
Trends and Models of e-Commerce Development in the Digital Economy
Kasych A. O.

Kasych, Alla O. (2024) “Trends and Models of e-Commerce Development in the Digital Economy.” The Problems of Economy 2:74–82.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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At the present stage of the rapid formation of the information space, there is a need to use the instruments of the digital economy. One such instrument is e-commerce. The aim of the article is to identify current trends and models of development of e-commerce in the context of digitalization. To achieve this goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, expert surveys, statistical analysis, structural and logical generalization were used. The article examines trends and patterns of development of the world e-commerce market. The dynamics of the main indicators of activity of Ukrainian wholesale and retail trade enterprises, which use information and communication technologies, are analyzed. It is defined that in modern economic conditions it is expedient to develop and implement a digital strategy for managing the commercial activities of trade enterprises on the basis of the conception of interaction marketing, theories of networks and stakeholders, which should contain the following elements: use of information instruments and digital channels; formation of a qualitatively new culture of marketing communications (integration of digital channels of marketing communication into a single system); ways to improve the quality of customer service; creation of an omnichannel environment based on the integration of all digital channels, retail outlets and back-office into a single information space. The key trends that will influence the development of e-commerce in the digital economy include: personalization of products and communication through information technology; adaptive approach to interaction with consumers; building a business strategy for brands, advertising and marketing strategies using digital instruments; application of an integrated approach to the management of commercial activities; creation of a fundamentally new marketing structure (the emergence of specialists in consumer preferences and data processing); acquisition of skills in collecting large databases and using them; ensuring multi-channel practice in marketing communications; implementation of chatbots as one of the most effective ways to provide instant customer support; development of business models for the organization of electronic retail.

Keywords: e-business, e-commerce, e-trade, wholesale and retail trade, customer focus, logistics service, information space, information and communication technologies, digital economy.

Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 23.

Kasych Alla O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management and Smart Innovation, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (2 Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)

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