
The Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the Phenomenon of the Economy of Impressions
Iastremska O. A.

Iastremska, Olesia A. (2024) “The Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the Phenomenon of the Economy of Impressions.” The Problems of Economy 2:231–239.

Section: Economic theory

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The article examines the origin of the theory of the economy of impressions, identifies related economic theories, which are its preliminary basis for development. It is determined that foreign scientists pay more attention to the research and development of the economy of impressions, while domestic scientists have recently begun to disseminate the provisions of the economy of impressions, believing that they are intended to form an attitude towards an economic entity that produces wares and provides services. Such an attitude, according to most researchers, can be considered as an innovative instrument for competition between manufacturers. Therefore, the aim of the article is to present the results of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the economy of impressions as a certain sufficiently progressive new phenomenon (emergence, process, model) in the field of economic relations. The article provides a logical sequence and interconnection of the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of the essence and content of the concept of the economy of impressions, which allowed to conclude that it is a complex phenomenon that develops not only on the basis of economic achievements, but also on the basis of managerial, marketing, social, psychological aspects, which should be taken into account in the process of its use and development. It is defined that the impressions of consumers and partners are formed on the basis of trust in certain economic entities, on reputational signals (reputation of the seller’s / manufacturer’s platform) and trusting beliefs, which together significantly increase the cost of products and services and contribute to the development of a certain industry of impressions. The main conclusions of the article are that the development of the economy and evolutionary changes in the models of consumer behavior contributed to the gradual development of the economy of impressions and the strengthening of its influence on improving the efficiency of enterprises. It is noted that the essence of the concept of «economy of impressions» should reflect a complex system of mutual influence of technical-technological, financial-economic, social, psychological, ethical relations between producers and consumers of goods and services at the post-industrial stage of social development. Due to the unification of various industries of impressions, a synergistic effect arises, which contributes to the formation of various types of pleasures, sensations, emotions, the accumulation of individual consumer experience, for which consumers are willing to pay an increased price. The object of research of the economy of impressions is structured, which consists of the processes of improvement: doing business in the context of a new paradigm, innovative development of an industry of impressions, personal experience of consumers and partners, formation and dissemination in society of a complex information and social memory based on attractiveness, brands and reputation of economic entities.

Keywords: theoretical and methodological basis, economy of impressions, industries of impressions, emotions, individual consumer experience, pleasure, technical and technological connections, financial and economic ties, social ties, psychological ties, ethical tie

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 28.

Iastremska Olesia A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

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