-Food Sector Entities Based on the Requirements of Functionally Advanced Information Processing (p. 188 - 194)

Consideration of the scientific achievements of leading scientists-economists and diagnostics of the experience gained in establishment and operation of territorial production systems and implementation of accounting and economic as well as analytical calculations have made it possible to determine the main directions of improving methodological materials on economic monitoring: it is, first, clear definitions of indicators, which are necessary to operate with in the process of solving the tasks of monitoring, and the unity of their symbols; second, the use of rational methods of calculating the accounting and economic as well as analytical indicators; third, description (where appropriate) of various methods for obtaining the results of monitoring; fourth, giving a fairly complete list of incoming information necessary to calculate one or another indicator; fifth, construction of informational accounting and economic as well as analytical tables based on the number of specific indicators. Improving the monitoring methodology in the functionally advanced systems of strategic regulation of the regional structure and territorial organization of agro-food sector entities in all areas considered, as it is evident from the past experience, significantly facilitates the development of design solutions for economic monitoring subsystem and increases their cost-effectiveness, comprehensiveness, depth, speed, analyticity and quality. Among the prospects for further research in this direction, in our opinion, of special relevance is an issue related to information tools to provide economic monitoring subsystem in the functionally advanced strategic regulation systems of the regional structure and territorial organization of agro-food sector entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semchuk Z. V.
Coordination of Regional Structures’ Interests Concerning Investment Resources of Educational Services of Enterprises under High-Risk Conditions (p. 140 - 145)

The development of professional education in the context of interaction with the labor market has been analyzed and inconsistencies of professional and economic nature have been revealed. Reasons for the imbalance in the structure of the market for labor and education have been identified, and it was noted that they have a negative impact on the economic security of educational institutions and cause the accumulation of negative factors as well. Elements of foreign experience in forecasting economic development and associated with it changes in educational services with regard to high-risk conditions have been considered for the purpose of its application in Ukraine. A conceptual model of information technology for coordination of regional structures’ interests concerning investment resources of educational services of enterprises under high-risk conditions has been proposed. The information technology is based on the econometric model for optimizing enterprise Internet payment systems, criterion of hierarchical games theories, multiobjective optimization, active systems, the model for diagnosing internal and external threats to the economic security of the educational institution; means and methodology of the system-value approach; algorithms for recognition of crisis situations; the optimization model for forecasting crisis situations and managing risk as well as the decision-making system for coordination of regional structures’ interests concerning investment resources based on the model of a program-design-target complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Danko N. I., Dovhal G. V.
The Branding of Kharkov City as a Tourist Destination (p. 74 - 79)

On the basis of analyzing publications and documents of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the authors clarified the concept of “tourist destination”; considered and clarified the concept of “brand of the tourist destination”; suggested the mechanism for development of the brand of the tourist destination. The existing brand of Kharkiv — “Kharkiv — smart city” — has been analyzed and it was concluded that this brand is promising and successful for educational tourism, for attracting foreign students and scholars — connoisseurs of new technologies and science fiction. The direction of further work on the brand of Kharkiv city as a tourist destination is to enhance the already existing brand “Kharkiv — smart city” by introducing a set of marketing communications, aggressive advertising campaign in Ukrainian and international media and travel exhibitions. Besides, it is considered to be promising to design brands intended for other target segments of consumers — “Kharkiv – historic city”, “Kharkiv — sport city”, etc., which will lead to a synergistic effect in the tourism industry of Kharkiv. Prospects for further research in this direction are studying new strategic directions of development of Kharkiv city as a tourist destination.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosyrieva O. V.
The Analysis of Theoretical Approaches to Identification of Factors of Regional Economic Growth (p. 80 - 89)

The article is devoted to the investigation of current approaches to identification of factors of economic growth in the regions. The theory of new economic geography based on works and studies of P. Krugman has been considered. There highlighted the key issues of regional economic growth requiring an in-depth studying and consideration in the elaboration of strategies for sustainable development of the regions. The views of leading domestic and foreign scholars as well as the OECD experts, the World Bank, the National Statistics Service of the United Kingdom and others on the main drivers of economic growth have been analyzed. On the basis of the study the factors of regional economic growth most commonly encountered in theory and practice have been generalized. It is proved that scientists and analysts most often classify as the factors of regional economic growth the following ones: those characterizing human potential, scientific-technical and innovative activity, management and institutional capacity. The factors less frequently correlated by specialists and scientists with the regional economic growth include: those characterizing the environment, business and socio-political factors, which is associated with difficulty of their quantification, but in any case does not diminish their importance.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Kosyrieva O. V.
Evaluating β-convergence of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine’s Regions (p. 104 - 114)

The article is devoted to evaluating β-convergence of the socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions. The essence and theoretical basis of evaluation of σ- and β-convergence is studied. The neoclassical theory of growth of R. Solow that serves as a basis for models of β-convergence is considered. The essence and features of evaluation of the absolute (unconditional) and conditional β-convergence is examined. The existing empirical researches of the economic development of countries and their regions with the use of convergence models are analyzed and it is found that: the theory of convergent-divergent development of countries and their regions is sufficiently developed; there are certain studies aimed at evaluation and analysis of the convergence of regional development in Ukraine, but there is no comprehensive study that comprises the building of all the above types of β-convergence models for the period covering the years before and after the crisis of 2008-2009. A scheme of the investigation of the convergence process in regions of Ukraine is proposed, and on this basis the evaluation of β-convergence for Ukraine’s regions is conducted with the use of four types of models: the Barro and Sala-i-Martin model, the Baumol model, the Solow-Swan model, the Cuadrado-Roura model. On the basis of the study it has been found that for the peripheral regions the presence of convergence of their social and economic development is determined by the share of services in the gross regional product to a greater extent and availability of mineral resources to a less extent, but the given result is obtained only with the use of the Barro Sala-i-Martin model, for the other models the condition of β- convergence is not met.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
The Positioning of the City of Kharkiv and Individual Large Cities of Ukraine at the Regional, National and International Levels (p. 115 - 126)

The efficient system of public administration, comprehensive, rational and effective use of all existing territorial resources are impossible without a system versatile assessment of the existing socio-economic potential of the territories, on the basis of which the priority directions of socio-economic development of the country, region, individual territory, city are determined. The main driver of development of a certain territory (region) is administrative cities (regional centers, cities of regional and district significance), which due to economic and geographical, natural resource, social and environmental potentials act as points (centers) of regional development, and directly affect the general potential, positioning and competitive advantages of the territory as a whole among the regional economic entities of Ukraine. Administrative centers acquire in this context particular importance for socio-economic development of the regions. In the presented materials the importance of the city of Kharkiv in the economic and social life of the region is considered, the positioning of the city of Kharkiv and individual large cities of Ukraine at the regional, national and international levels is studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanova O. Y.
Integral Estimation of the Level of Self-Development of Ukrainian Regions (p. 77 - 83)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the stages, methods, techniques, indicators of an integral estimation of self-development of regions as a basis for determining the tools to stimulate regional self-development. There proposed definitions of such concepts as self-development, self-sufficiency, self-government and self-financing of the region. The sequence of stages for determining the integral index of the level of regional self-development is substantiated. There clarified the definition of “the level of self-development of the region”, combining self-sufficiency, as the ability to maintain the current level of development using the own resources to provide an appropriate level of implementation functions imposed on the region, and the region’s ability to generate new competitive advantages upon the availability of management mechanisms. There justified the components of regional self-development: self-sufficiency, self-government, self-financing, for the assessment of which at the methodological and practical level there built integral indices by the method of entropy, and the regions are distributed by the level of self-sufficiency, self-government and self-financing. The evaluation of the level of self-development of Ukrainian regions by components is carried out. Prospects for further research are forecasting the values of components of self-development of regions, identifying changes in the state of the indices and developing on this basis recommendations to improve the position of regions in terms of self-development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarenko I. M., Nazarenko A. V.
The Economic Measuring of Lease Relations of Agribusiness Entities in Sumy region (p. 84 - 90)

The aim of the article is to study effects of reforming the agrarian sector of the national economy and examine the current state of lease land-property relations. The legal support for the agrarian reform is analyzed. On the basis of examining fundamental scientific achievements of Ukrainian scientists related to the issue under study, the positive and negative consequences of reforming the agricultural sector are generalized. The state of land use by agribusiness entities in Sumy region is analyzed. The ranking of regions of Ukraine based on the criterion of the maximum land rent is studied. There presented a detailed consideration of the dynamics of the size of rent paid by agribusiness entities in the studied region as well as of the actually paid amount of rent for land and property shares in the sector. The percentage of rent in the structure of other costs and the total amount of the agricultural production expanses is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prushkivskyj V. G., Buryak V. V.
The Methodological Background for Harmonizing Components of Sustainable Development of an Industrial City (p. 91 - 97)

The aim of the article is to develop a methodological background for harmonizing components of sustainable development of an industrial city. The ways of harmonization of economic, environmental and social components are studied. It is proposed to use the rule of “golden ratio” to determine the “ideal” values of the components of sustainable development. On the basis of the index method the components of sustainable development are evaluated. The comparative analysis of the actual and harmonic distribution between the sub-indices of sustainable development is performed. Based on the rule of “golden ratio” it is proved that the harmonization allows to state the existence of differences as well as to carry out a quantitative analysis. It is justified that the existence of disharmony between the components of sustainable development requires elaboration of an appropriate mechanism on the basis of redistribution of investment resources as well as other economic instruments to support the components at a certain level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V., Gretska-Mirgorodska V. V.
Branding as an Element of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the City (p. 155 - 161)

The analysis of the evolutionary stages of the scientific and methodological support of the branding of cities is presented and the components of the city brand related to the basic indicators of its social and economic development are proposed. It is proved that under the current conditions of economic globalization and regional integration, the competition between territories is intensifying, which requires local authorities to develop new approaches to the branding of cities. The aim of the article is to substantiate the components of the city branding in the development of the strategy of social and economic development of the city. Analysis of the stages of evolution of scientific and methodological support for the branding of cities demonstrates the expansion of its tools and its inclusion in the strategies of social and economic development of cities. It is determined that the main constituents of the city brand are: importance of the city in the country and the region; human capital; economy, industry, innovations; ease of doing business; health protection; education, culture, sport, urban infrastructure. Methodical approach to the implementation of the city branding within the framework of its socio-economic development strategy involves the implementation of interrelated stages: SWOT analysis of the social and economic system of the city; formation of the list of competitive advantages of the city; determination of priority directions for the development of the city, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Khaustova V. Y., Tyschenko V. F.
The Economic Security of the City in the Strategic Management System (p. 162 - 171)

The article investigates the problem of economic security of the city in the strategic management system. The article describes the process of ensuring the economic security of the city. The organizational approach was approved using the example of Kharkiv city. The list of threats to the economic security of the city and their urgency is justified by combining such methods as expert surveys, SWOT-analysis and the hierarchy analysis method. There proposed a methodical approach to assessing the economic security of the city based on a hierarchically built system of indices (integral, complex and partial), which allowed determining the level of economic security of the city and imbalances in the development of its functional components. It is proposed to work out scenarios for ensuring the economic security of the city by combining the cognitive modeling and the scenario approach, which makes it possible to determine directions of the implementation of the strategy for ensuring the economic security of the city and choose leverages of state regulation. There presented a mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the city, which includes the following elements: an action plan to implement the strategy for ensuring the economic security of the city; institutional and organizational support; programming and project planning; scientific and methodological support; financial support. The obtained results reveal, deepen and establish conceptual foundations for ensuring the economic security of the city.

Article is written in English


Voznyak H. V.
Influence of the Budgetary Decentralization on the Economic Growth of Regions of Ukraine: Statistical Estimation (p. 154 - 160)

The aim of the article is to define, determine and analyze the interrelationships between the budgetary decentralization and the economic growth of regions of Ukraine under conditions of reforming the power and financial resources. A statistical estimation of the influence of the budgetary decentralization on the economic growth of regions of Ukraine for 2015-2016 is carried out. The application of the panel data modeling allowed to build econometric models that made it possible to determine the ambiguous nature of the budgetary decentralization and identify key factors of its influence. It is shown that in terms of the income and expenditures the budgetary decentralization is positively associated with the economic growth of regions of Ukraine during the chosen time range of the study. The dynamic growth of the own revenues of local budgets is not a catalyst for the economic development of the regions. A strong negative effect of transfers on the dependent variable is confirmed. Among the variables included in the model and additionally characterizing the budgetary decentralization, the single tax and subsidies for the socio-economic development of individual territories attract attention. As a result of the study, the author justifies the need to minimize the transfer dependence of the regions at a simultaneous increasing of their own revenue base with local taxes and fees serving as a reliable basis for a long-term planning and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dubnytsky V. I., Fedulova S. O., Vasyliuk O. V.
Regional Infrastructure: Modernization, Priorities and Development Prospects (p. 161 - 168)

The aim of the article is to review the methodologies for classification of the composition of regional infrastructure. In our opinion, today the scientific substantiation of modern tools of the development and modernization of the regional infrastructure remains a particularly urgent and difficult research task. Currently the term “regional infrastructure” is used quite actively in the scientific circles, but neither in normative legal and methodological documents nor in the practice of regional administration has it been unambiguously defined. The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological issues of defining regional infrastructure as a separate category and reveals some lack of regulation of the categorical apparatus in the sphere of regional infrastructure at the legislative level. It is also pointed out that little attention is paid to the issues of regional and local infrastructure as a complex management object, the development of infrastructure policies at the regional level, and the organizational and economic mechanism for its development. The article examines the world trends of spatial development and determines their inevitable impact on the modernization of infrastructure support of the region. The organizational and methodological provisions of the development of regional infrastructure considered at the present stage prove the necessity of forming modern approaches to the scientific definition and management of regional infrastructure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zabarna E. M.
On the Issue of Forming a Methodical Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Regions of Ukraine (p. 169 - 175)

The aim of the article is to further develop the scientific principles of formation of methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of regions of Ukraine. The content of the economic category “innovation and investment climate” is investigated. There systematized factors of formation and evaluation of the innovation and investment climate, including economic, political, legal, scientific and technical, natural and social ones, which differ in the level of their mobility / inertia. It is shown that practically any legislative efforts of the government to create a favorable innovation and investment climate can be blocked by the authorities locally, while efforts to form an economic mechanism at this level can compensate certain shortcomings in the whole state economic regulation. The volume of direct foreign investments for the period starting from 2010 is analyzed. There proposed a methodological approach to assessing the investment attractiveness of regions of Ukraine with consideration for generalized indicators: level of general economic development; level of investment infrastructure development in the region; demographic characteristics of the region; level of criminogenic, environmental and other risks. Each synthesized indicator is determined by the aggregate of the analytical indicators included in their composition. The quantitative value of each synthesized indicator is obtained by summing the rank values (in the system of regions) that are part of the analytical indicators. An investment passport should provide investment support for regulating the development of a region. There proposed a scheme for formation of an investment passport taking into account the information data system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsvyakh O. M., Openko I. A., Shevchenko O. V.
The Problems of Payment for Land at the Implementation of Investment Projects on Redevelopment of Industrial Areas in the City of Kiev (p. 176 - 183)

The aim of the article is to determine the amount of fees to be paid by investors for the industrial areas subject to renovation at the stage of approving the relevant project documentation at implementing projects on redevelopment of these areas in the city of Kiev and identify a mechanism for encouraging and stimulating investments in this industry. Despite the complicated procedure for implementing a project on redevelopment (renovation) of industrial areas, it is worth noting that one of quite significant capital-intensive categories of investment activity that creates a certain additional “barrier” for investors is overhead cost, namely, payment for land. That is, at the stage of development, coordination of projects on reorganization of industrial areas, an investor has already to pay a fee for land plots gaining no economic income from these territories. The maximum amount of land tax to be paid by investors for the actual functional use of these lands is 72.51 million UAH / year. Thus, in order to make the redevelopment of large industrial territories attractive to investors, the city authorities should act as a full partner and take a number of obligations, namely, to introduce special investment rules and mechanisms, for example, to significantly shorten the time for review and approval of relevant projects (transferring industrial facilities, changing the purpose of land, constructing new real estate properties, etc.), grant tax breaks (“holidays”) for this period, take the responsibility for organizing the transfer of production facilities and defray part of the costs related to it and after completion of the investment project to transfer the land to the investor without equity participation in a predetermined period.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Beglarashvili O. P., Grygorenko T. M.
The Current State and Trends of Development of Stores in Kyiv Region (p. 139 - 144)

The current state and trends of development of stores in Kyiv region for 2010-2016 are analyzed. The research reflects regional aspects of the basic indicators of development of the stores — there analyzed the dynamics of retail turnover, consumer price indices, retail turnover of retail trade enterprises, commodity stocks in the enterprises’ retail network, basic indicators of stores of enterprises-legal entities, namely the number of stores; sales area; provision of the population with sales area; sales area per store, etc. Carrying out the research of development trends of the retail trade network in Kiev region, the indicators characterizing the network of stores of enterprises-legal entities trading in food and non-food goods of are analyzed. There proposed measures to level the disproportions in the development of the retail trade network in urban and rural area of Kyiv region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmytryshyn L. I., Bushynska V. V.
Ranking Assessment of the Development of the Knowledge Economy in Regions of Ukraine (p. 145 - 151)

