
Strategy for Managing the Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes
Zaitseva A. S.

Zaitseva, Anna S. (2023) “Strategy for Managing the Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes.” The Problems of Economy 4:119–124.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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It is determined that the instability of the economic and financial environment, fierce competition, increasing consumer requirements for the products (goods and services) of industrial enterprises, reduction of the life cycle of goods to a dominant degree burden the process of strategic management of transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes, and development prospects are becoming less and less predictable. Decision-making by industrial enterprises on the implementation of the strategy for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes is a complex problem faced by the main management system. This is due to the preservation of outdated principles and methods of strategic management in the modern business environment, the caution of management agencies and/or the inability to accept new forms of strategic management (the human factor), etc. Resolution of these and other contradictions is possible only under the condition of a properly formed effective strategy for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes. When building a management strategy, a system of fuzzy derivation is used, consisting of several stages, the implementation of which is carried out using its main provisions. The input data for the strategy of managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes are the input variables, which are measured in a certain way. These variables correspond to the real variables of the strategic management process. The information generated at the output of the system corresponds to the initial coherence, which is the leading variable of the control process. Systems of covariance functions in the formation of a strategy for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes are designed to convert the values of the input variables of the control process into the output co-spectral variables using phase generation with the variant identification of the parameters of the digital technology of blitz-scaling in the construction of strategic architectonics to achieve transparency in the development of industrial enterprises.

Keywords: strategy, management, evaluation, structure, active level, diagnostics, transparency, development, enterprise, investment position, economic environment, convergence of investment processes.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 19.

Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations named after Arthur Holikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

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