
Patent Analysis as a Reflection of the Competitive Struggle for the Promising Global Market Niches
Grytsulenko S. I.

Grytsulenko, Svitlana I. (2023) “Patent Analysis as a Reflection of the Competitive Struggle for the Promising Global Market Niches.” The Problems of Economy 4:5–13.

Section: World economy and international relations

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In the context of increased competition in the world market with the use of all possible tools, including exclusive intellectual property (IP) rights, the issue of patent analysis as its reflection becomes actualized. To this end, the indicators of patent activity are measured in the context of larger patent applicants and the most dynamically developing technological areas. As a result of the study, the main conclusions are made as follows: – there is an active concentration of exclusive IP rights in the patent portfolios of technology leaders carried out around the world, as evidenced by the growth of patent activity for the third year in a row (+5.5% in 2022 compared to 2020); – new heights of patenting (3.46 million applications) were achieved thanks to the Asian region (70% in 2022), with Chinese innovators as the most significant (47%) and Indian innovators as the most dynamic (+36% compared to 2020); – the main competitors in the struggle for promising markets and the patent field are China and the United States, although the latter and a few others (-1%) have lost their positions; – due to the high level of patenting, including international patenting, China is a major user of the PCT system (70015). The 2022 ranking also includes the United States (59056), Japan (50345), South Korea (22012), six European countries, among which Germany is leading (17530); – the active patent position of the leading Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea) allowed to increase the total share of PCT applications to 51% in 2022 from 28% in 2013, to ensure the majority (8) of their companies are in the top 10 business leaders; – the dominance of business in the structure of patenting is a global trend (88% of PCT applications in 2022), since it is the production that needs patents; – the top ten technology areas recorded growth, the most dynamic growth in computing (+92%), digital communications (+83%), and biotechnology (+69%); – in contrast to global trends, patenting by residents of Ukraine, both inland and abroad, is consistently negative, as evidenced by its low level (1080), negative (-69%) dynamics, the dominance of individuals (> 80%) among applicants unable to compete with corporations, a small number (20.9) of patent applications per million inhabitants, a meager share of PCT applications, which is rapidly heading towards zero (up to 0.03% in 2022 from 0.14% in 2013). Taking into account the extremely negative assessments for Ukraine, the need for a technological breakthrough as a prerequisite for achieving the success of the country and national companies in the struggle for promising markets and maintaining control over the domestic market is emphasized.

Keywords: high-tech competitiveness, patent analysis, patent activity, market of high-tech goods and services, technological areas.

Fig.: 11. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Grytsulenko Svitlana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Digital Business, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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