
The Mechanism of Management of Transport Enterprises on the Basis of the Conception of Lean Production
Sorokun Y. S.

Sorokun, Yuliia S. (2023) “The Mechanism of Management of Transport Enterprises on the Basis of the Conception of Lean Production.” The Problems of Economy 2:182–189.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article is aimed at forming a mechanism for managing activity of transport enterprise on the basis of the conception of lean production. In the current economic conditions, the overwhelming majority of managers of domestic transport enterprises are aware that in order to effectively fight for consumers and maintain the desired level of competitiveness, modernization of all aspects of economic activity is necessary, in particular: reducing production costs, improving the level of product quality, reducing the time for the process of mastering new types of technologies, and improving the customer service process. One of the effective management approaches aimed at achieving these goals is the conception of lean production. As result of the study, it is allocated that the leading goal of the conception of lean production is to eliminate all types of losses and efficient use of material, financial and labor resources through continuous improvement of all business processes of enterprise aimed at meeting the needs of consumers by introducing lean production tools. Formation of an effective and market-compliant mechanism for managing the activities of a transport enterprise based on the conception of lean production is an objective need to ensure the effective development of enterprises in the current conditions. The author proposes her own definition of the concept of mechanism of management of activity of transport enterprise on the basis of the conception of lean production): it is a complex system that combines goals, principles, purpose, means and tools of introduction of lean production to increase management efficiency and achieve the effect (result) of creating a culture of continuous improvement of the quality of transport services, as well as improving the indicators of the level of economic efficiency of the transport enterprise. The mechanism of management of the transport enterprise on the basis of the conception of lean production involves the formation of a conception at the enterprise, which defines the goals, principles and purpose that affect the choice of tools for lean production, the use of which will increase the efficiency of management of the transport enterprise, which, in turn, affects the result of activities in general. Prospects for further research in this direction are the assessment of the effect or result of the introduction of the mechanism of management of the transport enterprise, in particular, the quality of transport services and improvement of indicators of the level of economic efficiency of the transport enterprise.

Keywords: mechanism, management, lean production, transport, development, efficiency.

Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Sorokun Yuliia S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Public Management and Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)

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