The article is dedicated to studying regional aspects of knowledge economy assessment. The aim of the article is to form a ranking of Ukraine’s region in terms of the level of development of the knowledge-based economy using the taxonomy method and determine the spatial links between the territorial units in the local and global contexts. According to the aim set in the article, a comparative analysis of the knowledge economy index in Ukraine, European countries, and Central Asia is conducted; the indicator of the taxonomic development of the knowledge economy in regions of Ukraine is determined; the regions are grouped according to the value of the knowledge economy index and the knowledge index in the period 2012-2015, and their dynamics is analyzed; a ranking of Ukraine’s regions in terms of the development level of the knowledge economy is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zabarna E. M., Shchokina E. U.
Scientific Substantiation and Application of the System of Organizational and Managerial Innovations in Regional Development (p. 152 - 156)

The aim of the article is substantiation and integration of the system of organizational and managerial innovations in the development of regions of Ukraine with prospects for further research on this topic. The main problems existing in modern management of the regions are revealed and the reasons of their occurrence are shown. The content of the economic categories of “system”, “region”, “organizational and managerial innovations” and “system of organizational and managerial innovations” is studied. There identified four modern trends in the development of the theoretical research, which include new paradigms and concepts of a region, location of its activities, spatial organization of the economy, interregional economic interactions. It is noted that the need to ensure the development of the regions is due to the importance of optimizing the spatial economic characteristics of the country in accordance with the features of allocation of its available and potential resources as well as the need to meet the general and specific needs of the population. The formation of a system of organizational and managerial innovations, with consideration for the specifics of the sphere of their implementation is proposed, and measures on its application are determined, which allows providing a system process of qualitative changes in the development of territories and the real sector of the economy of a region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bubenko P. T., Panova O. D.
The Program for Urban Development in the Context of Current Urbanization Challenges (p. 185 - 194)

The aim of the article is to study the evolutionary development of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and analyze the strategic tools of urban development within the existing urban paradigm at the present stage. The global conceptual transformations through the lens of identifying urbanization as an engine for sustainable and comprehensive economic growth and sustainable urban development are analyzed. In the context of providing mutually complementary links between urbanization and economic development, the content components of the system of actions for implementing the NUA aimed at achieving sustainable urban development are systematized. Prospects for further research in this direction are searching for universal tools of strategic urban development within the framework of the provisions of the NUA, as well as analyzing the impact of local factors on the process of implementing the NUA.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zvarych O. I.
The Structural Analysis of Economic Development of Regions (p. 195 - 205)

The aim of the article is to analyze the economic development of regions by means of the model of the economic base using such indicators as the coefficients of surplus labor and localization, coefficients of concentration and diversification, industry multiplier coefficient, and coefficient of intensity of performing basic functions. Within the framework of the analysis, the areas of specialization are defined, the intensity of performing the basic functions is assessed, and the correlation between the areas of specialization — auxiliary (complementary) and servicing — is investigated. Furthermore, the identification is carried out, that is, it is determined which particular stages of the production process are concentrated in the region: management, research or production. When studying the functional structure of regions, attention is focused on identifying the functional specialization of the region under study and determining its level of specialization. The factors of localization made it possible to determine the level of regional specialization and the dominant functional specialization of the region. Through functional specialization, there identified the spheres of economic activity, whose value in a given spatial unit is greater than that achieved in a certain set of units. The reasons for regional specialization should be seen in the system of demographic conditions, environmental conditions and in the formed infrastructure environment. When determining the regional multiplier and the coefficient of intensity of performing basic functions, attention is focused on the division according to the functional feature of the economic activity: production and infrastructure, management, research and development. The evaluation of the intensity of performing basic functions is given through the division of these indicators according to the functional feature of the economic activity. The results obtained are a prerequisite for the formation of sustainable development strategies for the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukyanov V. I.
The Analysis of the Current State and Trends in the Development of the Housing and Utilities Infrastructure in Regions of Ukraine (p. 206 - 211)

An analysis of the current state and trends in the development of the housing and utilities infrastructure in regions of Ukraine is conducted. It is noted that the housing and utilities infrastructure is an important social sector that provides the population, enterprises, and organizations with the necessary housing and public utility services, which significantly influences the development of the economy of the country and its regions. The analysis showed that public utility enterprises remain stably unprofitable both in Ukraine in whole and in its regions. The attention is focused on the fact that the main sources for financing the housing and utilities infrastructure are the state and local budgets, payments of individuals and legal entities for housing and public utility services, investments and loans provided by international financial organizations that make a significant contribution to the financing of the sector under conditions of budget deficit. Summarizing the results of the PEST analysis and SWOT analysis of the development of the housing and utilities infrastructure in regions of Ukraine, the author concludes that there are a significant number of negative reasons for the weak aspects of the functioning of the housing and utilities infrastructure. There identified economic incentives for attracting potential investors to the programs for the development of the housing and public utility sector in the regions, which are based on the legislative consolidation of the basic conditions for effective functioning of the market for housing and public utility services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Palant O. Y., Vodovozov Y. N.
Economic Justification of the Organization and Creation of a Business Entity for the Introduction of an E-Ticket (p. 212 - 218)

The aim of the article is to present the economic studies and justification of the creation of an individual business entity designed to serve all aspects of the functioning of a contactless fare payment system in public transport for the purpose of solving the issue of optimizing revenue collection from the provided transport services, which is an important step to provide a break-even operation of carrier enterprises. Ensuring the implementation of the measures indicated in the article will give an opportunity to really influence the improvement of the state of affairs in such an important branch of the urban economy as urban electric transport. Since it is not only a social mode of transport but also the most environmentally friendly mode of transport, as well as the one that is most promising to use in the future where very soon electric vehicles will become the dominant means of transportation. The economic and legal aspects of concluding contracts examined by the authors made it possible to highlight the general problems of the functioning of enterprises providing services for passengers in cities of our country, which, as a matter of fact, hamper their development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pilko A. D., Hrabovetska H. D.
A Model for Assessing the Investment Potential of a Region (p. 219 - 224)

The publication provides the results of a study of existing theoretical and scientific and methodological approaches to assessing the investment potential of a region. Based on the study of existing approaches to interpretation, assessment, analysis and modeling of the components of the investment climate in the region, there presented the authors’ approach to assessment of investment potential using the opportunities of econometric modeling. To quantify the value of investment potential, it is proposed to consider its constituent components, including industrial, agricultural, financial, social, and consumer potential, which in their totality determine it. There presented an approach to determining the proportion of individual components of investment potential of a region in the integral indicator.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Taraday V. N.
Improving the Assessment of the Level of Regional Resources Management (p. 224 - 229)

The work improves the assessment of the level of managing development resources by regions of Ukraine, which is based on the use of a comprehensive assessment — multidimensional comparative analysis (namely the rank-sum test) and allows comparing the effectiveness of managing resource development in regions of Ukraine using the available data, on their status on the basis of a unified system of indicators, as well as comparing the level of managing development resources by each region of Ukraine in time. The uneven development of regions of the country is investigated, the growth of inter-regional socio-economic disproportions is revealed. It is determined that, having a fundamentally different composition and volume of natural, human, financial resources, the state and effectiveness of managing development resources by regions of Ukraine is significantly different. The level of managing development resources by regions of Ukraine is proposed to be assessed by the aggregate indicators characterizing the increase in the productivity of the regional economy, profitability of local business, and level of incomes of the population; general increase in social standards, quality of life and business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Turskyj I. V.
Conceptual Foundations for the Formation of a New Paradigm for Socio-Economic Development of Regions (p. 230 - 235)

The aim of the article is to define the theoretical and methodological foundations and practical basis for the process of forming a new paradigm of regional development, in particular the features of classical and modern theories of regional development in the aspect of the formation of factors for intensifying the social and humanitarian development of entrepreneurship in regions. There noted an increase in the role of humanitarian values and social factors in the economic development of regions in the existing paradigms of regional development, which makes it necessary to concentrate research on the development of the humanitarian and social spheres in close interrelation with economic development. Based on the research and analysis of internal and external factors of the regional economic development, a set of key factors for the development of the knowledge economy in regions is defined. The study of regional approaches to regional development has led to the conclusion that, under current conditions, the existing paradigms of regional development should be improved taking into account the realities of the emergence of new economic systems based on human capital and knowledge, as well as on the introduction of the component of social and humanitarian space of the region into the analysis of regional development processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bogdan N. M.
Assessing the Level of Financial and Economic Security of Ukraine’s Regions: Methodology and Practice (p. 142 - 149)

Theoretical and methodological approaches to determining and assessing the level of financial and economic security at the regional level are studied. The aim of the article is to improve the methodology for assessing financial and economic security at the regional level based on the study of existing theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as to assess the level of financial and economic security of regions of Ukraine. Theoretical approaches to defining the category of financial and economic security and methodological approaches to its assessment are reviewed and summarized. It is proved that the financial and economic security of a region is a complex integral concept that combines the concepts of both financial and economic security. Given the simplicity and accessibility of the information base and transparency of calculations, the author established the appropriateness and sufficiency of a set of indicators for financial economic security. The assessment of the level of financial and economic security of regions of Ukraine is carried out. The necessity of developing a mechanism to ensure the financial and economic security of a region is substantiated. It is proved that in its development it is advisable to observe objectively existing principles of integrity, consistency, variability, coordination, and specialization. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are drawn on the need to formulate, develop and create an effective system for ensuring financial and economic security at the regional level in order to promote competitiveness of the regions and their investment attractiveness. The detailed development of the mechanism for ensuring the financial and economic security of a region as well as the planning and organization of its financial security should be the subject of further scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozachenko G. V., Bukolova V. V.
The Analysis of Approaches to Assessing Socio-Economic Security of a Region (p. 150 - 157)

Assessment of social and economic security of a region is used in determining the ways for ensuring it, selecting directions, guidelines and priorities for the development of the socio-economic system of a region. To assess the socio-economic security of a region, there needed an appropriate methodological base, the main element of which is the approach to assessment. There analyzed the content, advantages and limitations of approaches to assessing the socio-economic security of a region (the functional (or complex) approach, the indicator one, the index approach, ranking), which are available in the science of economic security of the meso level, and the presence of which can be regarded as a reflection of the contextual postmodern methodology of the science of economic security. The actual problems in the use of approaches to assessing social and economic security of a region that require resolving are outlined: the lack of justification for the number and type of primary indicators, their inconsistency, the lack of a reasonable base for comparison of the selected indicators, insufficient use of modeling capabilities, low operationalization of the methods of the analyzed approaches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Onyschenko V. O., Bondarevska O. M.
A Protective Approach to Determining Economic Security of a Region (p. 158 - 164)

The aim of the article is to systematize scientific approaches concerning the impact of negative factors on the state of economic security of a region, determine the criteria for the transition of the regional economic system from one state to another, with consideration for the intensity of the impact of negative factors of influence, as well identify the sources of threats to economic security of a region. There studied the essence of factors that negatively influence the state of economic security of a region: risk, threat, challenge. The characteristic of the elements of the system for diagnosing economic security of a region is given. A review of the position of scientists regarding the impact of negative factors on the state of economic security of a region is conducted. Based on the generalization of scientific approaches, the areas of manifestation of threats to economic security of a region are singled out. As a result of the research, the threats to economic security of a region are typologized according to their functional components. The directions of further research in this area are related to the calculation and analysis of the state of economic security in the regions of Ukraine, determining the degree of the impact of threats on the main components of the economic security of the regions for developing an effective program for ensuring the security of regional development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zinchenko O. A.
Preconditions for the Formation of a Positive Image of a Region (p. 141 - 145)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the prerequisites for creating an image of a territory in the context of decentralization and intensification of business activity at the regional level. The economic and socio-cultural prerequisites for creating the image are revealed, their role in these processes proved. The influence of the image on investment activity in the region is analyzed. The importance of the security factor that creates a favorable environment for the formation of the regional brand and its promotion both in the national and global arena is proved. It is determined that the traditional system for forming an image of a region, under conditions of extreme instability of the domestic social and economic systems, is not sufficient to ensure balanced economic growth and gradual social development. It is proposed to use the recursion principle for region branding. A promising area for further research in this sphere is the development of methodological approaches to diagnose the image of a territory, transformation of a positive image into the regional brand and ensuring its promotion in the global information space on the same principles of international security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M.
Expansion of Authorities of Territorial Communities in the Development of Local Self-Government in Ukraine (p. 146 - 151)

Financial systems should ensure an increase in costs that arise when local governments exercise their powers. Protection of weaker financial institutions of local self-government requires the introduction of financial equalization procedures or equivalent measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of unequal distribution. The aim of the work is to clarify the composition and sequence of management measures on the part of local governments. The Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” defines the concept of a territorial community as the inhabitants united by permanent residence within a village, settlement or city. The corresponding localities are independent administrative territorial units. Each of the units has certain development priorities. Reconciling priorities is a difficult task. The formation of the budget relates to financial functions of local government bodies. It includes the concept of the local budget — as a plan for the formation and use of financial resources necessary to ensure functions and powers of local governments; the district budget — as a plan for the formation and use of financial resources necessary to ensure common interests of the territorial communities of villages and towns of regional subordination, implementation of local programs and budgetary alignment; the regional budget — as a plan for the formation and use of financial resources necessary to ensure common interests of territorial communities, implementation of local programs and budgetary alignment. The development of local self-government in Ukraine and the reform of the territorial structure require using new tools and methods for strategic management of activities of local communities, harmonization of priorities for their development, and formation of a new structure of relations between the center and the periphery. The development of local self-government is characterized by the redistribution of power in favor of the periphery and institutional multipolarity, requires further in-depth research of the possibility for coordinating the development priorities of territorial communities within administrative territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurhanska M. К.
Analysis of the Work of Construction Organizations in Regions of Ukraine in the Context of Crisis Management (p. 152 - 158)

The work of construction organizations in regions of Ukraine in the context of crisis management is analyzed. The author notes that crisis management should be based on diagnosing or analyzing the state of the industry in order to identify problems in its management system that result in complications in the financial status of the industry or an enterprise. Systems analysis of construction organizations in regions of Ukraine in the context of crisis management will allow considering in the aggregate a number of factors that serve as indicators of the problem. There carried out an estimation of the volume of completed construction works in the construction of buildings and engineering facilities, which proved that starting from 2016, a significant increase in the volume of completed construction work is observed. It is noted that in a down economy a new construction work as an economic process that requires large investments certainly causes a decrease in the volume. To identify trends by regions, the author calculated the ratio of new constructed and reconstructed housing. A study of the change in the construction products index for 2011-2017 was conducted, and its comparison with the change in the volume of completed construction works for the same period revealed an unconditional dependence of these indicators. The distribution of the gross domestic product of the construction industry in Ukraine is analyzed. To determine the changes in the GDP growth rate, the author calculated the relative indicators (increase / fall in relation to the previous year, in percentage terms) based on statistical data. It is revealed that the share of capital investments directed to construction in the total volume of capital investments in recent years practically did not change. The conclusion is made that, to significantly improve investment in the development of construction in Ukraine, an urgent issue is the improvement of the legal and organizational basis for increasing the capacity of mechanisms of ensuring a favorable investment climate in the construction industry and forming the basis for preserving and improving the competitiveness of the domestic economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailenko D. H.
Economic Efficiency: Definition, Analysis of Concepts (p. 159 - 163)

At the present stage of economic development, there is a certain crisis in studying economic efficiency of performance results. Despite the interest of many scholars and practitioners to investigating the notion and concepts of economic efficiency, there are still many contradictions in its definition. Theoretical aspects of economic efficiency are highlighted in works of C. McConnell and S. Brue, A. Makhmudova, A. Krasnov, V. Kondratov, B. Raizberg, S. Mochernyi, and others. The aim of the article is to analyze the existing approaches to the definition of economic efficiency in the area of sustainable development of a region. There are several approaches to studying efficiency: “resource-based” approach that provides for the fullest use of scarce resources in order to fully meet the limited needs; “cost-based” approach, which considers the ratio of performance results and costs. The article presents the views of scientific schools on the concept of “efficiency”, namely: representatives of the Classical School consider efficiency as a comparative ratio of production factors to their productivity and resource availability; the Neoclassical School considers efficiency from the point of view of social reproduction quality; according to representatives of the School of General Equilibrium, the basis of countries’ competitive advantages is the prices for goods being less than equilibrium prices, as well as the conditions of countries that provide mutual demand and supply. The equalization of aggregate demand and aggregate supply can be either performed by changing prices with constant quantities, or by changing quantities with constant prices, or by changing quantities and prices simultaneously; representatives of the Institutional and Non-Institutional Schools consider efficiency through the prism of transaction costs; the School of Competitive Advantages considers efficiency as a competitive advantage of the state and business levels. Efficiency is always associated with the ratio of result value to costs value, subjective, individualized assessment of the object and has a final result.

