
The Current State of the Sea Container Transportation Market
Zaborskyi L. O., Shaposhnikov D. S.

Zaborskyi, Leonid O., and Shaposhnikov, Dmytro S. (2024) “The Current State of the Sea Container Transportation Market.” The Problems of Economy 2:39–46.

Section: World economy and international relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of this article is to study the dynamics of development of both the global and national market of container transportation. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of transportation is the rational organization of the work of ships, taking into account the needs and requirements of the market, both of service consumers and of the carriers themselves. The increase in demand for container transportation of goods and the rapid growth of the container capacity of container ships led to a change in approaches to the organization of their work. Thus, the number of ports of call on main lines has begun to decrease. In addition, the movement patterns on them have become almost asymmetrical. Individual lines began to serve at their own container terminals in ports of call, or at terminals that have an agreement to serve only their vessels. Vessels with smaller container capacities were pushed onto feeder lines calling at hub ports located at the intersection of main services and regional ports. In addition, there are changes in the structure of cargo flows, the organization of lines, ports of call and cooperation between transportation participants, the division of the global transportation market into segments served by certain operators, changes in the role of hub ports in delivery schemes depending on the corresponding ports of call on the lines and container capacity vessels serving them. These changes occur under the influence of not only the construction of mega-sized ships, pandemics, piracy, military operations and affect not only the economy of a certain country, but also the global economy as a whole, political, social, geographical and transport, ecological and other spheres of human activity. Research of various factors on the changes taking place in the container transportation market will allow predicting and, possibly, leveling the consequences of their influence in the future. Prospects for further research in this direction are the identification of the main reference points at which significant changes in container transportation took place, the identification of factors that had an impact and the modeling of both individual situations and their interaction as a whole.

Keywords: container flows, transportation, transport system, transportation, market, alliance; operator, intermodal, container capacity.

Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Zaborskyi Leonid O. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Manager, CMA CGM Shipping Agencies Ukraine (10 Bunina Str., Odesa, 65026, Ukraine)
Shaposhnikov Dmytro S.

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