
Transformational Processes in Production Industries under the Conditions of Circular Economy Development: Global Trends
Shkurat M. Y., Lozinskyi A. V.

Shkurat, Mariia Ye., and Lozinskyi, Artem V. (2024) “Transformational Processes in Production Industries under the Conditions of Circular Economy Development: Global Trends.” The Problems of Economy 4:44–55.

Section: World economy and international relations

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UDC 338.45:658.5:502.131.1

The article highlights the importance of the circular economy as a strategic direction of sustainable development, which ensures the reduction of waste and rationalization of the use of resources in production industries. The aim of the study is to analyze transformation processes in production industries in the context of implementing the principles of circular economy, identifying global trends and forming recommendations for improving environmental sustainability and economic efficiency of production systems. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing environmental challenges and the need to move from the traditional linear model of the economy to circular approaches that contribute to reducing waste and using resources more efficiently. To achieve this goal, the following objectives are solved: analysis of the volume of waste generation in the world economy and waste management in different countries; determination of modern approaches and methods of introducing the principles of circular economy into production processes; analysis of the experience of successful countries and companies in the implementation of circular models; development of recommendations for enterprises on the integration of circular principles in manufacturing industries. The article explores innovative solutions, such as recycling and reuse of waste in the fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, construction, electrical and light industry, retail, agro-industrial and timber industries. In particular, the implementation of industrial symbiosis, urban mining for the extraction of metals from urban waste, and the use of renewable materials were studied. The implementation of technologies for gas purification and restoration of coral reefs, the creation of prefabricated and reusable containers to reduce plastic consumption has been analyzed. Models of clothing sharing, systems for efficient recycling of textile waste, as well as certification procedures for logging are considered. Incentives for the production of ecological machinery are estimated. Based on the carried out analysis, recommendations for enterprises have been developed, which include a detailed analysis of resource flows, integration of ecodesign, establishment of reverse logistics systems, implementation of innovative business models and development of partnerships with stakeholders. The importance of investing in staff training and the development of a corporate culture focused on sustainability and innovation is also emphasized. Thus, the study demonstrates the potential of the circular economy in ensuring the sustainable development of manufacturing industries and increasing their competitiveness in the global market.

Keywords: circular economy, environmental resilience, transformation processes, waste recycling, innovative solutions, sustainable development.

Fig.: 7. Bibl.: 37.

Shkurat Mariia Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Lozinskyi Artem V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economic Relations, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)

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