Article is written in English

Tymechko I. R.
Peculiarities of Territorial Communities’ Activity in the EU-Ukraine Cross-Border Space (p. 164 - 170)

The influence of the establishment of the local border traffic regime in the Ukrainian-Polish space on the level of welfare of territorial communities in Lviv region is studied. The convergent development of the territorial communities in Lviv region revealed that communities with a low level of economic welfare are developing faster, which ensures a reduction in the disproportion of their development. It is established that the border location still does not affect the level of construction, which may be due to the fact that even the possibilities of local border traffic regime are not enough to make the territory attractive for living. It is determined that inter-regional disproportions in the economic development in the cross-border space are characterized by different dynamics at the borders of different neighboring states. It is found out that the uneven development of territorial communities in the Ukrainian-Polish cross-border space in terms of indicators of socio-economic development and financial security is conditioned, in particular, by the flow of human capital, i.e., the youth of the border territorial communities move to a more developed environment. The introduction of mutual simplifications in border-crossing for residents of the Ukrainian border territories contributes to stimulation of border-crossing by residents of these areas. The influence of the establishment of local border traffic regime (2008) on the welfare level of the border territorial community is examined. The research is conducted for 2 periods: the period before the establishment of the local border traffic regime (2003-2008); the period after the establishment of the local border traffic regime (2008-2011). The rate of increase in housing is chosen as the indicator of the level of the community’s welfare. Regression analysis was the main research method applied. The modified model of conditional ?-convergence was used as the basis of the research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mihai N. B.
Approaches to the Formation of a Mechanism for Managing Innovation Processes in a Region (p. 63 - 68)

The article considers the development of the theoretical and methodological bases to form a mechanism for managing innovation processes in a region. It is indicated that the formation of this mechanism through crisis tendencies in the development of the economy of Ukraine, the disproportion in the state of regions and the complexity of the functioning of the market environment are acquiring special relevance today. A conceptual scheme of the mechanism for managing innovation processes in a region is developed and defined as a single system, an interconnected set of organizational, technical, financial, economic forms, methods, and means of influencing innovation processes that are used at different levels of government in order to achieve stabilization and increase the pace of development and competitiveness of regions. The possibility for applying various approaches to the formation of a mechanism for managing innovation processes, namely: system, differentiated, program- and goal-oriented, project, logistic, cluster, situational, and process one, is considered.

Article is written in English


Morhachov I. V.
Potential of Using the Investment Capacity of a Region (p. 105 - 111)

The aim of the article is clarifying the content of the concept “investment potential of a region”, justifying the use of additional terms that reflect the considered essence more precisely; studying subjective and objective factors affecting the investment processes in regions. The work studies the essence of potential of using the investment capacity of a region. It is proposed to use this concept in some cases instead of the term “investment potential of the region”. The proposal is based on the lack of interpretation of the latter in economic dictionaries and various interpretations of it by researchers. It is proved that if the concept “investment potential of a region” is used to denote the maximum capabilities of a region to attract and develop investments, then it is more appropriate to use the term “potential of using the investment capacity of a region”. The investment capacity of a region is defined as the maximum amount of investment that can be made and used during a certain time period in a particular region. Mathematically, the investment capacity of a region is greater than the actual volume of investment in this region within the time period i by the amount of unused potential of the investment capacity of the region within the time period i. It is specified that the larger investment capacity of the region and the potential for its use are, the greater the likelihood of investment in this region in future periods is. The larger the level of specialization of the region in the international division of labor is, the greater its investment capacity is. Innovations also increase the investment capacity of a region, so the innovation investment infrastructure of regions is a subjective factor in increasing the potential of using their investment capacity. In the context of globalization, the assertion that global investment resources exceed the investment capacity of a region becomes relevant. Integration into the world financial market is defined as the main task of the investment infrastructure of a region, and the level of such integration as the main criterion of its quality and efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obolentseva L. V.
Identifying Factors that Influence Management of Competitiveness of Industry in Regions of Ukraine (p. 112 - 119)

In the paper, based on a variance analysis, the factors influencing management of competitiveness of industry in regions of Ukraine are identified. The cumulative values of the result indicator and gradations of an influence factor for a factorial analysis of industrial complexes are determined; the results of the single-factor variance analysis of Prydniprovskyi, Slobozhansky, and Polissia regions for 2013-2017 are presented. In the course of the numerical experiment to find the weight coefficients for the factors influencing competitiveness of industrial complexes in Prydniprovskyi, Slobozhansky, and Polissia regions, factors influencing performance efficiency of industry are identified. On the basis of the conducted factorial analysis, it is concluded that in the crisis years, the values of all indicators are unpredictable, at stabilization almost all factors show a tendency to a slow growth. It is revealed that the influence of the most important factors – level of capital investments and innovative activity of industry – is insufficient for all regions, which should be taken into account when building competitive strategies for management of regional industrial complexes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shashyna M. V.
Functional Features of the Structural Modernization of the Regional Economy in Ukraine (p. 120 - 126)

The aim of the article is to systematize the functional features of the structural modernization of the regional economy in Ukraine, highlight issues and reasons for the lack of transformations and possibility for implementing transformational changes. By analyzing, systematizing, and summarizing relevant scientific works of a number of scientists, the essence and role of structural modernization in economic growth are considered. As a result of the study, the main problems of the structural modernization in Ukraine are revealed. It is established that the transformational changes in the regional economy took place irregularly, mainly by replacing the activity of some enterprises by others due to the insufficient level of development of the institutional environment and institutions as well as political, legal, and economic instability. It is found that the functional features of the regional economy are, first of all, their orientation to certain types of economic activity: primarily, industry and agriculture, to a lesser extent — construction and trade. That is why regions with a lower level of development of the industrial and agricultural sectors should perform the functions of providing human resources and human capital to stimulate the development of innovation and the formation of an innovative economy. The analysis of innovation activity has allowed to establish that the innovation expenditures, which are mainly undertaken due to the self-financing of development of enterprises, are not sufficient for the full modernization of the regional economy. It is determined that the main directions of the modernization should be development of human capital and innovative technologies. It is substantiated that the priority sectors for the implementation of structural reforms should be industry and agriculture. Prospects for further research in this direction are to identify key activities within the framework of structural modernization of the industry and the agricultural sector in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dub A. R.
Financial Mechanisms of State Support for the Socio-Economic Development of United Territorial Communities in the Context of Decentralization (p. 52 - 58)

Public funds are a significant source of external financing for united territorial communities (UTCs). However, numerous risks are inherent in the mechanisms of state support for the socio-economic development of territorial communities. The aim of the article is to identify ways to improve financial mechanisms of state support for the socio-economic development of united territorial communities based on an analysis of their functioning at the first stage of decentralization. There described the main mechanisms of state financial support for the socio-economic development of united territorial communities at the first stage of decentralization (2015–2017): subvention for implementing measures for the socio-economic development of individual territories, subvention for building the infrastructure of united territorial communities and resources of the State Fund for Regional Development. The volumes of the amounts allocated to and used in united territorial communities of the Carpathian region are analyzed. The need for providing state financial support for the created UTOs at the initial stage of their activity is proved. There revealed deficiencies in the functioning of mechanisms of state financial support for the socio-economic development of UTOs: dominance of social projects over economic ones; imperfection of the formula for the distribution of subvention for forming the infrastructure of united territorial communities; the non-transparent mechanism for distribution of subvention for implementing measures aimed at the socio-economic development of individual territories; low level of co-financing of projects from local budgets, etc. The article justifies the need for increasing the number of economic projects in UTCs; attracting funds of private investors to projects financed from the state budget; toughening the requirements for design documentation submitted to the State Fund for Regional Development. The attention is focused on the expediency of a gradual transition from the provision of united territorial communities with ready financial resources from the state budget to the creation of conditions for stimulating the communities to increase their investment attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozachenko G. V., Onyshchenko S. V., Zavora T. M.
Methodological Principles for Assessing Socio-Economic Security of a Region (p. 59 - 66)

Socio-economic development of a region is possible under several conditions, one of which at present is socio-economic security of a region. Its provision implies the availability of assessments, the reliability of which directly depends on the quality of the methodological principles of assessment. The proposed methodological principles for assessing socio-economic security of a region proceed from the provisions of the conceptual and defensive approaches to determining its status and nature, the functional and indicator approaches to its assessment. The sequence of operations and actions on the assessment is combined in the presented algorithm. The content of the stages of the developed algorithm is disclosed. According to the algorithm, both the integral assessment of socio-economic security of a region as a whole and its intermediate assessments are calculated for each of its components. The basis of the methodological principles for assessing socio-economic security of a region is a set of indicators, which include indicators of not only objective but also of subjective nature, which is why at the information stage of the assessment algorithm attention is paid to the results of monitoring public opinion in the region. Indicators for assessing socio-economic security of a region are selected using the principles of inheritance, reliability, measurability, consistency and are distributed by its individual components. An important characteristic of the selected indicators is that they allow for carrying out analysis in time and measuring regional differentiation. A sequence of formalizing the calculations of the integral indicator of the socio-economic security of a region is provided. The proposed methodological principles for assessing socio-economic security of a region can be used in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kraynyuk L. M., Polchaninova I. L., Balandina I. S.
Assessing the Quality of Managing Enterprises in the Hotel and Restaurant Sector of the Region: Sociological Approach (p. 67 - 73)

The article presents the results of studying enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector of Kharkiv region for the purpose of achieving an aggregate picture of the quality of managing the hotel and restaurant sector in the region and developing recommendations for optimizing management mechanisms. The subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of improving the process of managing enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region. The practical significance of the research is due to the real need of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector for applying a management system that meets market requirements in order to ensure competitiveness of their services. The trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region are studied. Furthermore, using an expert survey, the effectiveness of organizational structures and management systems in enterprises is evaluated. It is determined that against the background of nationwide positive trends in the development of the hotel sector, Kharkiv region is reducing its market share, which is primarily caused by the presence of traditional types of organizational structures and the limited use of modern management techniques. There carried out a typologization of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region in terms of quality of management by three levels: high, medium, and low. In the context of the considered enterprises, there determined the grounds for adopting the international standards of management ISO 9001; searching for new forms and models of management; elaborating development strategies and tactics; improving the system for managerial decision-making, etc. The recommendations and conclusions of this research are of applicable nature and intended for widespread use in activities related to improvement of quality of managing enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliakova O. Y., Pozdniakova A. M.
A Methodological Approach to Evaluating the Progress of the Implementation of the Smart City Concept in Ukrainian Cities (p. 74 - 82)

Ukrainian cities are joining the global movement for digitalization. They have gradually started to use benefits of ICT, claiming their smartness and promoting newly implemented technological solutions. However, till the date we do not have a commonly accepted definition or framework for measuring their success. Based on the reviewed international and national frameworks, there proposed a methodological approach to evaluating the progress of Ukrainian cities in implementing the Smart Sustainable City Framework. The research takes into account both the theoretical base (components and definitions of Smart Sustainable City defined by different scholars) and practical side (the available evaluation methodologies). The developed Framework comprises two stages: a) creation of conditions for concept building; b) actual measurement of sustainability and smartness of cities, each of which including several dimensions. The model uses 54 indicators, the data being taken from both official statistical sources and survey data. The methodology has been used to measure the index of six selected Ukrainian cities that are considered quite progressive in terms of ICT usage and smart solution implementation. The results reveal that cities with officially adopted relevant strategies typically demonstrate better results than those that implement innovations on an ad-hoc basis.

Article is written in English

Tymechko I. R.
Conceptual Approaches to Development of Territorial Communities (p. 83 - 88)

The aim of the article is to summarize the conceptual approaches to development of territorial communities. It is noted that the basic concept for development of territorial communities was approved by the United Nations in 1948. The article highlights the best practices and approaches to development of territorial communities: development of a territorial community as an educational process, development of society as evolution, increase in society’s potential, formation of social capital, non-violent direct action, economic development of communities, sustainable development, participatory development of society based on assets, development of society based on faith. There noted development of communities as a bilateral activity: creation of conditions for social integration of people at the local level and their involvement in the process of making and implementing decisions in the field of socio-economic development of the territory; socio-economic development of the territory through creation of appropriate infrastructure at the local level. It is noticed that the relationship between the level of economic development and happiness reveals some peculiarities of the synthesis of the economy with other spheres of human life. There defined principles of development of society based on assets and participation: every person in society has something to do; relationships create a community; citizens are in the center: citizens should be seen as subjects, not recipients, in development process; leaders involve others; people care; internal organization; investments serve the community; within any community there is a large amount of knowledge and experience. It is established that the basis for development of society is the transition of a resident from the state of the object of influence to the state of the subject of action, not just respond to dynamically developing situations but to actively act under new conditions as a member of a territorial community.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Melentsova O. V., Huznenkov Y. G., Didorchuk I. L.
Clusters in the Marketing Strategy of Local Self-Government in the Context of Decentralization (p. 89 - 95)

It is substantiated that the qualitative changes in local government in the process of decentralization are due to the development of marketing strategies based on the cluster approach. Effectiveness of a cluster depends on identifying one of the historically inherited specializations of the region, which correlates with the most modern world trends of economic development, ensuring their organic combination based on the realization of the interest of the local community as a component of the national public interest. Using the example of the Kharkiv region, there considered the leading role of the educational cluster in achieving the sustainability of the region’s socio-economic development, which is provided by the formation and management of demand for services of higher education institutions. The minimum possible demand, which is directly created by Ukrainian and foreign applicants for higher education, is calculated. Obstacles in the functioning of the educational cluster are identified. The financial trap of higher education institutions and the necessary conditions for its overcoming are presented. Risks of development of the educational cluster are determined. The consolidation of the efforts of the educational community, local authorities, and business in the active implementation of the national interests concerning the development of the educational cluster is considered as a means of strengthening its competitive advantages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sukhonos M. K., Belyavceva V. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Support for Solving Tasks of Regional Development (p. 96 - 101)

The aim of the paper is to develop theoretical and methodological bases for a regional policy capable of shaping directions and tasks of reforms in the sphere of decentralization of power and strengthening of local self-government. Presently, the national economy is undergoing difficult transformations, but the process of positive changes is still hindered due to serious obstacles. As a result, in comparison with the advanced countries, we have a rather critical backlog, which is usually grounded by finding Ukraine at the bottom of world rankings. It is proved that regional development is not a new problem for the national economy, it is the situation and changes in the global space that are new. The strategy of innovation development is new as well, and all this leads to the need for significant developments in the theoretical and methodological bases for management of regional development. Changes in the methodological approach should take into account that regional development is provided by different parties, dominated by the state and local self-government bodies, which must agree upon the goals, interests, and interactions. The basis of methodological knowledge and tools is the orientation towards the object and its specifics; combination of theory with practice; the concept of benchmarking (promotion); consistent analysis of the situation, factors of influence and mechanisms for achieving the goals. It is substantiated that the theory of regional development, in addition to the assessment of the potential, is important to consider the human factor, which implies interests, needs, possibilities and nature of interactions. The study focuses on bringing together the efforts of all participants. Another component is the adoption and support of the innovation paradigm of development, which involves innovation solutions, innovation policy, innovative activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhabynets O. Y., Sukhyi O. O.
Cities of Regional Significance in International Trade in Services under Globalization: Regional Cross-Section (p. 62 - 71)

The article analyzes features, trends and patterns, as well as structural changes in international trade in services in cities of regional significance in Western Ukraine under globalization. In particular, trends in export-import of services in both in the Western region of Ukraine and the country as a whole are analyzed, the correspondence of the development trends in international trade in services (exports and imports) in cities of regional significance to the general trends characteristic of the relevant regions is analyzed, the level of export orientation of the services sector in the cities and their contribution to the development of export-import activities in the relevant regions is assessed, an analysis of structural transformations in the export of services in the cities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Rivne is carried out. It is found that, against the background of a general decline in exports and imports of services in Ukraine for the period 2012–2017, in the Western region, the export of services almost doubled, and the trends in international trade in services in most of the analyzed regions were similar to those characteristic of the Western region of Ukraine. The key role of cities of regional significance in the import of services to the relevant region is proved, in contrast to the export of services, where other (smaller) cities of some of the analyzed regions are engaged in realizing their export potential. The growth in the level of export orientation of the services sector in the majority of the analyzed cities of regional significance in the Western region of Ukraine and intensification of their export activities are confirmed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Obolentseva L. V.
Analysis of the Current State of and Trends in the Development of the Hotel Industry in Regions of Ukraine (p. 72 - 80)

An analysis of the current state of the hotel industry in regions of Ukraine is carried out, and trends in its development are revealed. It is noted that marketing tools for attracting tourists are underdeveloped in all regions of Ukraine, the information about many types of services in the hotel industry is either insufficient or absent mainly due to the very limited range of services. It is established that the occupancy of hotels in most regions of Ukraine is seasonal (in areas that do not belong to the most popular tourist zones, it is the lowest in summer; while in resort areas, it is the highest in summer and winter). Moreover, as a rule, the occupancy during the year is even more uneven by the days of the week – it decreases on weekends, increasing on weekdays due to people who are on a business trip. It is established that the general trend, identified as a result of the studies carried out for all regions of Ukraine, is to determine the need for innovation and new partnership relations, in particular, among travel agencies and hospitality enterprises, authorities and state self-government bodies, for an effective development of regional infrastructures. This, first of all, should be realized through cooperation mechanisms involving various sources of financing. As a result of the analysis of the current state of and trends in the development of the hotel industry in regions of Ukraine, it is concluded that in recent years the structure and development strategy of enterprises in the hotel industry have changed significantly. Today, it is necessary to improve the quality of services with simultaneous expanding their range, which is justified by the ever-growing demand of consumers due to the requirements of advanced technologies. A significant expansion of the range of accommodation facilities (apartments, villas, holiday homes, country and guest houses, chalets, etc.) will help to better satisfy the demand of various groups of tourists and diversify types of recreation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Morhachov I. V.
Underestimated Components of Infrastructure Support for Regional Innovation Processes in Ukraine (p. 81 - 87)

