Modern Features and Contradictions of Innovative Marketing Kholodnyi G. O.
Kholodnyi, Gennadii O. (2023) “Modern Features and Contradictions of Innovative Marketing.” The Problems of Economy 2:190–197.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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Abstract: In the current economic conditions, special importance is given to innovative marketing, which generally contributes to the effective commercialization of innovations, ensures the synchronization of the processes of observation, evaluation, modeling, forecasting, control and coordination of innovative marketing activities. The article is aimed at defining the essence and considering the features of functioning of innovative marketing. The article considers general characteristics, subject environment, modern features and contradictions of innovative marketing. A contentual definition of innovative marketing as a modern concept of marketing, innovation-oriented marketing activity of enterprise (organization) regarding constant and continuous improvement of products and methods, instruments and technologies of marketing, formation of new markets and new needs in order to effectively meet consumer demands and use of own resource potential are proposed. The article presents a detailed structure, content-key and instrumental-functional components of innovative marketing; the article identifies significant problems and contradictions in the processes of distribution and development of innovative marketing (ethical contradictions; contradiction between traditional («old») and new marketing; contradiction between globalization and individuality of innovative marketing programs; between stimulation to increase total consumption of goods and limited natural resources and material capabilities of consumers). The carried out studies and the obtained results will reduce the factor of uncertainty and risk in assessments, hypotheses, innovative marketing solutions and actions.
Keywords: marketing, innovative marketing, management of innovative marketing, features and contradictions of innovative marketing, traditional and digital marketing.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 22.
Kholodnyi Gennadii O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: gрrо
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