Improving the Business Processes of Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization Semenchuk T. B., Lichenko V. Y.
Semenchuk, Tetiana B., and Lichenko, Vladislav Yu. (2023) “Improving the Business Processes of Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization.” The Problems of Economy 2:176–181.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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UDC 338.462:658.5
Abstract: The article is aimed at studying and substantiating the implementation of modern instrumentarium as a form of digitalization, i.e. digitization of all information relating to business processes of enterprise. The article describes the importance of digitalization in the economy as a process of introduction of digital technologies for collecting, transmitting, storing, and processing data. It is defined that digitalization is a modern stage in the development of the digital society, in which digital technologies of working with data prevail, which is implemented through the use of technical means and software solutions. It is proved that a promising instrument at the micro level is the application of digitalization as a factor of sustainable development of business processes. The authors of the article reveal the latest visions of recent research and visions of domestic researchers regarding the conceptual apparatus of digitalization and provided a definition of digital transformation as the basis of the modern instrumentarium of business processes in enterprise. This allowed the authors to systematize their research and identify the main advantages and opportunities for enterprises in the digitalization of business processes, which are presented in this publication. Of course, the definition of advantages and opportunities provides a clear understanding and systematization of competitive advantages of the enterprise when applying the modern instrumentarium, specified by the authors of the presented study. The article also forms the main directions of improving the work of the enterprise and interaction with customers through the implementation of projects of digital transformation of business processes of enterprise, which are manifested in increasing productivity while reducing labor costs, improving the quality of customer service and stimulating innovation in the enterprise. This becomes possible through the implementation of the main five components of the management of business processes, which are given in the article. To substantiate the proposed directions of digitalization of business processes of enterprise, the article provides many contemporary examples (cases) for their implementation. The authors were able to bring and systematize the best practices in accordance with the directions of digitalization of business processes of enterprise and in accordance with a certain industry while preserving the specifics of the enterprises, which will significantly advance the implementation of the proposed measures to improve the business processes of the enterprise.
Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, digitization, business processes, improvement of business processes of enterprise, modern management instruments, management of business processes.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.
Semenchuk Tetiana B. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management, Public Management and Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine) Email: Lichenko Vladislav Yu. – Student, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
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