
Strengthening the Motivation of Staff as a Factor of Enterprise Competitiveness
Mahsma M. B.

Mahsma, Mariya B. (2024) “Strengthening the Motivation of Staff as a Factor of Enterprise Competitiveness.” The Problems of Economy 2:167–173.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of the functioning of the system of motivation of staff on the example of a production enterprise and to outline the directions of its improvement in the context of increasing the competitiveness of enterprise. The article analyzes the current state of staff motivation on the example of a leading Ukrainian company specializing in the trade of furniture components and accessories. In the course of the analysis, it has been found that over the past three years, the motivational system of enterprise has remained sufficiently balanced and generally satisfies the basic needs of employees. The company uses a wide range of financial motivation instruments, which includes competitive wages, a bonus system, providing production personnel with summer and winter overalls, paying for mobile communications, compensation for fuel costs when using own cars for work purposes, etc. Common measures of non-financial motivation of production enterprises are the functioning of corporate universities and libraries, career development of employees, support for employees serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sports events, and so on. Despite a fairly effective system of motivation, some of its weaknesses have been identified as follows: in particular, a low share of additional wages, an insufficiently competitive social package of the company, which contains only basic elements, imperfection of non-material motivation, insufficient individualization of motivation, etc. In modern wartime conditions, measures to improve non-financial motivation can become effective motivation instruments, such as: the introduction of the «Best Employee of the Month / Quarter / Year» programs, recognition of employees’ merits by awarding certificates of honor, letters of gratitude, valuable gifts, holding rallying events, creating a psychological service to support the mental health of staff.

Keywords: motivation, management, motivation management.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Mahsma Mariya B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

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