Analyzing the Development of Scientific Research in the Field of Digital Transformations Bondarenko D. V., Khaustov M. M., Kalashnikova K. Y.
Bondarenko, Dmytro V., Khaustov, Mykyta M., and Kalashnikova, Kateryna Yu. (2024) “Analyzing the Development of Scientific Research in the Field of Digital Transformations.” The Problems of Economy 4:169–182.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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Abstract: The article is devoted to determining the state and tendencies in the development of scientific research in the field of digital transformations using the tools of bibliometric analysis. In accordance with the aim of the article, the study considers the features of bibliometric analysis as a research method that allows conducting a thorough comprehensive review of all the most influential publications in a particular subject area. The sources of data on citations available in the world have been analyzed and the expediency of conducting a study on the basis of the scientometric database Scopus has been substantiated. The tasks, tools and methods of research are defined. According to the results of the carried out analysis, the following is determined: a rapid increase in the number of publications in the direction of digital transformation; leaders of publication activity in this area (China, USA, Germany, Great Britain); most used keywords in the publications on digital transformation (Digital Transformation, Digitalization, Industry 4.0, Innovation, Digital Technologies); 6 clusters have been identified that characterize the key areas of research in the field of digital transformation (1 – covers publications on the problems of digital transformation of the enterprise, its business processes, factors influencing the efficiency of digital transformation; 2 – publications on ICT, digital technologies, implementation of digital tools; 3 – publications focusing on identifying ways of development of digital transformation and its impact on education, services, human capital, infrastructure; 4 – publications focused on business strategies, digital opportunities, productivity, machine learning, organizational culture, and readiness to embrace transformation; 5 – publications on the development of the digital economy, identification of growth paths, innovations, ecology, production, risks for the economy as a whole; 6 – publications on the substantiation of the company’s innovation strategy); tendencies in the change in the focus of research of scientists in the field of digital transformation have been examined and the intensification of research in recent years on the problems of corporate governance, green innovations, digital finance, and risks of digital transformation has been determined.
Keywords: digital transformation, digitalization, bibliometric analysis, publication activity, research clusters, business processes of the enterprise, business strategy.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 44.
Bondarenko Dmytro V. – PhD, Junior Researcher, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: Khaustov Mykyta M. – PhD, Junior Researcher, Sector of Energy Security and Energy Saving of the Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: Kalashnikova Kateryna Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email:
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