The Methodological and Analytical Approaches to the Assessment of Neo-Industrialization Processes in the Processing Industry Sachenko A. O.
Sachenko, Andrii O. (2024) “The Methodological and Analytical Approaches to the Assessment of Neo-Industrialization Processes in the Processing Industry.” The Problems of Economy 4:100–107.
Section: Economics and national economy management
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Abstract: The article is aimed at forming the methodological and analytical approaches to assessing the processes of neo-industrialization in the processing industry on the basis of methodological and applied means and instruments that can be used in order to provide the best, most complete and sufficient characteristics of the subject under study. The article substantiates the need for the formation of methodological and analytical approaches for assessing neo-industrialization in the processing industry. Attention is focused on the introduction of innovative and technological processes, the identification of strategic sectors of the economy, the creation of breakthrough technologies, technological modernization and increasing competitiveness. A comprehensive methodological approach based on cause-and-effect analysis, system monitoring and multivariate statistical analysis is developed. The following key indicators for assessing the state of neo-industrialization are allocated: the level of innovation activity, the volume of production of innovative products, the share of high-tech industries, indicators of technological modernization and integration of breakthrough technologies. The results of the study emphasize the close relationship between the level of innovation and technological development of the economy and the socioeconomic growth of the country. The main stages of the analysis of neo-industrialization are defined as follows: the study of the state and level of structural changes, the assessment of innovation potential, the determination of trends in the development of neo-industrial processes. The practical application of the developed methodology demonstrates its efficiency in creating prerequisites for sustainable industrial development. It is shown that the quality of life is determined by a number of determinants, the development of which is concomitant to neo-industrialization. A close statistically significant relationship between the leading factors of neo-industrialization and the socioeconomic development of the country is revealed, which requires not only the methodology of analysis, but also forecasting the dynamics of the leading macroeconomic and social indicators of the industrial development of the State, including specific aspects of the dynamics of the development of the processing industry.
Keywords: neo-industrialization, processing industry, methodological instruments, innovations, technological modernization, competitiveness of the economy.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 9. Bibl.: 17.
Sachenko Andrii O. – Assistant, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (37 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine) Email:
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