The article focuses on the fact of underestimating engineering organizations in the regulatory framework and statistical accounting as an important component of infrastructure support for regional innovation processes. The systemic problems of participation of engineering organizations in the intensification of the processes under study are highlighted, and measures to address them are identified. The aim of the work is to substantiate the hypothesis of the underestimation of engineering organizations as components of infrastructure support of regional innovation processes in Ukraine and clarify the real role of these organizations. The possibility of using performance indicators of engineering organizations as those for identifying the trend of de-industrialization of regions and the national economy is specified. A downturn in the number of employees in engineering organizations and the number of the organizations, which indicates deterioration in infrastructure support for regional innovation processes and decrease in their intensity level, is revealed. The real role of these organizations in regional innovation processes is clarified; the need for their integration with scientific organizations and each other in terms of creating databases and coordinating the implementation of scientific work, as well as improving the statistical accounting of infrastructure support for regional innovation processes in the direction of detailed coverage of engineering industry indicators by region is justified. This allows improving the quality of monitoring state support for regional innovation processes. In the proposed scheme of co-operation of engineering organizations and scientific organizations, the former should become the commissioners of the work aimed at practical implementation of innovative ideas in the design and estimate documentation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Perepeliukova O. V.
Imbalances in Regional Development in the Context of Systemic Transformations (p. 88 - 95)

The aim of the article is to study the cause-effect relationship of the imbalances in the socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions and determine the key measures to overcome the existing imbalances in certain areas, with regard to systemic transformations in the modern economy of the country. The main imbalances in the regional development of Ukraine are considered. The criteria of regional imbalances are identified. It is revealed that the largest imbalances in regional development occur in terms of gross regional product and international trade. The leading regions and outsiders in terms of socio-economic development are singled out using the selected indicators. There determined regions in which, in recent years, the number of technology parks was increased and the largest number of enterprises created. The basic measures to reduce the imbalances in the regional socio-economic development under modern conditions of systemic transformations in the economy as well as measures aimed at regional development are proposed. There highlighted priority areas of the socio-economic policy at the level of local government based on the development of small enterprises, for the implementation of which it is advisable to introduce relevant norms as concerns development programs and government measures. It is established that there is a need for creating infrastructure support to promote entrepreneurial initiatives through granting microcredits to small enterprises for the development of their business. It is determined that one of the directions for the advancement of international trade of the regions is using their maximum potential and export-oriented production. It is found that in order to improve the financial sustainability of communities, it is necessary to streamline the inter-budget relations, create an effective financial base comprising local budgets and attracted extra-budgetary resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakimenko O. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Regional Development Strategy of Ukraine (p. 96 - 102)

The paper notes that one of the current priorities of Ukraine’s regional policy is to identify regional development problems and implement measures to solve them. At the same time, the actual absence of particular ways, both theoretical and practical, for addressing these problems, the outdated regulatory framework significantly limit the ability to comprehensively consider the wide range of issues related to regional development in Ukraine. In the course of the research, theoretical bases are generalized, and methodological support for the regional development strategy of Ukraine is developed. It is pointed out that today the strategic planning of regional development in our country is only being formed. Unfortunately, the practices and experience of European Union countries are not fully taken into account, there is no sufficient theoretical and methodological support for strategic planning of the development of territories, and the regulatory support for this process is being improved very slowly. It is established that a very important condition for the implementation of the regional development strategy is coordination and concurrence of actions of all subjects in the regional economic space – business and government of all levels – and the unification of all the positions necessary for strategic planning based on reliable information about their intentions. It is concluded that the current system of strategic planning, unfortunately, does not ensure the coherence of the macroeconomic, regional and sectoral aspect. In this regard, there is a need to improve the management system at the regional level, which should occur through reforming the public administration system and the development of local self-government as the most priority area for the implementation of public policy. The study confirms the practicality of searching for new approaches to achieve an effective formation and implementation of the regional development strategy to solve problems of territorial development, taking into account the positive experience of other countries, especially regarding measures aimed at reducing territorial imbalances, creating regional industry complexes and stimulating their development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Methodological Approaches to Strategic Management of the Development of Ukrainian Territories Based on the Use of Elements of Rationality (p. 103 - 110)

Implementing the provisions of the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power has formed the conditions, including for Ukrainian cities, to obtain additional resources, increase their own incomes and create new opportunities for further development. Success is achieved by territories and communities that effectively develop their internal self-sufficiency, have possibilities for improving internal conditions and using external factors that affect the investment climate and maintain them. The influence of advantages of new IT technologies and scientific and technological progress on management of territorial development allows not only expanding the directions and areas of their use but also achieving greatereffectiveness of local development.Special attention should be paid to the issues of searching for new strategic approaches to managing the development of territories aimed at reducing the differentiation in the socio-economic development of regions (territories, communities, etc.) by leveling the conditions for their economic activity, ensuring rational use of production and resource potential of the regions, achieving their sustainable economic growth, improving socio-economic indicators of quality of lifein Ukraine.There is an urgent need for the formation of the regulatory and methodological framework for strategic management and operation of a separate administrative territory (region, territory, community, etc.), assessment of its condition with regard to its further use in public administration of territorial development. The analysis of provisions concerning the organization of territorial development planning makes it possible to study the sequence of constituents of methodological recommendations and compile their list, as well as suggest mechanisms that influence the effectiveness of strategic management of the development of territories in Ukraine based on the application of elements of rationality.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Patytska K. O., Koval V. M.
Practical Aspects of the Formation of Financially Capable Territorial Communities in the Context of Administrative and Financial Decentralization: Risks and Ways of their Mitigation (p. 113 - 122)

The article argues that the issue of effectiveness of forming united territorial communities (UTCs) lies in the plane of ensuring their ability to develop and requires identifying possible risks that arise in the process of community consolidation. In order to achieve this goal, a critical analysis of the formation of united territorial communities in the Carpathian region compared to UTOs in Ukraine in general is carried out in the context of completion of the first stage of administrative and financial decentralization. A comparison of the level of financial capability of UTCs of the region using individual indicators of local budget fulfillment is made, and the composition and structure of expenditures from local budgets per capita are analyzed, which made it possible to establish patterns in the development of the communities and determine the level of their budgetary provision. The study of the inclusion of cities in the formation of the UTCs allowed revealing two opposite trends: association of rural territorial communities in peripheral areas around cities of regional significance; refusal of suburban rural territorial communities to unite with / join cities of regional significance and formation of the UTCs excluding cities. As a result of the study, risks related to the formation of financially capable territorial communities are determined, and the main directions for their mitigation are identified. The main risks related to the formation of financially capable territorial communities under decentralization include: increased influence of local elites; inability of a significant part of the already created communities to ensure development of the territory and an appropriate level of service provision due to the lack of criteria for the formation of UTCs; refusal of suburban rural territorial communities to unite with / join cities of regional significance and formation of UTCs excluding cities due to the threat of loss of financial and managerial independence. It is proved that mitigation of the risks related to the formation of financially capable UTCs is possible in case of completion of the stage of voluntary association of territorial communities and transition to their conglomeration based on economic expediency, correspondence to public needs and financial soundness according to clearly defined criteria.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko O. V.
Formulation of Approaches to Modeling Scenarios for Regulation of Imbalances in Socio-Economic Development of Regions (p. 123 - 131)

The aim of the study is to create logical high-quality tools to analyze imbalances in regional development and further regulate such imbalances. The review of scientific works carried in the article showed the lack of comprehensive approach to analysis of the imbalances, their qualitative assessment and use, which is not least because of the impossibility of applying a simple mathematical apparatus to analyze a set of heterogeneous unordered dynamic data characterizing the imbalances. The paper proposes approaches to constructing and applying a cognitive imitation model for regulating the imbalances, with building a corresponding algorithm. The main factors forming imbalances in regional development are identified. The relations among these factors are studied by constructing causal links (a cognitive map). A system dynamics model that will form the basis for further elaboration of scenarios for regulating regional development imbalances is built. The proposed model and its implementation in the scenarios for regulating imbalances will bring about specific structural changes in the socio-economic sphere of regions and improve the balance of the economy and social sphere of a region. The originality of the study is due to the proposal to use the cognitive imitation model for regulating the imbalances to understand the trend in the development of the regional socio-economic system and forecast processes in regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babenko K. Y., Diachek O. Y.
A Methodological Approach for Determining the Influences on Improving Competitiveness of a Territory (p. 175 - 181)

The aim of the article is to develop and justify a methodological approach for determining the influence of factors on competitiveness of a territory. The analysis and systematization of the theoretical principles of existing approaches to assessing competitiveness of a territory as well as determination of the factors affecting its increase confirm the presence of three key groups of influence factors: economic, social and environmental ones. The article justifies the timeliness of developing a methodological approach for determining the influence of factors on competitiveness of territories as an important component of analytical support for the mechanism to form a policy of balanced economic development of territories. The application of the proposed approach includes the implementation of certain successive stages: determining the level of competitiveness of the territory (using taxonomic analysis); identifying the influence factors and integrating them into groups (using factor analysis); revealing the relationship between the level of competitiveness of the territory and influence factors (with the help of multiple correlation and regression analysis). It is found that the application of the proposed approach will allow not only to identify factors that negatively or positively affect competitiveness of regions but to forecast the level of economic development of the territories as well. Prospects for further research in this direction include modeling scenarios of balanced economic development of territories, which will allow to identify promising areas of increasing competitiveness, determine the effectiveness of using the own resources of the territory and objectively evaluate the performance of bodies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babets I. G., Ruda O. I.
Influence of the Investment Structure on the Quality of Life in Cities of Regional Significance in Western Ukraine (p. 182 - 189)

The article analyzes the main trends in the structural changes in capital investment and foreign direct investment in regions of Western Ukraine in 2013–2018. Using regression analysis of the panel data, the authors assess the dependence of indicators characterizing the structure of investment in the economy and the quality of life in cities of regional significance of Volyn, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Chernivtsi regions for the period of 2013–2018. The study reveals a significant direct relationship between the average annual number of full-time employees and the volume of foreign direct investment per capita, the share of investment in housing construction and environmental protection in the total volume of capital investment in the cities of regional significance. The direct effect of the changes in the volume of capital investment per 1000 people and the share of investment in housing construction in the structure of capital investment on the level of housing provision for the population in cities of regional significance is confirmed. The direct dependence between improvement of the provision of hot water supply and sewerage services for the population in cities of regional importance and increase in foreign direct investment, capital investment and investment in environmental protection is determined. It is established that the changes in the share of investment in housing construction in the general structure of capital investment do not affect the provision of hot water supply and sewerage services for the population in view of modern features of individual construction. No connection is found between the level of air pollution, waste generation and indicators of structural changes in investment in cities of regional significance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Salashenko T. I.
Strategic Aspects of Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Regions of a Country (p. 190 - 197)

The aim of the study is to improve the formation of a strategy for enhancing energy efficiency of a country’s regions in the context of sustainable development. The article systematizes the factors which influence the choice of a type of sustainable development strategy and methods of state regulation. The study proves the necessity of transferring the problems of sustainable development from the national to regional levels and achieving a balance between state and market methods of regulating the energy market as well as the priority of enhancing energy efficiency to directthe economy to the path of innovative development. The expediency of using strategies aimed at mobilization, modernization and interactive modernization in the formation of regional strategies for enhancing energy efficiency is established.The essence of the concept “energy efficiency strategy” is clarified. It is understood as the trajectory of improving macro-, micro- and meso-indicators of energy efficiency to solve the environmental, social and economic problems of society. It is proposed that the energy efficiency strategy of aregion be considered as a functional section of its sustainable development strategy aimed at the quality satisfaction of its energy needs, and, on the other hand, as a territorial direction of ensuring national energy efficiency.Based on the method of Management by Objectives, a theoretical approach to the formation of a strategy for enhancing energy efficiency in a region’s industry is presented. It is proposed to develop a regional energy efficiency strategy by economic sectors (groups of energy consumers) using the method of Management by Objectives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmytryshyn L. I., Zvarych O. I.
Forming and Analyzing the Priorities of Economic Development of Ukraine’s Regions in the Context of their Key Success Factors (p. 198 - 208)

The aim of the article is the formation of a set of priorities of economic development as key factors of success of Ukraine’s regions and their further analysis. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the concept of economic development of regions and the level of their key success factors, it is established that the factors of economic development of regions provide the basis of the pyramid of key success factors and determine the competitive position of a region on a national or global scale.On the other hand, economic development of a region is ensured by a constant strengthening of the competitive position and increasing the competitive advantages of the existing industries and by creating new, highly efficient segments of the economy. In addition to regional key success factors, synthetic indicators, which allow assessing the competitive position of a region regardless of its level of development, are important.Therefore, for a spatial study of key success factors, a methodological approach to assessing the actual and potential levels of key success factors for a region as well as assessing the differentiation of regions by their level is proposed. A model of key success factors for regions of Ukraine in the long term is built. The implementation of the model implies classifying regions according to the criterion of using the existing and potential competitive advantages and, finally, assessing the level of economic development of a region.This describes the interdependence of the studied concepts: factors of economic development of the regions – competitiveness of the regions – economic development of the regions. A set of priorities of economic development of Ukraine’s regions are formed. Moreover, all of them – both traditional and modern – represent the regions in terms of rather innovative development than that of production or investment.The set contains the innovative, social and environmental components of economic development, which are characteristic of the approach of the new economy, and not production and technological ones, inherent in the production and investment approaches, respectively.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B., Ivanova O. Y.
The Coronavirus against Decentralization: Risks of and Challenges for the Development of United Territorial Communities in the context of the Pandemic (p. 209 - 215)

The article highlights the current problems of and challenges for the development of united territorial communities in the context of decentralization and the pandemic. The spatial development of territorial communities is the main goal in the framework of implementing the decentralization reform, which is aimed at ensuring a high quality of life of the population and competitiveness of the national economy under conditions ofthe crisis and pandemic. The economic and social consequences of the coronavirus outbreak,which has captured the whole world, did not bypass Ukraine and its territorial units.The aim of the article is to identify the problems of the development of united territorial communities in the context of decentralization and the pandemic and to develop areas of anti-crisis measures for overcoming the problems andcreatingcompetitive advantages of united territorial communities.The low pace of development of united territorial communities reveals the presence of problems associated with their sufficient resource provision; efficient distribution of powers and responsibilities among the levels of government; validity of the criteria for uniting territorial communities; lack of sufficient management qualifications to elaborate effective strategies, programs, and projects for the development of united territorial communities. Moreover, it indicates their significant financial dependence on government support.The main problems of budget losses of united territorial communities due to the coronavirus pandemic and anti-crisis measures to support the population and entrepreneurship are identified. A roadmap of state support for the development of UTCs, defining the measures, timing of their implementation, and the responsible authorities is created.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olshanska O. V.
Ensuring Sustainable Regional Development Based on Socialization of Higher Educational Institutions (p. 216 - 223)

Higher education institutions are increasingly being transformed from establishments with traditional teaching and research functions to those playing a social role in ensuring sustainable regional development. The aim of the article is to substantiate the possibility of ensuring sustainable regional development based on socialization of higher education institutions. The study is aimed at expanding the understanding of traditional ways of ensuring sustainable regional development, taking into account the ability of higher education institutions to promote the dissemination of knowledge about sustainable development, maintain sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems and generate management decisions that affect the achievement of sustainable regional development. The carried out assessment of the state of incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals into strategic planning documents in Ukraine made it possible to justify five reasons for the need to reflect the Sustainable Development Goals in regional strategies. A conceptual scheme of the influence of higher education institutions on the subsystems of achieving sustainable regional development is proposed, changes in the indicators of sustainable development associated with universities are analyzed. The breaking down of the higher education institutions by region by indicators of the U-Multirank 2020 ranking in the dimension of regional engagement (bachelor graduates working in the region; master graduates working in the region; student internships in the region; regional joint publications; income from regional sources; regional publications with industrial partners). It is proved that the key to sustainable regional development and harmonization of the relationship “economy-society-nature” are specialists able to take into account all aspects of the economic, social and environmental development of the region. This made it possible to highlight the priorities for the further development of the social mission of higher educational institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babets I. G.
Efficiency of Using the Transport Services Potential in Ukrainian Regions: The Role of the «Shadow» Component (p. 86 - 93)

