
The Conceptual Model for Assessment and Analysis of the Information Component of the Economic Security of Enterprise
Babichev A. V., Samorodov B. V.

Babichev, Anatoliy V., and Samorodov, Borys V. (2023) “The Conceptual Model for Assessment and Analysis of the Information Component of the Economic Security of Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 3:157–167.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to the topical and important problem of ensuring the economic security of enterprise (ESE). It is substantiated that most enterprises do not have a formal comprehensive strategy of economic security or it is often fragmented and does not meet the real needs of the enterprise. To solve this problem, it is proposed to create a comprehensive system of economic security of enterprise, which would consist of various levels of protection, be constantly updated and monitored, and meet current threats. The article notes that the information component of the economic security of enterprise is one of the most important, and the study of the information component of the system of economic security of enterprise is a complex and multifaceted task, and at the same time important for the successful functioning of enterprises and the economy of the country. In view of this, the article develops conceptual models for assessing and analyzing the economic security of enterprise and evaluating the information component of the system of economic security of enterprise, which will improve the quality of managerial decisions on assessing the state of economic security of enterprise. The conceptual model of assessment and analysis of economic security of enterprise consists of two blocks: the first block is intended for the formation of a system of indicators for assessing economic security; the second block is intended for the development of models for assessing and analyzing the economic security of the enterprise. The conceptual model of assessment and analysis of the information component of the economic security of enterprise consists of a block for determining the main indicators of performance and the state of the ESE and its information component, and a block for assessing and analyzing information security, with the help of which a general assessment of the information component is carried out, and further on, a block for making decisions to support the information security of the enterprise. The study builds an information system for managing information security using the BRwin software, which helps to create a complex model of business processes. The built model can become the basis for organizing the information security systems for enterprises.

Keywords: economic security of enterprise, system, information security, conceptual model, model of assessment and analysis of economic security, system analysis, decomposition.

Fig.: 11. Bibl.: 21.

Babichev Anatoliy V. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Pro-rector, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Samorodov Borys V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Pro-rector, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

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