
Constructive and Destructive Consequences of Digitalization of Higher Education Institutions
Рopelo O. V., Samoilovych A. H., Popelo O. P.

Рopelo, Olha V., Samoilovych, Anastasiia H., and Popelo, Oleksandr P. (2024) “Constructive and Destructive Consequences of Digitalization of Higher Education Institutions.” The Problems of Economy 2:108–115.

Section: Economics and national economy management

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The article substantiates that the formation of a single information and educational space of higher education institutions will have a positive impact on the content, organizational forms and tools for managing the process of providing educational services, as well as will help stimulate scientific and pedagogical workers to introduce innovative digital technologies in various components of the educational process. The risks associated with the digitalization of universities are analyzed; the advantages of digital transformation in higher education are outlined. The article considers digital tools that provide student-teacher communication, learning and efficiency in the educational process, including: video conferencing, electronic platforms, virtual laboratories, video classes, systems for tracking educational achievements. The authors emphasize that under martial law, the most risky situation is that of higher education institutions located in the border and/or frontline regions of Ukraine, most of which still continue blended or online learning, which is possible only through digitalization. The article systematizes both the constructive and the destructive consequences of digitalization with the allocation of endogenous and exogenous consequences among them, which allows to balance approaches to the introduction of digital technologies in higher education and ensure the maximum efficiency of this process. The constructive endogenous consequences of digitalization of higher education institutions include: improving the quality of education, the efficiency of administrative processes and competitiveness, the sustainable development of universities; constructive exogenous consequences include expanding access to education, innovative development and cooperation, involvement of students of border universities in the educational process. In turn, the destructive endogenous consequences are defined as follows: threats to academic integrity, violation of privacy and data security, remoteness of students and teachers, significant workload on teachers, and destructive exogenous consequences – problems of student socialization, digital divide and reduction of motivational aspects in learning. The tasks are outlined, the need to solve which is due to the digital transformation of universities and the development and implementation of digital technologies in their activities. The article substantiates the importance of combining innovative approaches with the preservation of the values and missions of universities, while ensuring equal access to quality higher education and the protection of data of higher education students and teachers, as well as promoting the development of universities on the basis of sustainability.

Keywords: higher education institutions, border universities, digitalization, digital technologies, educational process, constructive consequences, destructive consequences, sustainable development.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 12.

Рopelo Olha V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Administration, National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)
Samoilovych Anastasiia H. – PhD, Research Associate, National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)
Popelo Oleksandr P. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Civil Service, National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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