
The Human Resources Potential of Ukrainian Industry: Challenges and Directions for Strengthening the Resilience
Azmuk N. A.

Azmuk, Nadiya A. (2024) “The Human Resources Potential of Ukrainian Industry: Challenges and Directions for Strengthening the Resilience.” The Problems of Economy 1:20–27.

Section: Economics and national economy management

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Post-war reconstruction of industry in Ukraine is impossible without the creation of appropriate conditions for the restoration of human resources potential, as well as ensuring its development and effective use. The foundation of the post-war recovery of the national economy should be modern industrial production based on the latest technological principles. The aim of the article is to substantiate the directions of strengthening the resilience of the human resources potential of industry as the basis for post-war reconstruction and renovation of the national economy. The article presents the author’s own definition of the resilience of human resources potential. The human resources potential of the industry has been studied by demographic, educational-qualification and motivational characteristics, identifying weaknesses as to the context of these components. Based on the analysis of the demographic component, a tendency of the national labor market to narrow due to a reduction in the demand and supply of labor force has been determined. A structural imbalance in the supply of labor force by age and gender has been revealed. In the study of the educational and qualification component, emphasis is placed on the growth of qualification horizontal and vertical gaps. The motivational component of the resilience of human resources potential is characterized by a decrease in the quality of working life and impoverishment of the population. Based on the results of the study, the author’s own approach to the development of directions for strengthening the resilience of the human resources potential of industry in the context of post-war economic recovery is proposed, taking into account its main components – demographic, educational, qualification, motivational. The expediency of restoring the national industrial sector of the economy on the basis of Industry 5.0 is substantiated. On the basis of the carried out research, directions for strengthening the resilience of human resources potential in terms of demographic, educational-qualification and motivational components are proposed and substantiated.

Keywords: human resources, human resources potential of industry, resilience, personnel security, Industry 5.0.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 25.

Azmuk Nadiya A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Economic Problems of Social Policy, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine (2 Mariia Kapnist Str., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

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