The author of article suggests a method to evaluate the efficiency of using the transport services potential taking into consideration the share of services estimated in gross added value and output present in a region, employment level, investment supply, international competitiveness, the structure of taxes paid, and the shadow rate of business activity. Positive dynamics of the integrated efficiency value in using the transport services potential has been determined in the majority of the Ukrainian regions in the years 2013-2018. A sensitivity coefficient has been estimated for every variable in the integrated efficiency value in using the transport services potential. Substantial sensitivity of the integrated value to changes in the shadow rate level in transportation services is typical for the majority of the Ukrainian regions. On grouping the Ukrainian regions on the basis of sensitivity coefficient of the integrated value to changes in the shadow rate level in transportation services in 2018, the author has identified the regions with high, medium and low sensitivity and described the peculiarities of such groups according to their main features. The main causes of raising the efficiency of using the transport services potential have been determined, namely: unshadowing of enterprises activity; increasing the share of profitable enterprises in the total number of enterprises providing transportation services; increasing the share of the personal income tax in the total of taxes paid by enterprises; employment level. A number of measures have been suggested to raise the efficiency of using the transport services potential, to decrease the amount of “shadow” business, to increase business profitability, and to reduce informal employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezuhla L. S.
Ecotourism Development Trends in the Dnipropetrovsk Region (p. 94 - 103)

The author of the article has carried out statistical analysis and has made some forecasts concerning the main indicators of economic entities in ecotourism, taking the Dnipropetrovsk region as an example. The correlation coefficients suggested by Pearson, Spearman and Fechner have been calculated to determine the correlation between revenues received from the provision of tourist services and operating expenditures of tourism businesses (tour operators and travel agents) in the region. Strategic directions of the intensification of ecotourism activity development in the Dnipropetrovsk region have been determined, namely: creating appropriate institutional conditions and legal environment, meaning the design and adoption of the Law of Ukraine On Rural Green Tourism, a regional program of ecotourism development, changes and amendments to the Strategy development for the period up to 2027 and the Road Map for its implementation in 2021-2023; economic support of ecotourism development through public-private partnerships, which would attract private investment and crowdfunding, guarantee preferential lending to farmstead owners to modernize their lodgings, receive training or run promotional campaigns; the implementation of stimulating and encouraging mechanisms to ensure the work of ecotourism infrastructure facilities; creation of an effective quality assurance system for ecotourism services, which will be based on the consumers’ needs, guarantee fundamental standards, include environmental protection criteria.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevskyi I. M., Meleshko K. К.
A Methodical Approach to Assessing the Management Level of the Tourism and Recreational Potential in the Kharkiv Region (p. 104 - 111)

The article develops a methodical approach to assessing the management level of the tourism and recreational potential in the Kharkiv region, taking into account its existing business capabilities. It is noted that tourist resources in Ukraine influence greatly both the regional and national economy development. That is, determining the management level of the tourism and recreational potential in Ukraine’s regions is one of the main current tasks, as it is necessary to identify the existing reserves and organizational shortcomings in the tourism and recreation management. It is noted that the Kharkiv region has always had a strong economic, scientific, technological and production potential. At the same time, unfortunately, little attention has been paid to the development of tourism and recreational activities, despite the fact that the Kharkiv region is definitely among the top five by the quantitative performance indices for tourism entities of varied ownership. The article informs that the analysis of tourist flows shows an increase in the number of Ukrainian citizens turning to the tourism services employees, in general, and in the Kharkiv region, in particular. To assess the uptake of the existing tourism and recreational potential, the article suggests to introduce the following indicators of the tourism services level: the coverage of the Kharkiv region population by domestic tourism services; the coverage of the Kharkiv region population by outbound tourism services; territorial accessibility by average estimated distance; territorial accessibility by the object area; assortment availability; the service provision of the population; the growth dynamics of the service provision of the population (compared to the previous year). The assessment carried out has revealed some drawbacks in managing the tourism and recreational potential in the Kharkiv region. The author of the article has come to conclusion that no real level of investment exists, which could hinder the development of tourism in the Kharkiv region. A study by the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) shows that every million dollars invested in the tourism industry provides the highest return in terms of jobs and subsequent contributions to GDP, if compared to other sectors of economy, no matter the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernykhivska A. V.
Conceptual Principles of Sustainable Development of the Local Government (p. 112 - 117)

The conceptual principles of the implementation of sustainable development at the local territorial level in Ukraine, as well as the institutional mechanisms of its implementation within the decentralization of power have been identified. The importance of reforming the local government is highlighted by using the sustainable development concept, which is necessary for Ukraine to move forward on the path to the European integration. The necessity of carrying out the complex work of creating a framework for managing territorial development has been proved. The article deals with topical, practical issues of implementing and realizing sustainable development at the local level. The theoretical essence and content of the sustainable development concept have been studied. The interrelation of its three main components has been revealed, being ecological, economic, and social ones. The conceptual principles of reforming local government and administrative organization within the decentralization of powers have been offered. The author proves the appropriateness of changes implemented in the local government system, which provide for the realization of sustainable development on the basis of openness and transparency of public authorities, civil society’s active participation in the formation of the state territorial policy, and fulfillment of the citizens’ environmental rights. The principles of sustainable development of local government have been summed up. Strategic guidelines for the development of local government have been identified. Prospects for territorial development have been outlined. Transition to the concept of sustainable development has been substantiated, which would result in constructing a qualitatively new social, ecological and economic model of society development, solving acute problems of the present and future generations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V., Bekker M. L., Kriachko Y. M.
Main Problems of Improving Scientific and Methodological Support for Determining the Development Goals System in a Region (p. 98 - 105)

The relevance of the article is confirmed by the need to develop scientific and methodological support for determining the development goals system in a region.It is one of the priorities for both the scientific community and public authorities. In particular, scientific basis, which coulddesign the development goals system in a region, requires further development and improvement. It should be based onboth the traditional and non-traditional methods of system analysis. The purpose of the article is to suggest recommendations for improving the scientific and methodological support for determining the development goals system in a region through using specific tools of fuzzy cognitive modeling. It has been proved that comprehensive assessment of regional socio-economic systems is impossible without the application of systemic approach, which allows interconnecting a large number of processes occurring in the economic, social and environmental systems in a region. Such researchis successfully carried outusing a cognitive approach to study complex systems of different nature. The authors of the article have considered peculiarities of drawing fuzzy cognitive maps, the latter being used as a tool for displaying real dynamic systems in a form that corresponds to human perception of such processes. A logical patternfor carrying out structural analysis of the socio-economic development of the region has been suggested.The patterncomprises five interrelated stages and includes constructing a fuzzy cognitive model of socio-economic development in the Ukrainian regions.The systemic indicators of fuzzy cognitive models of socio-economic development in the Ukrainian regions have beensuggested, and the analysis of their influence on the development of in the Ukrainian regions has been carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lyubarov Y. Y.
Developing the Tourism Sector of a Region through Forming Territorial and Production Integration Structures (p. 106 - 112)

The integration mechanism for developing tourism industry is among the ways of increasing the competitiveness of the region, reducing the impact of negative factors, ensuring the diversification of the regional tourism product. Territorial production structure of tourist integration is a regional or interregional association created to combine the potential of tourism and service infrastructure, tourist and recreational resources, tourism goods and services, and human potential of the industry in order to create a single territorial tourist space capable of offering competitive goods in the regional, national and global tourism market. Features of the Mykolaiv oblast determine the possibility of creating specific cluster formations in the tourism sector in this area. From the socio-economic viewpointiew, tourist and recreational clusters form the preconditions for regional development. Thus, the formation of a tourist and recreational cluster actually determines the market positioning of the region and largely affects its image. Among the entities participating in a tourism and recreation cluster, one can not only name the enterprises and organizations acting in the tourism industry and producing and selling tourism products and services, but also the regional authorities (represented by their representatives or specially created regulatory and / or supervisory structures), scientific and educational institutions, associations of entrepreneurs, etc. A tourism and recreational cluster can be formed at different territorial and branch-wise levels, e/g/ local, regional, interregional levels. The development of a tourism and recreational cluster in the region includes several successive stages: a) the initiation of its creation by the authorities («from above»), by business («from below») or by society; b) the creation of a management company; c) drawing up a strategic plan for the cluster development and coordination with the regional development strategy; d) the daily management of the cluster enterprises; e) further development based on self-organization. This model for designing a tourism and recreational cluster makes it possible to take into account the interests of all its participants and create conditions for sustainable development of a tourist area.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romaniuk R. V.
Foreign Experience in Reforming Regional Energy Markets (p. 113 - 118)

Innovation and investment development is an important pre-requisite, to form competitive environment, improve the efficiency of economic entities and the liberalization process, in general. Foreign experience convincingly shows that liberalization processes in terms of radical adaptation of legislation, as well as stability, reliability and continuity of power supply (provided that the energy sector is demonopolized) are considered efficient if causing synergistic effect, making the performance of power supply business entities by times better than it used to be. The article studies the features of the transformation processes in the energy markets in the advanced countries and in Europe. A review of the criteria that formed the basis for the study has been carried out. The author identifies some consequences of the abovementioned reform of the regional energy sector markets, carried out by integrating the country’s industrial sector development. It is also mentioned that the specificity of territorial and climatic conditions should promote the search for and implementation of a model that would ensure the continuity and multi-functionality of national and regional energy markets. The stages of the reform have been monitored. The analysis of the implementation of the regulatory framework was focused on the following points: the differentiation of certain activities related to the transportation, production, purchase and sale of energy; unification of the single tariff for using energy resources on all the EU territories. It has been found out that the process of reforming the energy markets has no universal scenario that could accelerate these processes, as the transformation is only carried out under special conditions specific to a particular country. The experience of the advanced countries has shown that the consequences of the reform differ despite the application of the same models. It is noted that during the liberalization of energy markets, the EU countries primarily aimed at implementing regulatory instruments, and structurally divided them into 3 stages for the entire reformation period. The future scenario of reforming Ukraine’s energy market is outlined, taking into account the experience of the advanced countries with an emphasis on the following sectors: «the market of direct bilateral agreements», «futures market», «balancing market», «related market». The industry reform and its structural support have been monitored. The measures to be taken to reform the energy market are systematized in 4 groups: regulatory and legal, organizational and structural, financial and investment, technical and innovative measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bezkhlibna A. P.
The Essence of the Competitiveness of Coastal Regions (p. 45 - 51)

The article aims at defining the key theoretical concepts related to providing the competitiveness of coastal regions and studying the essence of the terms "coastal region", "competitiveness", "competitiveness of the coastal region". The features and characteristics of the coastal region are determined, the classification of the region's competitiveness is expanded, which has helped to suggest a new interpretation of the "coastal region" term. A coastal region is an administrative-territorial unit that due to its geographic position has access to the sea coast with its own waters, specializes in coastal economic and ecosystem activities, creates its own maritime complex of industries with the appropriate infrastructure, faces specific social problems and environmental requirements, has its own cultural and historical heritage, the latter reflecting the maritime theme. A binary understanding of the “coastal region” term is suggested: coastal regions are treated as oblasts and as territorial communities, the administrative boundaries of which extend to the coastline. It has been found out that the competitiveness of a coastal region is an indicator emphasizing the region's ability to respond to external challenges; ensuring the use of ecosystem approach to designing the best possible region's economic structure; overcoming seasonality in tourism and recreation; taking into account the specifics of social and environmental problems of the region; preserving the cultural and mental identity of the region to create favorable conditions for the inhabitants. To create a concept for ensuring the competitiveness of coastal regions it is necessary to make not only theoretical generalizations, but also a comprehensive diagnosis of the current state of competitiveness, which is impossible without discussing the components of competitiveness, as comprehensive assessment will be done with regard to them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelyanenko V. A.
Conceptualization of innovation landscape within the sustainable development of a region (p. 52 - 57)

Ensuring sustainable development at the level of individual territories becomes especially important for Ukraine. At the same time, the management of sustainable development processes should be improved with respect to the key aspects related to innovation. In these circumstances, the concept of innovation landscape helps to focus on creating competitive advantages and, on their basis, on developing strategies for sustainable development. Having analyzed the existing research results, we can conclude that theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of innovation policy development within sustainable development need further specification. Thus, the study in question aims at conceptualizing the innovation landscape in the context of sustainable development. The scientific analysis carried out allows us to suggest a new definition for the innovation landscape, understanding it as an integrative set of indicators, which reflects socio-economic conditions and includes the performance of public authorities, innovative management tools used, the activity of innovative economic entities, the availability and quality of innovation infrastructure, the development of cluster relationships, etc. aimed at solving problems of socio-economic development. Having generalized the research results, including those of the author's research, we can determine that the concept of innovation landscape and an appropriate applied approach based on it open wide opportunities for creating and managing the spatially rooted structures of innovative interactions between science, education, business and communities. It is proved that innovation landscape should be considered both at the regional and territorial level. It is determined that to form an innovative landscape of sustainable development of a region it is necessary to use new innovative practices, opportunities and challenges that arise at the local level in accordance with these trends. It can be done within the innovation audit mechanism recognizing these trends and supporting innovation management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chebotarov V. A., Thekhanivych V. B.
Barriers in the EU-Ukraine cross-border cooperation system: analysis and recommendations (p. 58 - 63)

The development of cross-border cooperation (CBC) becomes extremely important due to modern geopolitical processes. Ukraine's entering the European integration space and its recognition by European partners requires coordination of efforts to develop cooperation with the EU member states and Ukraine's neighbors, above all. In order to use the potential of Euroregions within the CBC, it is necessary to reveal the essence of cooperation between the border regions of Ukraine and EU member states while creating and developing common Euroregions. It has become necessary to identify various hindrances to the CBC activation. In general, cross-border cooperation has a rich tradition in the old EU member states and is rapidly gaining importance for the new border regions, as well. This process brings new challenges and specific preconditions in each case, thus causing the development of specific solutions to the arising problems. Cross-border cooperation is an important instrument to develop border areas, and to form growth centers there due to the benefits of territorial division and cooperation; it is also an important component of the European integration process. This fact is emphasized in the Association Agreement between Ukraine, of the one part, and the EU, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the other part. At the same time, due to a number of institutional, economic, organizational and financial reasons, the role and efficiency of Euroregional cooperation in the Ukrainian border regions is much less significant than those in the EU member states. The intensification of cross-border and Euroregional cooperation is a way of identifying and overcoming various development constraining factors, and thus will help to expand opportunities for the development of Ukraine’s border regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Bielikova N. V., Bekker M. L.
Scientific and Methodological Support for Solving Problematic Situations in Ukraine’s Regions (on the Example of the Kharkiv Region) (p. 70 - 85)

Formulating regional development goals stands out as an important part of the state regional policy, which in its essence has a purposeful character reflected in the state’s permanent influence on the socio-economic development of the country's regions. Analysis of modern research on the issue has shown urgent need to deepen the theoretical foundations and toolkit for solving problematic situations in the regions, the latter being the purpose of the study. The theoretical basis to enable setting the goals (goal-setting) for regional development is substantiated. It is proved that the cognitive approach is among the most powerful tools for studying poorly structured systems and situations, and the expediency of using fuzzy cognitive modeling to form regional development scenarios and solve problematic situations present in the relevant regions is substantiated. A special algorithm to carry out structural analysis of socio-economic regional development and to form a fuzzy cognitive model has been designed. Using this algorithm, a fuzzy cognitive model of socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions has been formed. Pulse modeling based on the fuzzy cognitive model of socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions by the self-development scenario is carried out. Scenario modeling has been implemented as for raising the strategic goals level of socio-economic development in the Kharkiv region on the basis of pulse modeling. The expediency of introducing a criterion showing the total impact effectiveness of certain scenarios exerted on goals achievement topical for the Kharkiv region is analyzed. It is substantiated that this criterion should be based on weighted additive convolution of the growth rate as for the level of target factors relative to the self-development scenario. The scenario modeling of the Kharkiv region socio-economic development based on the cognitive model formed in accordance with the approach mentioned above shows that reaching the top level of the region’s goals requires implementing development scenarios based on the effective growth of the region’s scientific potential and its combination with other domestic potentials.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pelekhatyy A. O., Patytska K. O.
Strategic Priorities of the Budget Policy on Ukraine’s Territorial Development in the Context of Implementing the Regional Development Strategy (p. 86 - 94)

The article aims at determining the strategic priorities of Ukraine’s budget development policy while implementing the regional development strategy for the years 2021–2027. The strategic priorities of the budget policy on territorial development are substantiated in the context of, first, creating the regional development strategy and territorial development strategies for the years 2021-2027, and second, shifting the focus from spatially oriented measures, i.e. stimulating the development of problematic areas, to the policy of territorial development through activating untapped potential, the policy being aimed at increasing regional and national competitiveness, with special attention paid to innovation. The necessity to observe both the vertical and horizontal integration of the formation and realization of budget policy on territorial development, and the necessity to implement it, combining the problem-oriented and general approaches to directing the territorial development budgeting (territorial development budgeting is based on the following: competitive advantages of the functional types of the regions; development of problematic regions; regional development in the context of smart specialization; border areas development in the context of cross-border cooperation). A prospect for further research in this field is seen in making an attempt to form the budget policy on territorial development in Ukraine on the basis of defining strategic priorities for regional development and the development of different level territories, aimed at: reducing interregional and intra-regional asymmetries; ensuring universal improvement of the quality of life; transferring the territories to development based on sustainability, inclusiveness, innovation, and the maximization of using and building up the existing potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Innovative Approaches to Develop «Smart» Cities: the Legal Framework in Ukraine and the European Experience (p. 95 - 102)

