Reviewing the Potential of Using the Theories of Innovative Communities for the Development of Territorial Communities Omelyanenko V. A., Omelianenko O. M.
Omelyanenko, Vitaliy A., and Omelianenko, Olena M. (2023) “Reviewing the Potential of Using the Theories of Innovative Communities for the Development of Territorial Communities.” The Problems of Economy 3:134–141.
Section: Regional economy
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UDC 338.1:330.3
Abstract: The socioeconomic environment of today represents a complex mix of technologies, ideas, and collaboration. New horizons and opportunities are opening up thanks to the incredible flow of innovation that is born from the unification of different sources in innovative communities. These innovative communities prove to be particularly valuable for development of the territorial ones, as they contribute to solving complex problems, creating new opportunities, and supporting growth. Innovation communities as counterparts of territorial communities are platforms where diverse individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, academics, activists, and other stakeholders pool their knowledge, expertise, and resources to jointly find solutions to current challenges and make a positive impact on their environment. Such communities can provide a wide range of activities, such as technological development, social initiatives, environmental protection, education, and culture. In light of the above, innovation communities as counterparts of territorial communities turn out to be an extremely important tool for creating a positive impact on society. At the same time, the potential of innovative communities remains insufficiently studied and disclosed from the standpoint of the development of territorial communities. The purpose of the study is to review the main theories of innovative communities and determine their potential for the development of territorial communities. The study analyzes the main theories of innovation communities, which explore the processes of cooperation and innovative development. These theories help to understand various aspects of innovative communities and networks, the dynamics of their development and the factors influencing their effectiveness. Each of these theories has its own characteristics and can be used to analyze and develop innovation processes in different contexts. It is determined that innovative communities can have a variety of effects that contribute to innovative development and achievement of community goals. It is determined that theories of innovation communities are important for understanding, describing and practical application of the processes taking place in innovation communities. They provide a framework for analyzing and managing the dynamics of such communities, helping to understand how they are formed, function, and affect the development of a territorial community. Overall, innovation community theories play an important role in understanding and facilitating the development of innovation processes and communities, as they provide an analytical framework that helps to better understand the complex relationships and dynamics in innovation communities, which in turn contributes to the creation of more resilient and successful innovation ecosystems.
Keywords: innovative communities, territorial communities, effects, theories.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 20.
Omelyanenko Vitaliy A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Educational and Scientific Center for Design Technologies, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine) Email: Omelianenko Olena M. – PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Economics and Administration, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine) Email:
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