Bank Liquidity Management at the Macro and Micro Levels Lavreniuk V. V., Zhuravlev O. S.
Lavreniuk, Vladyslav V., and Zhuravlev, Oleg S. (2023) “Bank Liquidity Management at the Macro and Micro Levels.” The Problems of Economy 2:213–223.
Section: Finance and banking
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UDC 336.71.025.12:005.334
Abstract: The article is aimed at deepening and systematizing the theoretical and methodological foundations of liquidity management at the macro and micro levels. The state of liquidity of the banking system of Ukraine during the war period is analyzed and the shortcomings of the practice of liquidity management of banks at the macro and micro levels are allocated. It is found that, despite a sufficient level of liquidity of domestic banks and moderate systemic liquidity risk, banks have problems with a fixed-term deposit structure, a significant liquidity surplus, increased funding costs and increased competition for business funds. The theoretical and methodological foundations of liquidity management at different levels are systematized and supplemented, taking into account the actual problems of liquidity management of domestic banks. Two structural and logical schemes of liquidity management of the bank at the micro and macro levels have been built, which contain conceptual foundations for building liquidity management (principles, methods, instruments, communication) and take into account modern regulatory requirements (central bank, Basel committee). At the micro level, the process of liquidity management and liquidity risk management is differentiated, taking into account the channels of interaction, specific methods and instruments. Methods and instrumentarium for liquidity risk management in the process of bank liquidity management have been expanded. A universal, step-by-step algorithm of liquidity management process at the micro level is proposed. The instrumentarium of liquidity monitoring at the bank level is systematized, taking into account modern practice. The conceptual foundations of liquidity management at the macro level have been supplemented, in particular: 1) management instruments have been supplemented by the indicative ones; 2) the principles have been expanded, synergy, behaviorality, controllability have been added; 3) the functions and objectives of management are adjusted taking into account crisis factors. Emphasis is placed on proper inter-level communication and coherence of strategies, policies, methodologies and procedures for managing liquidity of banks. It is determined that the regulator at the macro level should form an appropriate atmosphere for effective liquidity management at the micro level, and banks should take a responsible (taking into account system-wide goals) approach to the liquidity management. Prospects for further research in this direction are: 1) analysis of the impact of technological innovations on the process of liquidity management at the macro and micro levels; 2) study of the global context, namely the impact of systemic shocks of different jurisdictions on the liquidity of the domestic banking system.
Keywords: commercial bank, central bank, liquidity of the banking system, liquidity norms, liquidity risk, financial stability.
Fig.: 7. Bibl.: 14.
Lavreniuk Vladyslav V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Banking and Insurance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: Zhuravlev Oleg S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Corporate Governance Professional Association (CGPA) (23 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine) Email:
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