A Scientific and Methodical Approach to Diagnosing the Economic Sustainability of Enterprises in the Context of Business Innovativeness Hovsieiev D. D.
Hovsieiev, Dmytro D. (2024) “A Scientific and Methodical Approach to Diagnosing the Economic Sustainability of Enterprises in the Context of Business Innovativeness.” The Problems of Economy 4:183–191. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-0712-2024-4-183-191
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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Abstract: It is noted that modern business operates in a dynamic environment, where technological innovations and globalization create both new opportunities and significant challenges. The economic sustainability of the enterprise in such conditions becomes a key factor of success. The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to diagnosing the economic sustainability of enterprises in the context of business innovativeness. It is substantiated that the economic sustainability of an enterprise is formed as a result of the synergy of a complex of its interrelated components, among which the technological level, financial and economic condition, human resources and efficiency of organizational and economic processes are distinguished. The influence of each of the components on the overall level of economic sustainability of the enterprise determines the long-term development perspective of the enterprise in the context of business innovativeness. It is proposed to allocate a four-stage level of its definition within the general zone of economic sustainability in the context of business innovativeness, consisting of high, medium, low, and critical stages of the level of economic sustainability. Between these stages, certain interpenetrating boundary zones are formed, which pass into each other. The scientific and methodical approach to diagnosing the economic sustainability of enterprises in the context of business innovativeness has been improved through the use of mathematical methods: the method of main components (MNE) to determine the weighting coefficients of indicators that characterize the components of economic sustainability, qualimetric forecasting to assess the impact of each component of economic sustainability on the integral indicator, which makes it possible to develop measures to increase each component and the overall economic sustainability of the enterprise.
Keywords: methodical approach, economic sustainability, innovativeness, method of main components, qualimetric forecasting.
Fig.: 4. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 19.
Hovsieiev Dmytro D. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Air Transport Economics, State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute" (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine) Email: hovsieiev@gmail.com
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