
Investing the Oil and Gas Production in TNCs: Trends, Ecological and Economic Problems and Priorities
Korobka R. V.

Korobka, Rostyslav V. (2023) “Investing the Oil and Gas Production in TNCs: Trends, Ecological and Economic Problems and Priorities.” The Problems of Economy 4:234–240.

Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment

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It is substantiated that the intensification of the global environment protection movement in recent decades, the key component of which is the development of tools for transferring national economies to a model of low-carbon development, has had a decisive impact on the dynamics of investment in projects for the development of natural resource potential, primarily hydrocarbons. It has been found that the reduction of dependence of individual countries of the world on oil and natural gas directly depends on the diversification of energy sources to meet the needs of socioeconomic development through the development of the industry for the production of energy from renewable sources. It is proved that the decrease in the volume of production of hydrocarbons and energy carriers produced on its basis is an important factor in the transition of national economies to the model of low-carbon development, in particular, reducing the negative impact on climate processes. It is found that in the sector of «hydrocarbon» TNCs (BP, Shell and Chevron) during 2011–2022 there was a generally downward trend in the dynamics of investments in oil and natural gas production, which has led to significant conjunctural fluctuations in the global markets of hydrocarbons and to structural shifts in the energy balance of many countries of the world. It has been found that BP, Shell and Chevron, along with investing in oil and gas production, finance projects related to the production of energy from alternative sources, which has led to a reduction in capital injections into fossil fuel production and diversified the investment portfolio of these companies, minimizing the risks of reducing their capitalization in the context of diversification of the range of energy carriers in the global and national energy markets. It is proved that the decrease in the volume of investment in oil and gas production in the sector of «hydrocarbon» TNCs (BP, Shell and Chevron) has led to a reformatting of the global energy landscape and created additional prerequisites for increasing the amount of funding for alternative energy projects and solving a set of ecological and economic problems associated with the transition to a low-carbon development model.

Keywords: investment, hydrocarbons, low-carbon development, renewable energy, ecological and economic problems, diversification.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Korobka Rostyslav V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Separated Subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station” (12 Lisodoslidna Str., Boiarka, Kyievo-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, 08150, Ukraine)

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