
Demystifying Customer Perception of Electric Vehicle Adoption in South Africa Using the Technology Acceptance Model
Msosa Steven Kayambazinthu

Msosa, Steven Kayambazinthu. (2023) “Demystifying Customer Perception of Electric Vehicle Adoption in South Africa Using the Technology Acceptance Model.” The Problems of Economy 4:32–40.

Section: World economy and international relations

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Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular and mainstream in today's world. One reason for this is the demand for vehicles with zero carbon footprint. Fossil fuels are extremely harmful as they endanger the planet and produce much toxic pollution. Therefore, using the Technology Acceptance Model, this study analysed customers' perceptions of electric vehicle adoption in South Africa. The Technology Acceptance Model has evolved into a critical model for understanding predictors of human behaviour towards potential technology acceptance or rejection. The first determinant is perceived usefulness, followed by perceived ease of use, cost and user attitude toward electric vehicles. Because EVs are new in the South African market, this study adapted this model to understand the customers' attitudes, perceptions, and benefits that EVs bring. The findings of this study show that most prospective customers had significantly agreed that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, and cost influence their intention to buy electric vehicles. This study's findings could benefit automobile industries, fleet purchasers, and private owners considering transitioning to low-emission vehicles. Electric vehicles will play a significant role in the future, and their adoption can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels. By understanding South African customers' perceptions, attitudes, and the barriers they face in adopting electric vehicle technology, this study could provide valuable insights to stakeholders in the automotive industry by enabling them to make informed decisions and develop strategies for promoting electric vehicle adoption.

Keywords: Electric vehicles, Technology Acceptance Model, carbon emission, environment.

Tabl.: 7. Bibl.: 35.

Msosa Steven Kayambazinthu – PhD, Department of Marketing, Mangosuthu University of Technology (Griffith Mxenge Highway, Umlazi, 4031, South Africa)

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