
Synergy of Managerial Effects in the Aspect of Ensuring the Optimal Level of Transparency in the Development of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Testing the Presence of ? Convergence
Zaitseva A. S.

Zaitseva, Anna S. (2024) “Synergy of Managerial Effects in the Aspect of Ensuring the Optimal Level of Transparency in the Development of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Testing the Presence of ? Convergence.” The Problems of Economy 1:58–63.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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It is determined that the implementation of a qualitative analysis of the formation of strategic guidelines for the convergence of investment processes makes it possible to ensure the appropriate strategically relevant level of financial and economic sustainability of industrial enterprises and investment and innovation development; target strategic level of profitability; creation of an information-adaptive platform for the flexibility of the system for management of the investment processes. The dominant strategic directions for achieving the conditions for convergence of investment processes of industrial enterprises are the timely identification of synergy of managerial effects of development transparency on the basis of testing the presence of ? convergence. At this, a strategically important factor of synergistic influence is both external one, which is aimed at checking the compliance of transparent economic results of enterprises and a certain ? level of convergence of investment processes with the current adaptive-established norms, and the internal factor, the purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of transparent decisions, as well as to prevent undesirable consequences when changing the strategic and economic norms of the level of transparency of development. It is concluded that the economic identification of structuring the synergetic relationship of managerial effects and ? convergence covers their strategic dominants, which form the integrity of the transparency of development, their relations with other dominants of convergent influences and the external environment. Synergy of managerial effects and testing of ? convergence are taken into account as factors that can increase the level of competitiveness, the level of price/quality ratio and the level of cost/quality (the former is determined by consumers, we are talking about the price they are willing to pay and the quality they trust, the latter is production), and the level of efficiency of the process organization, which defines them as the highest priority criteria for transparency in the development of enterprises in terms of vector and rank orientation. Thus, in order to increase the level of variability of the impact of the synergy of managerial effects of transparency in the development of industrial enterprises on the level of ? convergence, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the industry and the real conditions of industrial enterprises, to develop and implement a strategically relevant set of measures, among which the strategically dominant directions are, as a matter of course, increasing the level of profitability in the context of convergence of investment processes.

Keywords: management, transparency, development, industrial enterprise, convergence, investment processes, effect.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations named after Arthur Holikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

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