Preferential Trade as a Result of Evolution and Institutionalization of International Trade Agreements Kalyuzhna N. H., Lezhepokova V. H.
Kalyuzhna, Nataliya H., and Lezhepokova, Viktoriia H. (2024) “Preferential Trade as a Result of Evolution and Institutionalization of International Trade Agreements.” The Problems of Economy 3:31–38.
Section: World economy and international relations
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the systematization of the prerequisites for the emergence and formation of preferential trade in the context of the historical evolution and institutionalization of international trade agreements. The conclusion of preferential agreements is a common instrument for the development of international trade and economic relations, which retains its relevance in the context of modern fragmentation of the world economy and the spread of foreign trade neoprotectionism. The results of the carried out analysis of scientific publications showed that the focus of researches is mainly on the factors of rapid development of international (in particular, preferential) trade in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. At the same time, understanding the current trends, prospects and challenges of preferential trade requires a study of its essence as a historically conditioned result of the evolution and institutionalization of international trade. Disclosure of the chronology of the formation of preferential trade is proposed to be carried out in the context of the evolution of international trade and the stages of its institutionalization. Based on the results of systematization of the basic characteristics of the stages of evolution of international trade, the features of its historical formation are determined, examples of relevant international trade agreements are provided and the prerequisites for the transition of international trade and economic relations to each subsequent stage of development are defined. The results of the systematization of the evolutionary stages of international trade confirm that preferential arrangements are an integral feature of its development, since each period can be corresponded with certain characteristics of preferential agreements, namely: subject, zone, depth of coverage of preferences, conditions of access to markets, standardization of trade rules, measures of protection and conditions of competition, provisions on investments. On the basis of the analysis of certain characteristics, it is substantiated that the institutionalization of international trade is an evolutionary process of institutionalization of preferential trade, where each subsequent stage reflects the development of new types, forms and rules for concluding international trade agreements. An important evolutionary result of the transformation of international trade agreements should be considered a gradual decrease in the asymmetry of preferences in both bilateral and global trade agreements, which testifies in favor of equalizing the conditions of international competition and gravitating towards equal involvement of countries in the processes of world trade.
Keywords: preferential trade, international trade, evolution, institutionalization, international trade agreements, asymmetric preferences.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 22.
Kalyuzhna Nataliya H. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of World Economy, State University of Trade and Economics / Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine) Email: Lezhepokova Viktoriia H. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy, State University of Trade and Economics / Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine) Email:
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