Integration of Large and Small Enterprises in Machine Building: The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects Stepanenko I. M., Lyba V. O.
Stepanenko, Ivan M., and Lyba, Vasyl O. (2024) “Integration of Large and Small Enterprises in Machine Building: The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects.” The Problems of Economy 4:214–220.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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Abstract: The aim of this article is to consider and analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of the integration of large and small enterprises in machine building. The study aims to examine the basic conceptions, models and strategies of integration, as well as to identify success factors and recommendations for improving this process. The article also aims to support practical activities in the field of machine building, providing businesses and managers with the tools and knowledge to efficiently integrate different scales of enterprises. The carried out study can contribute to academic research and deepen understanding of integration processes in the context of machine building. In general, the aim of the article is to highlight and analyze the key aspects of the integration of large and small enterprises in machine building in order to contribute to the development of this industry and increase the competitiveness of national and international markets. The aim of this article is not only a theoretical analysis of the conceptions and strategies for the integration of large and small enterprises in machine building, but also the practical use of this knowledge to support the development of enterprises in this field. The article aims to study and systematize scientific data in order to provide a clear picture of integration mechanisms and their impact on market dynamics. In addition, the aim is also to identify potential obstacles and success factors in the integration process and develop recommendations directed towards increasing the efficiency of this process. This article can serve as a source of information for managers, entrepreneurs, researchers and government agencies interested in the issues of efficient organization and management in the field of machine building, also to reflect the theoretical aspects of the integration of large and small enterprises in machine building in order to increase their competitiveness and sustainability in the market.
Keywords: entrepreneurship integration, large and small enterprises, machine building, theoretical and methodological aspects, success factors, recommendations, integration strategies, organizational changes.
Bibl.: 8.
Stepanenko Ivan M. – Postgraduate Student, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Vadyma Manka Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine) Email: Lyba Vasyl O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Vadyma Manka Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine) Email:
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