Over time, the role of cities as centers of economic, political and cultural life has increased significantly; they are major participants in the globalization process, affect economic growth and state policy. Cities are the main elements in many spheres of public life: they determine the education level and trends; the largest production facilities are placed in them or near them; city dwellers work as managers of different levels and shape state policy. Thus, the issues of urbanization, life and development of large cities, towns and areas around them are central to the consideration of self-government. Today, effective local governance and, consequently, effective development and promotion of the people’s well-being are viewed through the prism of achieving a balance between economic development, environmental protection and social development. Due to high population density, cities possess significant potential for creativity and innovation, energy conservation, environmental friendliness, socio-cultural diversity, etc., so it is the dynamic interaction of these features that drives European development. Setting sustainable development of cities and territories as a goal makes it important to take into account European experience not only in solving the existing problems of their functioning, but also in choosing priorities for the development of modern cities based on innovative approaches and the introduction of "smart" components. The significance of forming the required legal framework for an individual administrative and territorial unit (region, territory, city, community, etc.) to function, and of assessing its state for further use in public management of territorial development, determines the importance of developing and implementing an effective system of legal documents to address socio-economic problems and encourage sustainable regional (territorial) development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dzhyhora O. M.
Areas of Regional Policy Implementation with Reference to Ensuring Economic Security (p. 73 - 81)

The article is aimed at identifying the main areas of regional policy with reference to ensuring economic security. It is proved that the state regional policy is an integral part of the state policy aimed at providing the spatial organization of a region, maintaining balance, eliminating regional differentiation. The mechanism of regional policy provision is considered. The powers of regional policy actors in Ukraine are apecified. The global and local goals of regional policy are characterized, the goal hierarchy is created with respect to ensuring regional economic security. Estimates of the local goals of regional policy on achieving the strategic goal of regional policy are defined. The main global goals of regional policy are highlighted, in particular: territorial integrity, socio-economic integration and spatial development, sustainable development of the region’s diversified competitive economy, development of rural territories and territories adjacent to cities, development of human capital and life quality, effective regional development management. It is determined that the following local goals are estimated highest for achieving the strategic goal of regional policy: protection of regional interests, territorial unity, prevention of deepening imbalances in regional development, rationalization of agricultural production pattern aimed at increasing its productivity, development of a competitive industrial sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Patytska K. O.
Ways of Managing the Land Assets of Territorial Communities amidst the Land Market Opening in Ukraine (p. 82 - 90)

The delegation of responsibility for territorial development to communities has been an important result of decentralization in Ukraine, which requires a comprehensive approach to asset management at the local level. Land asset management is among the key and most controversial issues in this field. The article is aimed at determining the practical ways of managing the land assets of a territorial community in terms of opening the land market in Ukraine. The article focuses on the definition of practical ways to manage the land assets of the territorial community amidst the land market opening in Ukraine. The main problems that have become more acute with the intensification of land relations and the growing role of local self-government in the land assets management are argued, and the main ways to overcome them are identified. The role of inventory in obtaining complete and reliable information on land assets available in the community is determined, and the ways to increase the economic potential of territorial communities by identifying the cases of unauthorized land occupation, shadow land lease, non-use of communal land, use of nonagricultural land for agrarian purposes, and determination of unclaimed land shares (units) or land plots of deceased heritage are highlighted. The need to use integrated spatial planning of community development is revealed. Prospects for further research in this area are the use of the mechanisms proposed in the article for the development of territorial communities, in particular, with respect to the trends of decentralization and land market opening in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pyvovar P. V., Kostyuk L. P.
The Subject and Object of the Transformation Process in Rural Areas (p. 91 - 99)

One of the fundamental tasks for Ukraine’s development is to ensure stable socio-economic development of both the country as a whole and its smallest territorial and administrative units. In turn, changes, which very often take place as transformation processes, are an integral element (prerequisite) for the development of any process or phenomenon. The article is aimed at identifying a system of subjects and objects of the transformation process in rural areas. To our opinion, the subjects of transformation in rural areas includes both producers and consumers of socially necessary goods, as well as those who ensure the functioning of economic entities in rural areas to achieve public welfare. The subject of rural areas transformation is the carrier of substantive and practical work, the source of socio-economic activity aimed at the transformation object. Both an individual resident of rural areas, and various socio-economic groups can take on the role of the subject of rural transformation. We have identified two groups of transformation subjects in rural areas: individuals (rural population, households, community, entrepreneurs) and legal entities (enterprises, rural authorities, NGOs). The main transformation objects in rural areas include the following: human potential, natural resource potential, financial potential, intellectual potential, information potential, and infrastructure. In the process of scientific understanding of any socio-economic phenomenon or process additi not only the subject and object are to be considered, but also the aspects which are part of the object. We have identified the following main aspects of transformation in rural areas: the relationship of society and nature, land (market) relations, market environment, R&D system, management system, financial relations, social relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanovska Y. A.
The Impact of the «Gray» Shadow Economy on the Socio-economic Security of a City (p. 100 - 109)

The article is aimed at presenting the guidelines for methodological principles helping to assess the impact of the «gray» shadow economy on the socio-economic security of a city. Such methodological principles are relevant due to the growing role of cities in the socio-economic development of Ukraine and the lack of methodological guidelines for assessing the impact of the «gray» shadow economy on the socio-economic security of a city. The existing official Guidelines for assessing the shadow economy level are aimed at obtaining estimates of the «gray» shadow economy at the macro-level, while the recommendations suggested by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to measure the unobserved economy remain mostly unapplied in Ukraine. The article presents methodological principles for assessing the impact of the «gray» shadow economy on the city budget, which combine interdependent concepts, principles and categories of assessment, whose operationalization as a developed algorithm has made it possible to create an operational assessment environment. The methodological principles for assessing the impact of the unobserved economy on the city budget are based on the principles provided and, due to the peculiarities of the object of assessment, require a number of assumptions to be made. The calculation of the amount of non-receipts in the budgets of several Ukrainian cities made according to the developed assessment algorithm shows that the budgets of the cities in question failed to receive significant sums during the selected period due to concealing business income, number of employees, and payment of wages "in envelopes". Of course, it is advisable to admit some conditionality of the amount of budget losses in the cities analyzed due to the «gray» shadow economy; still, even if we halve their size, the loss will remain significant. However, the negative impact of the shadow economy on a city is not limited to the lack of a significant amount of funds by the city budget. It is also necessary to take into account remote threats to the socio-economic system of the city due to the presence of the shadow economy, e.g.: deliberate limitation of the potential of the city's economic development and distortion of economic competition.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babets I. G.
Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Studying the Impact of Foreign Economic Factors on the Economic Security of Ukraine’s Regions (p. 85 - 91)

The relationship between the components of regional economic security and their dependence on changes taking place in the external environment is analyzed. It is proved that such components of regional economic security as foreign trade, productive, scientific and technological, and investment components are directly influenced by foreign economic factors, as these life spheres are subject to the rise of primary effects or consequences of external factors. A five-step methodology to study the way foreign economic factors influence regional economic security is developed. At the first step, external environment is analyzed, and a system of indicators is formed taking into account relevant external factors influencing the components of economic security, where the primary effects of the impact of these factors are observed. The second step involves the following: determining the integrated indicator for each component of the regional economic security; assessing the impact of foreign economic factors produced on the change of the relevant integrated indicator by the sensitivity method; and ranking indicators according to the level of threats arising from the deterioration of the correspondence of their actual values to security criteria. The third step is only relevant for the most influential indicators directly related to foreign economic factors. Here, change forecasts are developed. The fourth step concerns indicators with a probability of less than 50% of the optimistic change forecast and more than 50% of the pessimistic change forecast, which requires justification of measures taken to optimize them and ensure compliance with economic security criteria. The fifth step is modeling economic security components for a short term period by the method of change forecasts using hypothetical values of indicators calculated on the basis of forecasting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zamrii A. M., Kapustyan V. O.
Analysis of Factors Influencing Labor Resources in the Kyiv Region, and Their Dynamics (p. 92 - 100)

The article in question continues the authors’ study of the refitting model for the Kyiv region aa for searching for and analyzing the factors that affect a number of labor resources in the region, their intra-regional movement, outflow and inflow. The primary assumption in the refitting model for modeling the number of labor resources in economic sectors was the constant proportions of the number of employees in each sector to the total labor force and the functional dependence of the total number of employees on the total population in the Kyiv region using the logistics function. Such assumptions were sufficient for carrying out the initial modeling and analysis of the results, but they are not insufficient to obtain more accurate results that could be relied on to make decisions in the economic policy in the region. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a more detailed analysis of the labor resources dynamics, and for the search of new factors affecting them. Thus, we have analyzed socio-economic indicators of various activities at the regional level and balanced them against the number of full-time employees involved in the main industries represented in the region. Mutually conditioned influence was found between indicators in education and the two main economic sectors: agriculture and health. Highly correlated connections have been found, which are determined by the number of employees in health care, transportation and environment. The potential impact of sociodemographic and migration processes on the number of employees in the abovementioned industries is analyzed. The main reasons why tax burden indicators and local budget expenditures influence the agricultural sector, as well as the region as a whole, are enumerated. Options for improving the refitting model for the Kyiv region are suggested, namely the introduction of a production institutional function with tax burden factors. A multifactor regression model has been developed to predict the number of full-time employees in the region based on statistical indicators of education, health care, and environment, as well as sociodemographic factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kruhliakova V. V., Zakhidna O. R., Yurchenko I. M.
Local Budget Asset Provision in Lviv Region Amid Financial Decentralization (p. 101 - 107)

Proper asset provision within local budgets during the implementation of social and economic regulation is the basis for creating and developing an effective national and regional economy, and is a good means of counteracting the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is aimed at analyzing the results of the decentralization policy in Ukraine on the example of the Lviv region and of the impact made by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Lviv region budget; determining the state, problems and development prospects of the budget. The article examines the organizational and economic aspects of local budgets; considers the nature and effectiveness of the decentralization reform; analyzes the state of local budgets in the Lviv region; identifies several problems and suggests some ways to overcome them; and provides recommendations to improve local budgets and local communities. The budget asset provision in the Lviv region amid financial decentralization is characterized by decrease in both revenues and expenditures of the regional consolidated budget in 2020 by 25% and 45.3% respectively; reduction of new businesses growth by 2.4%; increase in unemployment by 1.1% due to some problems of Lviv enterprises and the subsequent dismissal of their employees; Ukrainians’ outflow abroad in search of jobs. The study has identified such problems as: the COVID-19 pandemic, which was the main reason for the deterioration of the economic condition of the Lviv region budget and other local budgets in Ukraine, as well as for the reduction of revenues and expenditures within the consolidated budget of the Lviv region; deterioration of the population’s living standard; reduction of the new businesses growth rate; increase in unemployment due to the problems of Lviv enterprises and dismissal of their employees; Ukrainians’ outflow abroad in search of jobs; conflicts caused by community consolidations; inexpedient changes of statutory and regulatory character; low initiative of local self-government bodies in some communities; and others. The solution will be: cooperation of all the authorities and business to improve employment; introduction of new business assistance programs to improve the companies’ financial condition; development of programs to attract foreign investment to communities; legislation improvement; introduction of innovative activities in solving problems, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanov Y. B., Ivanova O. Y., Laptiev V. I.
Methodical Approach to Identifying Problems in the Functioning of Territorial Communities Caused by Unstable Environments (p. 51 - 58)

The article deals with the topical problem of spatial development of territorial communities. The study aims at creating a methodical approach to identifying the problems in the functioning of territorial communities, the former being caused by unstable conditions, and the areas of spatial development of territories using a problem-oriented approach. The application of a problem-oriented approach to the spatial development of territorial communities is substantiated. The approach provides a set of actions in public administration and influences aimed at solving theoretical or practical problems of efficiently using local community resources by gaining new competitive advantages, creating favorable living conditions, ensuring population loyalty through actively solving the already existing and possible problems in community functioning. Within the problem-oriented framework, the spatial development of united territorial communities involves an approach based on the hypothesis that using the strategic capacity of a territorial community is not a problem-free process, and the arising problems require analysis and sound management decisions at the community level and within the powers of local authorities. A methodical approach to identifying problems with the functioning of territorial communities in an unstable environment is suggested. Namely, it involves analyzing the following issues: a) development level of united territorial communities through evaluating their resource provision and self-assessment of their development level, which helps to draw conclusions as for the effectiveness of using the community resources; b) legislative support for the spatial development of territorial communities; and c) the existing mechanisms, methods, and instruments of the state policy on the spatial development of Ukrainian territories. A cognitive map of interrelations between the existing problems of the spatial development of territorial communities has been drafted, in which four groups of problems are identified, in particular: 1) problems within the spatial development of territorial communities, and those connected with Ukraine’s territorial system; 2) problems of socio-economic development based on self-sufficiency; 3) problems in the local self-government system; 4) problems of rural development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Bielikova N. V., Levanda O. M., Doronina M. S.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Regional Labor Markets in Ukraine (p. 59 - 69)

In March 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the global outbreak of COVID-19 to be a pandemic. The probable source of the virus was Wuhan (China), from where it quickly spread all over the world. Experts say that from the start of the pandemic in Ukraine and to the second quarter of 2022, 5.04 million cases of infection were recorded. The fraction of people who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is 36.4%, making Ukraine the least vaccinated country in Europe. High morbidity rate made it necessary to introduce quarantine measures that have negatively affected the socio-economic development of Ukraine as a whole, and regional labor markets, in particular. The article is aimed at assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on regional labor markets in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the following tasks were solved: a) to analyze the COVID-19 dynamics as for Ukraine’s regions, taking into account the aggravation of the humanitarian crisis; b) to identify the situation in regional labor markets by economic activity indicators; c) to analyze state regulation as for its compliance with the state social guarantees in labor relations. It has been determined that the most negative situation with the COVID-19 epidemic is present in the regions with the largest cities of the country (which are home to a population of 1,029,049 to 2,611,327 people). It proves that a particularly negative impact of the pandemic was made on the regional labor markets with high economic activity and strong economic potential. It is established that the pandemic has led to employment reduction in all the regions, which went hand in hand with the increase in informal employment of economically active population. Rising unemployment and wage arrears are also signs of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ukraine’s regional labor markets. It can be concluded that the key problems requiring managerial decisions are those connected with inclusive economic recovery after COVID-19 and the fulfillment of state social guarantees in the labor market in almost every region in Ukraine, given the impact of the ongoing military conflict and the need for economic recovery after it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levkovska L. V., Cherednichenko I. G., Dobryanskyy O. I.
Green and Social Investment as a Tool for Providing Water Security in Ukrainian Settlements (p. 70 - 75)

The article suggests a scientific base for using «green» and social bonds to solve environmental problems in water supply systems; numerous facts that encourage using social investment tools in the high-yield water sector are revealed. In particular, preconditions for intensifying economic activity in the construction field are appearing, as it is obvious that a constant threat of shelling faced by our country changes the requirements for all living conditions, and water supply systems as well. Emphasis is placed on the assumption that if the green bond market in Ukraine is implemented and developed, it will help to create a multiplier for attracting funds to implement various environmental projects and to increase guarantees for investors injecting funds in such projects. Both negative and positive factors of using social investment to modernize water supply systems in Ukraine are identified. It is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the development of the regulatory framework for «green» and social investment in order to offset the trend of debt accumulation among enterprises operating water supply systems in Ukrainian settlements, so that such enterprises could become monopolists in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M., Potapov V. P.
The Cross-Border Cooperation of Rural Areas in the Context of Convergence-Integration Processes (p. 76 - 82)

The article discloses the importance of cross-border cooperation of Ukrainian rural areas in the context of convergence-integration processes in Ukraine in the context of the European vector of development of foreign economic relations. The regulatory framework and peculiarities of such cooperation are analyzed on the example of Zakarpatska Oblast. The means of increasing the efficiency of cooperation in order to deepen and develop the cross-border economic ties are proposed. Modern European countries are in a state of constant integration changes due to globalization and great interdependence, especially in the economic sense. Thus, cross-border cooperation is an important component of convergence processes, which largely shapes the agenda of European integration of our country. Ukraine has significant potential in the agricultural sector, cooperation with European neighbors in rural areas and agricultural districts deserves attention and a detailed study. In addition, a qualitatively new cross-border zone with the Member States of the European Union is being formed. Therefore, it is considered expedient to research the processes of interpenetration and integration of Ukrainian rural areas next to the State border. Recently, Ukraine has been distributing and implementing initiatives and projects aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s relations with neighboring countries, in particular with the European Union. To promote such cooperation in the border areas, the formation of appropriate infrastructure has begun, which is an important element for the successful implementation of the planned projects. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union provides for a wide range of opportunities for the modernization of regional policy, the implementation of cross-border cooperation and the development of rural areas. At the same time, the integration and convergence of border rural areas is the key to strengthening trade, economic and other relations between the countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Semyhulina I. B., Yaroshenko I. V.
The Factors of Spatial Development of Territorial Communities in the System of Public Management of Territories (p. 83 - 92)

