
Diagnostics of the Level of Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Investment Activity of the Economic Environment: The Methodological Aspect
Zaitseva A. S.

Zaitseva, Anna S. (2023) “Diagnostics of the Level of Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Investment Activity of the Economic Environment: The Methodological Aspect.” The Problems of Economy 3:180–186.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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It is determined that the diagnostics of the level of transparency of the development of industrial enterprises, taking into account their investment activity, consists in that that in conditions of uncertainty of the external context and the emergence of a tendency to decline in the level of development it is necessary to adjust the tactics of management activities regarding the use of diagnostic instrumentarium with the already accounted manifestation of crisis phenomena in strategic periods, to accumulate financial resources in order to successfully counter the losses caused by the crisis situation: ergo, it is advisable to predict, diagnose and prevent the consequences of the financial crisis. It is concluded that the need to improve the methodological approach to assessing the level of transparency of development of industrial enterprises, taking into account the investment activity of the economic environment, is due to that that diagnostics of the level of transparency of development reduces the probability of emergence and development of crisis phenomena in the process of production and economic activity of enterprises. On the basis of the results of the aforementioned diagnostics, the negative consequences of the financial risks of enterprise are revealed, possible ways to increase the level of development are elaborated, a strategy for achieving transparency of enterprises development in the context of convergence of investment processes is built. This enables to prepare in advance options for strategically rational decisions on both the emerging and the forecast changes in resource prices, changes in own and in borrowed funds, to adjust plans for production, obtaining loans, and changes in selling prices. Also to forecast the onset of moments of destabilization of production (occurrence of crisis factors) and to use interactive innovation and investment management as the most optimal type of relevant management in order to prevent the development of crisis at industrial enterprises.

Keywords: diagnostics, level, transparency, development, enterprise, investment activity, economic environment, methodological approach.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 12.

Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations named after Arthur Holikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

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