
Analyzing the Communication Process in the Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise
Lisenyi Y. V., Ostanina V. S.

Lisenyi, Yevhen V., and Ostanina, Veronika S. (2024) “Analyzing the Communication Process in the Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 2:151–157.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to the study of the communication process in the management of foreign economic activity, a more detailed study of the specifics of international activity and recommendations for improving foreign economic activity (FEA). The article discusses how effective communication contributes to success in FEA. Attention is paid to establishing cooperation with foreign partners; peculiarities of communication in FEA due to the specifics of international activities; various methods of communication used in FEA, including written, oral, non-verbal and visual communication. The aim of the article is to systematize the key factors of communication efficiency in international economic activity and determine the fundamental principles of building an effective communication strategy in FEA. The objectives of the article are: to reveal the role of communication in FEA; determine the stages of the communication process in FEA; consider the features of communication in FEA; analyze the methods of communication in FEA; determine the basic principles of effective communication in FEA; provide recommendations for improving communication processes. It is proved that the foreign economic activity of modern enterprises is impossible without effective communication. It serves as the basis for establishing cooperation with foreign partners, concluding contracts, implementing export-import operations and achieving success in the international market. Achieving the company’s goals and contributing to sustainable growth, customer satisfaction, and profitability is the result of effective communication. International marketing communications are specifically designed to promote products and achieve marketing goals in global markets. The success and efficiency of an enterprise largely depend on its communication system in foreign economic activity. In this context, communication policy is an important tool for effective interaction with business partners, organizing advertising campaigns, stimulating sales, managing public relations, and promoting personal sales.

Keywords: effective communication, foreign economic activity, intercultural communication, management.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 8.

Lisenyi Yevhen V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Ostanina Veronika S. – Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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