The processes of globalization of the economy and internationalization of mutual relations inherent in the modern world have changed the importance and role of participants within the society of each country, led to the redistribution of obligations and responsibility between them in the process of managing spatial socioeconomic development at the sites. Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the role of the State in the processes of organizing the management of territorial development, while the subjects of external and internal socioeconomic relations are more often represented by regions and territorial communities. Organizing effective public administration at the sites in order to improve the well-being of the own communities and ensure sustainable development requires more considered, strategic, planned, ambitious, innovative, etc. solutions. An analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the factors of the development of regions, territories, hromadas for use in practical activities directly affects the efficiency of the functioning of the system of territorial local self-government, the ability to perform the assigned powers, ensure a high level of quality of life of citizens along with a sustainable development of the territory. The authors of theories and models of spatial development considered the development of territories from the point of view of a wide range of factors of influence: geographical, administrative, economic, social, political, innovative, etc. Effective management of territorial development in modern conditions becomes relevant not only from the point of view of the need to solve existing problems, but also to expand opportunities for self-development of territories. However, the issues of finding modern and effective theoretical and methodological approaches to determine the factors of spatial development of regions (territories, hromadas) and their use in the system of public administration at different levels, particularly at the local, remain relevant for Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Сhechetova N. F., Obolentseva L. V., Krasnonosova O. M.
The Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Strategic Planning for the Development of Ukrainian Regions (p. 93 - 99)

The article generalizes the theoretical and methodological bases of strategic planning for the development of regions of Ukraine and develops a mechanism for strategic planning (SP) for the development of territories. It is determined that strategic planning for the development of regions is a very important instrument of the State-based regulation, which helps to maintain all the necessary economic proportions, ensures the scheduled functioning of all parts of the economic system of society. For the Ukrainian economy, strategic planning is very relevant and important, as it allows predicting the processes of privatization and demonopolization, the formation of various forms of asset ownership, the consequences of technological renewal of production and much more. As the economy stabilizes, the possibilities of identifying trends and regularities of regional development spread, the degree of predictability of changes and behavior of various economic entities increases. It is noted that in modern regional management there is a shortage in scientific support of development conceptions, targeted planning of the regional economy. Insufficiently developed are technologies for the formation of scenarios for socioeconomic development, as well as instruments of public-private partnership. The issues of applied nature concerning the use in practice of strategic planning and the mechanism for forming a strategy for the socioeconomic development of the region require further theoretical and methodological development. It is concluded that the existing problems of increasing the efficiency of strategic planning for the development of Ukrainian regions can be solved on the basis of the introduction of an effective mechanism, which remains in its infancy today. The proposed mechanism of strategic planning for the development of territories will allow both in theory and in practice to improve the quality of life of the population, will affect the reduction of mortality rates, increase the level of ecological safety, promote the development of priority industries, and generally increase the competitiveness of regional economic systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vatamanyuk-Zielinska U. Z., Derbina R. V.
Investing in the Business in the Lviv Region during the War (p. 98 - 103)

The purpose of the article is to explore the problems of relocation and functioning of businesses in the Lviv region, as well as to define the priorities of the related investment during the period of martial law. Analyzing the regulatory and legal documentation on investment in the economy of the Lviv region during wartime, the need to improve the strategic planning of regional development is determined, taking into account the investment support of the relocated enterprises depending on the type of their activities and priorities of socioeconomic development of the Lviv region. As a result of the carried out research, the authors highlight new incentives to intensify entrepreneurial initiatives among the unemployed persons, including temporarily displaced persons, which would ensure the economic effect of entrepreneurial activity, leveling the risks associated with starting an own business. To do this, it is proposed to use non-functioning objects of communal property located on industrial lands within the Lviv region by leasing them to newly registered individual entrepreneurs from among the unemployed ones. The rent for the use of such areas can be compensated by the amount of unemployment compensations, including the one-time payment for the organization of business activities on the part of unemployed. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the economic efficiency of investments in the development of relocated businesses in the Lviv region in the postwar period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko O. V., Kuzmynchuk N. V.
The Methodical Approaches to the Classification of Ukraine’s Territories for the Recovery and the Regional Economy Administration (p. 104 - 111)

The study is aimed at forming the methodological approaches to combining different classifications of territories of Ukraine in order to develop an instrumentarium for their recovery and long-term development. This involves the implementation of the latest approaches to the short-term management of territories and their strategizing. A consideration of the works of scholars demonstrated the lack of a coordinated system of separation of territories (in the presence of several classifications of territories in accordance with the levels of their development) for the needs of socioeconomic recovery and stimulation of development. The paper analyzes various classifications of territories according to the administrative-territorial division, allocated functional types, levels of economic security and distinguishes common features of different classifications of territories (regions and communities) of Ukraine. The goals of further development of territories such as compliance with certain standards of living in the regions are determined, the foundations of economic growth are outlined, the methods of accumulating additional funds in the territories are indicated, the influence of the levels of economic security of the regional economy on the possibilities of stimulating its development is demonstrated. A methodical approach to the grouping of territories by levels of development, needs for recovery, threats to economic security in different regions is formed, on the basis of which a coordinated system of typification of the territories of Ukraine for their socioeconomic recovery and stimulation of development is proposed. It is proved that different territories can belong to different types, which makes the classification flexible, and the goals of stimulating the development of territories remain variable. This underlines the need to use various instruments to enhance the development of territories in different periods. The originality of the publication lies in the mutual combination of different types of classifications of the territories of Ukraine and the development of their grouped classification. This will allow to develop a logical system of measures to manage the regional and local economy on the basis of new principles of their short-term and strategic development, needs for recovery and growth.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vahovych I. M., Pohuliaiko Y. M.
The Modernization of Innovation Infrastructure as an Institutional Prerequisite for the Structural Reconstruction of the Economy of the Regions of Ukraine in the Post-War Period (p. 94 - 101)

The article substantiates the expediency of modernization of innovation infrastructure as an institutional prerequisite for the structural reconstruction of the economy of the regions of Ukraine during the wartime with the projection of activation of innovative processes in the post-war period. It is further substantiated that the innovation infrastructure in Ukraine covers an overly narrowed specification of the elements of generation and commercialization of innovations, which makes accelerating the processes of innovative renewal of the material and technical base of the basic links of the national economy and regional economic complexes impossible. It is found that the main structural elements of the regional innovation infrastructure are the technological, commercial and supporting core, which, interacting, ensure the acceleration of the processes of production and commercialization of innovative developments and their implementation in the spheres of production and product circulation. It is identified that the creation of business incubators and start-up schools in the short term will eliminate the shortage of innovative ideas and developments, which in the post-war period will ensure their commercialization and implementation in the practice of innovative renewal of the economy of the regions of Ukraine. Studies have shown that the innovation infrastructure of Ukraine is not marked by a critically necessary level of efficiency of functioning due to the underdevelopment of the informational-analytical and expert-consulting component, which gives not a possibility to ensure effective propaganda of the best foreign and domestic practices of innovative and knowledge-intensive development of the structure-forming units of the national economy, in particular, the implementation of the first stages of digital transformation of processes of adoption of managerial decisions in the public administration sector. It is found that it is advisable to carry out programming of priority directions of modernization of regional innovation infrastructure during the wartime in order to form an algorithm for systematic renewal of the economy of the regions of Ukraine immediately after the end of the war to ensure an accelerated recovery of integral property complexes destroyed by enemy attacks and the formation of modern industrial, post-industrial and information growth poles.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matrunchyk D. M.
Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of Ukraine: The Determination of Goal Setting and Regional Peculiarities (p. 102 - 110)

The article formulates the author’s own conception of innovative transformation of the post-war economy of Ukraine for accelerated elimination of the consequences of the military invasion of the aggressor state on a global scale and modernization of the structural units of the national economy and regional economic complexes. It is substantiated that in the context of significant territorial heterogeneity of the sectoral structure of the economic complex, the choice of priorities for innovative transformation of the post-war economy should take into account the peculiarities of economic development of Ukraine’s regions. It is found that the determination of goal-setting for the innovative transformation of the post-war economy should include the identification of the main determinants (military, institutional-digital, resource-production and environmental, social, macro-cyclical and macro-fiscal, global), which currently determine the basic trends in the functioning of national and regional economic complexes. It is substantiated that the main principles of innovative transformation of the post-war economy of Ukraine and regional economic complexes are: 1) the principle of social responsibility; 2) the principle of dirigisme; 3) the principle of inclusiveness; 4) the principle of co-evolution; 5) the principle of convergence; 6) the principle of glocalization. It is proved that the defined set of basic principles for the implementation of transformation processes in the post-war period on an innovative basis determines the following main goals: 1) economic recovery and strengthening of economic self-sufficiency; 2) strengthening of the country’s defense capability and revival of the military-industrial complex; 3) building a welfare state; 4) clean environment. It is established that the main goals (goals of the first order) should be specified in the goals of the second order: territorial-sectoral, ecological-energetic, socio-demographic, and scientific-technical. It is substantiated that the determination of goal-setting for the innovative transformation of the post-war economy of Ukraine should fully take into account the regional specifics of production and infrastructure complex formation in order to ensure the most efficient use of the resource-production potential of territorial entities and the benefits and new opportunities resulting from the deepening of decentralization processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nedopad H. V.
Financial and Economic Stimulation of the Secondary Resource Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Essence, Principles, and Regional Dimension (p. 111 - 117)

The article substantiates the expediency of forming a modern system of financial and economic stimulation of the secondary resource use as a necessary prerequisite for activating the processes of utilization of secondary raw materials in the conditions of decentralization. The carried out studies have shown that the financial and economic stimulation of the secondary resource use is a logically ordered set of methods, instruments and levers of fiscal, budgetary, credit, price and reimbursement-penalty influence on the processes of involving the used industrial and household raw materials into economic circulation in order to use the resource value of its material and material substance. It is substantiated that the existing system of financial and economic stimuli for the secondary resource use, which operates at the national level, should receive its modification at the regional and local levels in order to make use of the most of the advantages and opportunities of decentralization in financial and investment support for the modernization of waste management infrastructure and the processes of disposal of the resource value of industrial and household waste. It is determined that the formation of a modern system of financial and economic stimulation of the secondary resource use should be based on a set of fundamental principles and the principles that imply compliance with the requirements of institutional transformations and conjuncture-cyclical fluctuations. It is substantiated that the fundamental principles of forming a system of financial and economic stimulation for the secondary resource use in the context of decentralization are the principles of environmental sustainability, economic efficiency and social responsibility, and the list of principles that provide for compliance with the requirements of institutional transformations and market-cycle fluctuations includes the principles of taking into account global benefits, decentralization and deregulation, adherence to the fiscal optimum, opportunity cost, complexity, prevention and elimination of negative externalities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Trushkina N. V.
The Infrastructural Provision of Regional Waste Management in the Context of a Circular Economy (Example of the Kharkiv Region) (p. 118 - 132)

The article proposes an integrated approach to assessing the development of a waste management system on the example of the Kharkiv region. This approach is based on the use of a complex of indicators that characterize the current state of functioning of this system from both the ecological and the economic points of view. Based on the results of the diagnostics, barriers, threats, and ecological principles of function of the regional waste management system are identified. As a result of the study, it is substantiated that in order to provide an effective infrastructural provision of waste management, it is advisable to introduce a logistics approach, the essence of which is to integrate the principles of transformation of the waste management system, priority directions of waste recycling in the face of the destruction of critical infrastructure objects, implementation of the reverse logistics algorithm, the main components of the organizational and economic mechanism (functions, methods, management instruments, information systems, digital, «green», and innovative technologies), financial instruments of green investment for the implementation of the regional waste management strategy in the Kharkiv region. The implementation of the proposed approach will facilitate the adoption of substantiated innovative decisions on the greening of logistics activities and ecological management; timely solution of problems on the management of reverse flows of production waste using the principles of green and reverse logistics; minimizing the negative impact on the environment by reducing the volume of waste generation, increasing the volume of processing and reuse of waste; effective implementation of circular economy models, transition to expanding the responsibility of producers; increasing the level of ecological safety of the region; achieving the goals of sustainable development of the regional economy. It is found that in order to improve the waste management system in the region, it is expedient to: introduce the latest technologies and equipment for the collection, sorting, transportation, processing and disposal of waste, taking into account best European practices; promoting the use of waste recycling as a secondary raw material on the basis of «green» investment; development of a financial mechanism for the use of public-private partnership based on attracting private investment and other extra-budgetary sources of financing in the field of waste management; creation of an appropriate logistics infrastructure (for example, a cluster structure as an organizational form of partnership) for waste management; development and implementation of instruments for economic stimulation of waste disposal; implementation of the concept of reverse logistics in the context of a circular economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Iefimova G. V., Pavlova M. D.
Threats and Prospects for Attracting Foreign Investment in the Ukrainian Territorial Communities’ Activities (p. 74 - 85)

The process of reforming local self-government in Ukraine began recently and faces a large number of threats that require detailed study and determination of development prospects. The study aims at identifying the threats and prospects for attracting foreign investment in the Ukrainian territorial communities’ (UTC) activities. It provides an overview of the current state of foreign investment in Ukraine and analyzes the legal and regulatory framework for attracting foreign investment. The research is based on a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and UTCs’ reports, as well as primary data collected by the official website of the decentralization of Ukraine. The study finds that Ukraine has significant potential for attracting foreign investment, but there are several threats that hinder this process. These threats include a lack of transparency, corruption, an unstable political and economic environment, acts of war, and a weak legal and regulatory framework. These factors make it difficult for foreign investors to operate in Ukraine and negatively affect the country’s investment climate. Despite these threats, there are several prospects for attracting foreign investment in Ukrainian territorial communities’ activity. These prospects include the decentralization of power, which has created a favorable environment for local economic development and investment. Additionally, Ukraine has a highly educated workforce, abundant natural resources, and a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, making it an attractive investment destination. To realize these prospects, the study recommends that the Ukrainian government take steps to improve the investment climate, including strengthening the legal and regulatory framework, combating corruption, and providing greater transparency. It also recommends that territorial communities develop investment strategies, promote their investment potential, and establish partnerships with foreign investors. By means of SWOT and TOWS analyses, taking into account trends, information provided about the strengths and weaknesses of the community, its capabilities, and threats, in order to attract foreign investment in Ukrainian territorial communities’ activities, the "strengths-opportunities" strategy was chosen. The research emphasizes the common features of UTCs, but developing an investment strategy for each region takes into account its peculiarities. Thus, the choice of a strategic goal is based on the community’s position regarding its advantages and capabilities, existing strengths, and a parallel focus on solving the most pressing problems. This combination will give a powerful impetus to the UTCs’ development and, if implemented, the opportunity to eliminate weaknesses and threats. Overall, the study concludes that Ukraine has the potential to attract significant foreign investment, but this requires a concerted effort from the government and territorial communities to address the threats and capitalize on the prospects.

Article is written in English

Monastyrskyi G. L., Volosiuk M. V.
Harmonization of Social and Economic Components of the Development of the Infrastructure of Territorial Communities (p. 86 - 95)

The purpose of the article is to define the components of the infrastructure of territorial communities, to study the state of the infrastructure of territorial communities in the Mykolaiv region in the context of strategic planning, and to provide recommendations for harmonizing the social and economic components of the development of the infrastructure of territorial communities. The article reviews the national legal framework for continuing the reforms launched in 2014-2015 for the matters of post-war recovery of Ukraine and the European integration. The scientific approaches to defining the essence of «public infrastructure» and «local infrastructure» are considered and their components are characterized. The role of systems such as health care, education, housing and communal services, and culture, in local economic development is determined. The territorial communities of the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine are studied in terms of social and economic components of their infrastructure development and its harmonization with local economic development, on the basis of which it is found that only 23 % of territorial communities that have an approved development strategy implement programs for the modernization and development of the education system, health care system, housing and communal services, and cultural and spiritual environment. Recommendations are provided on the coherence of strategic directions for the development of the territorial community and local infrastructure enterprises. To raise funds for large infrastructure projects, it is recommended that local governments: 1) join the strategic planning process, adjusting the existing developments for post-war recovery for the quality of life of the population; 2) ensure the implementation of programs for the modernization and development of the education system, health care system, housing and communal services, and cultural and spiritual environment; 3) take into account both the «hard» and «soft» components of the infrastructure project in these programs. It is recommended that infrastructure enterprises of territorial communities develop their own development strategies to attract additional funding based on their own competitive advantages.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berko V. V., Bogdan N. M.
The Impact of the Use of UNESCO Objects for Tourism Purposes on the Socioeconomic Environment of Region (p. 112 - 119)

The article studies the interrelation between UNESCO objects and the level of socioeconomic development of the regions of their location, as well as the peculiarities of investing in UNESCO objects; the aspects of positive and negative impact of new technologies and innovations used in the field of tourism demand on the objects of world cultural and natural significance are determined. The basic principles and mechanisms by which the use of objects of cultural and natural heritage for tourism purposes has a significant impact on the economy of the regions of their deployment are provided. The sources and areas of activity that produce profit under the influence of the use of UNESCO objects for tourism purposes are determined. Through the interrelation of all indicators, levers of the highest and lowest values are found, taking into account the dynamics of indicators depending on the object of study. The role of marketing and marketing strategy in the activities of tourist sites under UNESCO protection is specified, and an algorithm for applying and developing a marketing strategy for such objects is provided. The investment block in the sphere of tourism in relation to UNESCO objects is considered, groups of investors and investment spheres are formulated; the efficiency of investing in the most famous objects of world cultural, historical and natural significance is computed. The congruousness and areas of influence of the use of the latest technologies and developments in the tourism sector at UNESCO sites, their integration into the process of interaction of tourist objects with tourists, including objects of world cultural, historical and natural significance, are identified, both the positive and the negative elements of such integration in the context of their economic significance are allocated. According to the results of the carried out study, it is defined that objects of the World cultural, historical and natural heritage play an important role in the development of tourism and contribute to increasing the profitability of the tourism industry and its positive impact on the socioeconomic situation of the region. The topic of further research in this direction is the study of the efficiency of existing systems for the protection of UNESCO objects in the context of involving the results of technological inventions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelianenko O. M., Omelyanenko V. A.
The Conceptual Foundations of Infrastructure and Service Methodology for the Development of Local Communities (p. 120 - 128)

The viability of the socioeconomic environment directly depends on the level of development, quality and reliability of infrastructure. In these circumstances, the role of self-organization of communities is growing, which requires, on the one hand, reasonable prioritization in the social spheres and development of infrastructure of life activities, etc. (consistent with the goals and objectives of the development strategy), and on the other hand, assessment of the own and the potential sources of ensuring the implementation of these priorities, which can be made through the development of self-sufficient innovative communities. The aim of the study is to determine the substantial content of the infrastructure and service methodology and its potential in the context of post-war recovery. The infrastructure and service approach involves maximum satisfaction of human needs and requests, as well as the creation of conditions for work and life, and is focused on meeting the needs of the community through attracting and retaining human resources through the development of services and infrastructure. The infrastructure and service approach is focused on adapting the management of the development of innovative communities to the problems of sustainable development as such, which opens up opportunities for studying promising organizational and economic mechanisms for managing service orientation, based on assessing the impact of status changes as a result of military hostilities in the economic space and its effects on the quality of life, living space and human capital. The methodology of the infrastructure and service approach is based on the ideas of the geography of innovations, combining the methods of economic geography, regional economy and innovatics and explores the spatial patterns of creation, implementation and dissemination of new ideas, technologies, products, as well as the impact of these processes on regional (local) development. From these positions, the infrastructure and service approach is relevant, because it relies on the potential of the territories and is aimed at more intensive use of its own capabilities. The infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities implies the understanding that innovations cover not only technological changes, but also changes in organizational, labor and social practices as those that can potentially affect the well-being of human capital of communities. Service modeling involves describing all processes in communities of different typologies in order to take these processes into account while projecting. Infrastructure and service projecting is the process of organizing space in such a way that economic agents interact as smoothly and efficiently as possible within innovative communities. In this context of the project, service innovations will be considered at the local level as an integration totality of basic factors of living standards, socioeconomic conditions, characterizations of innovative business entities, innovation infrastructure, cluster and network connections. The authors believe that for infrastructure development at the decent level, it is necessary to maximize the existing potential of the community, which is as most effectively possible through the development of innovative communities. Within the terms of practical implementation of the infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities, it is advisable to consider the hypothesis that development at the regional level should be carried out through a combination of smart-specialization strategies and the objectives of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semyhulina I. B., Yaroshenko I. V., Poliakova O. Y., Ivanova O. Y.
A Classification of Territorial Communities in Ukraine as an Instrumentarium for Effective Public Management of Spatial Development (p. 129 - 140)

The article substantiates the expediency of introducing an extended and multilevel classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of the use of various classification signs and features, as well as the development of appropriate instruments (methodical approach) to the formation of a generalized classification. Based on the generalization of the current approaches to existing varieties of territories by analyzing individual directions of their functioning and life support, instruments have been developed for the formation of a generalized classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of a combination of a wide range of features, which will further form universal recommendations for defining models and directions of spatial development of communities and develop targeted instruments for their development and support, depending on the specifics and features. The peculiarity of the developed classification of territorial communities of Ukraine is the allocation of three main blocks of classification features: block of resource conditions of spatial development, the purpose of which is to identify those resources of various types that the community has to ensure for its development; a block of achieving the development capacity, which is designed to assess the efficiency of resource use and substantiate the feasibility of special government support for community development; a block of the problem-oriented development, which identifies the main problems of the community that exist or may become relevant during the period of implementation of the community development strategy. The result of the practical application of the proposed instruments for the classification of territorial communities should be the creation of conditions for each of them ion order to determine the level of capacity for self-development, formation of development priorities, use of directions and opportunities of government support in the process of developing a model, strategy and plans for its implementation, application of the program-project approach to the spatial development of territorial communities in Ukraine, depending on the extant, relevant needs and future prospects for the development of the country and its territories, including in the period of post-war recovery and restoration.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Omelyanenko V. A., Omelianenko O. M.
Reviewing the Potential of Using the Theories of Innovative Communities for the Development of Territorial Communities (p. 134 - 141)

The socioeconomic environment of today represents a complex mix of technologies, ideas, and collaboration. New horizons and opportunities are opening up thanks to the incredible flow of innovation that is born from the unification of different sources in innovative communities. These innovative communities prove to be particularly valuable for development of the territorial ones, as they contribute to solving complex problems, creating new opportunities, and supporting growth. Innovation communities as counterparts of territorial communities are platforms where diverse individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, academics, activists, and other stakeholders pool their knowledge, expertise, and resources to jointly find solutions to current challenges and make a positive impact on their environment. Such communities can provide a wide range of activities, such as technological development, social initiatives, environmental protection, education, and culture. In light of the above, innovation communities as counterparts of territorial communities turn out to be an extremely important tool for creating a positive impact on society. At the same time, the potential of innovative communities remains insufficiently studied and disclosed from the standpoint of the development of territorial communities. The purpose of the study is to review the main theories of innovative communities and determine their potential for the development of territorial communities. The study analyzes the main theories of innovation communities, which explore the processes of cooperation and innovative development. These theories help to understand various aspects of innovative communities and networks, the dynamics of their development and the factors influencing their effectiveness. Each of these theories has its own characteristics and can be used to analyze and develop innovation processes in different contexts. It is determined that innovative communities can have a variety of effects that contribute to innovative development and achievement of community goals. It is determined that theories of innovation communities are important for understanding, describing and practical application of the processes taking place in innovation communities. They provide a framework for analyzing and managing the dynamics of such communities, helping to understand how they are formed, function, and affect the development of a territorial community. Overall, innovation community theories play an important role in understanding and facilitating the development of innovation processes and communities, as they provide an analytical framework that helps to better understand the complex relationships and dynamics in innovation communities, which in turn contributes to the creation of more resilient and successful innovation ecosystems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Perepeliukova O. V.
Peculiarities of the Development of Regional Economic Systems on the Basis of Digitalization in the Context of Post-War Recovery (p. 142 - 148)

The study of the development of digitalization of regional economic systems in the context of military aggression and post-war recovery of territories is an urgent and important task for the State today. The European vector of digital technology development, which Ukraine has chosen and is implementing, despite the difficulties, has allowed to significantly improve the development of the digital sector in our country. A study of the state of digital transformation of the regions of Ukraine in the pre-war period was carried out using the Digital Transformation Index, which made it possible to identify the leading and outsider regions in the development of digital content and to identify the strengths and weaknesses for each region as part of the calculation of the relevant sub-indices. First of all, such innovations in digital technologies concern the public sector, which, based on the development of software products (such as Diia), has allowed society to significantly improve and speed up the processes of obtaining a certain list of public services online. Development of the software product Hromada 4.0. for local self-government bodies, has allowed the introduction of new digital technologies in them to ensure equal access of the population to the necessary public services. The main focus of this program is digital solutions to improve municipal governance, increase cybersecurity of data. The development of the «EU4Digital: Supporting the Digital Economy and Society in the Eastern Partnership» program has improved the lives of the population by stimulating economic growth, creating new jobs, supporting small and medium-sized businesses by taking advantage of the benefits of the EU Digital Single Market for Ukraine. The study of the development of digitalization of regional economic systems allowed to identify four areas of obstacles (institutional, infrastructural, ecosystem, and e-government) that hinder this development. Six directions for the development of regional economic systems on the basis of digitalization are proposed, which will increase access to public services for more segments of the population, that should simplify the procedure for obtaining such services and reduce the level of bureaucracy in our country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretyak V. P., Kulyk D. Y.
Developing the Approaches to Determining the Impact of Stakeholders on the Implementation of Regional Development Projects (p. 149 - 156)

The article discusses the essence of the category of «stakeholder» and the development of approaches to determining the influence of stakeholders on the implementation of regional development projects. The process of organizing regional development with the involvement of stakeholders, the development of the interpretation of the category of «stakeholder» and their role, as well as approaches to determining the degree of their influence on the implementation of regional development projects are analyzed. It is defined that regional development projects have separate characteristics that vary depending on their directedness, direction, implementation period and level, and are designed to address a number of issues related to the development of a particular territory. It is defined that stakeholders are a dynamic category and, according to their role in the process of implementing regional development projects, can change over time or depending on various factors. According to the role and interests of stakeholders in the processes of formation, planning and implementation of development projects, they can be divided into separate groups, namely: local, economic, social, environmental, and international groups. Each individual group of regional development stakeholders performs a certain unique function in the process of implementing regional development projects, which is aimed at their implementation and achievement of the set goals, as well as the realization of the stakeholders’ own interests. Taking into account the specifics of different groups of stakeholders, a scheme of roles of specific groups of stakeholders in the context of regional development was built, which in the future will allow to provide a more open and comprehensive approach to planning and implementing regional development projects. The influence of stakeholders on the process of implementing a regional development project is constantly changing and is measured by three main attributes, namely: power, interest, and dynamics. The role of stakeholders in the regional development process is to ensure a broader and more diverse approach to the planning and implementation of regional development projects. This is an important aspect, as taking into account the different voices, proposals and needs of stakeholders contributes to the successful achievement of the set goal. Thus, it will allow adapting the entire process of implementing regional development projects in accordance with new circumstances and challenges, which will contribute to the achievement of the goal.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dub A. R.
Economy of Territorial Communities: Trends in the Wartime Conditions and Post-War Recovery Strategizing (p. 105 - 111)

The development of the economy of territorial communities largely depends on the presence of business entities within their boundaries and the ability of local self-government bodies to create an environment conducive to the development and functioning of business in the community. The ongoing war has exacerbated the challenges associated with the functioning of business entities, and therefore the development of the economy of territorial communities. Local self-government bodies have a considerable set of tools for local economic development to respond to these challenges. However, the following questions remain open: how and what tools of local economic development do local governments use to stimulate the development of the local economy? The purpose of the study is to identify obstacles to the functioning of business after the onset of russia’s full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine and analyze local economic development tools which local self-government bodies can use in strategic planning of post-war recovery and development of the economy of territorial communities. In the course of the study it is revealed that in the first months of russia’s full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine, there was a drop in entrepreneurial activity. However, the relative stabilization of the front line, the victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and tax regulation measures aimed at mitigating the tax pressure on business during the war ensured a gradual resumption of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, there was a territorial redistribution of business entities in favor of safer western regions of the country. The challenges of development of the local economy in territorial communities, associated with the conduct of entrepreneurial activity by economic entities (lack of qualified labor potential, low entrepreneurial activity among local residents, loss of logistics chains, declarative nature of business support by local governments) are disclosed and characterized. A classification of local economic development tools that can be used by local self-government bodies to increase the competitiveness of the economy of territorial communities is provided. The tools of local economic development, the use of which is declared by local self-government bodies in strategic documents for the development of territorial communities, are analyzed and critically evaluated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Storonyanska I. Z., Dub A. R.
Imbalance of Strategic and Spatial Development Planning Documents and Directions for Their Harmonization (p. 116 - 122)

Modern challenges caused by russia’s full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine and Ukraine’s obtaining the status of a candidate for EU membership require the elaboration / revision and coordination of documents that regularize and regulate strategic and spatial planning in the State at all levels. The issue of formation of strategic and spatial planning documents is especially relevant for local self-government bodies of territorial communities. On the one hand, due to the insufficient number of specialists in strategic and spatial planning during the wartime and the high cost of developing such documents, and on the other hand, due to the vertical and horizontal imbalance (inconsistency) of strategic and spatial planning documents. The aim of the presented study is to determine the directions of coordination of strategic and spatial planning documents for the development of territorial communities on the basis of identifying gaps and shortcomings in the system of strategic and spatial planning in Ukraine. The study focuses on the theoretical and applied aspects of considering the problem of harmonization of strategic and spatial planning in Ukraine. The theoretical component is concentrated around the approach to strategic and spatial planning. In particular, the «top-down» approach to strategic and spatial planning in Ukraine is characterized and critically evaluated. It is noted that in the conditions of wartime and post-war recovery, it is fully justified to prevent the increase in differentiation in the development of territorial communities in different regions of the country and the negative impact of the armed aggression of the russian federation on them. Applied aspects of the study are related to the identification of gaps in the systems of strategic and spatial planning in Ukraine. In particular, special attention is paid to the vertical and horizontal coordination of two key documents to be developed by local self-government bodies of territorial communities – the strategy for the development of the territorial community (strategic planning document) and a comprehensive plan for the spatial development of the territory of the territorial community (spatial planning document). Based on the results of the study, amendments to the legislation related to the vertical and horizontal coordination of strategic and spatial planning documents in order to preserve the integrity of the State regional policy in Ukraine with the simultaneous opening of opportunities for local self-government bodies to form effective, rather than formal documents for the strategic and spatial development of territorial communities are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyliev O. V., Huriev V. O.
Theoretical Foundations of the State Regional Policy in the Context of Implementation of Anti-Crisis Management (p. 135 - 141)

The article discusses the urgent problems of sustainable development of Ukraine, which are focused on economic growth, improving the well-being of the population and preserving the integrity of the State in difficult security conditions. The study substantiates the need to revise and update regional policy, taking into account the current challenges and tasks of post-war development, as well as taking into account the experience of other countries. The article underlines the importance of ensuring sustainable development in all regions as a key path to the overall sustainable development of the country. The study provides an analysis of the main factors influencing regional development, emphasizes the need to take into account the fiscal and regulatory potential of the customs system, which is especially important for regions with border checkpoints. It is found that the State regional policy acquires a new meaning in view of the need to regulate and support regional development by legislative, financial, planning, investment and infrastructure measures. The study has also revealed a significant interest in the development and improvement of the organizational component of regional development management. Thus, this calls attention to the lack of comprehensive scientific research that would meet the new challenges of today. However, the development of digital technologies and their implementation in public administration opens up new opportunities for automating regional development processes. The article outlines the main directions of the State influence on the development of regions, in particular, legislative regulation, financial support, planning and coordination of activities, investment policy, development of infrastructure, education and science, optimization of social policy, environmental measures, industrial development, information potential and international cooperation. The importance of inter-budgetary transfers and taxes as key tools for supporting regions in the context of anti-crisis management, which contributes to the stabilization and development of regions affected by the crisis, is emphasized. Thus, the article proposes an integrated approach to ensuring balanced regional development, which takes into account modern challenges and contributes to the overall economic revival of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
The Factors Influencing the Socioeconomic Development of Regions (Territories) of Ukraine in the Face of Threats and Overcoming the Consequences of Military Aggression (p. 142 - 148)

The European choice of Ukraine’s development has a direct impact on the formation of its regional policy, which is based on the implementation of democratic principles, positive experience of the EU countries, mutual convergence of legislative provisions, contributes to the rapid adaptation of the country’s regions to European rules in integration into the European Union. Understanding the impact of internal and external factors on the socioeconomic development of regions (territories, communities, cities, etc.) directly affects the efficiency of the entire public administration system at all levels, the organization and interaction of territorial authorities, the business environment, the public in order to create a safe living space, the ability to fulfill the assigned powers and responsibilities, to ensure a high level of quality of life for citizens, sustainable development of the country and its territory, etc. It is relevant in modern conditions to search for efficient theoretical and methodological approaches and recommendations for the analysis, identification and generalization of various factors influencing regional development for the purpose of their further use in the system of public administration at various levels, in particular in the context of overcoming the consequences of military aggression in the post-war period in Ukraine. The objectives of the article are aimed at analyzing the internal and external factors influencing the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine; generalization and grouping of such factors, taking into account their importance, direct positive and negative impact on the functioning of any territory, ensuring a safe living environment, etc. The used example of the Kharkiv region, which, due to its border location with the russian federation, constantly remains in the zone of negative influence from the proximity to the territory of hostilities and their consequences, proves the relevance of the study of the influence of external and internal factors on socioeconomic regional development from the standpoint of taking into account individual territorial characteristics, which makes it expedient to use the results obtained in the process of further developments of scientific and practical materials on the reconstruction of the country and its regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

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