The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Formation of the Image of Enterprise Rozhko V. I.
Rozhko, Viktor I. (2023) “The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Formation of the Image of Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 2:168–175.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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UDC 339.138:659.1
Abstract: The domestic economy today is experiencing difficult times. Such phenomena as the pandemic, martial law, had a very negative impact on the efficiency of Ukrainian enterprises. Domestic companies are forced to adapt to modern realities and find ways to «survive». Doing business is impossible without constant adaptation to changes in market conditions. And the success of any enterprise depends on many factors, primarily on the existing or formed image of the enterprise. The article is aimed at substantiating the need to create a positive image of enterprise to increase its competitiveness. The article considers the concept of «image of enterprise». The scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars-economists are analyzed. The current state of the problem of forming the image of enterprise in crisis conditions is disclosed. It is shown how the image of enterprise affects the competitiveness of enterprise on the example of a translation agency. It is determined that a positive image greatly affects the competitiveness of enterprise, so insufficient attention to its formation and management significantly reduces the possibilities of enterprise functioning. A positive image will increase attention to the individuality and uniqueness of a product or service, minimize possible negative changes in pricing processes, and contribute to the realization of the competitiveness of the enterprise. The article examines the essence of image as a factor of effective functioning of enterprise. The essence of the concept of «image» is also studied, the contemporary definitions found in the scientific sources are analyzed. A definition of the concept of «image of enterprise» is proposed. The importance of forming an image for conducting successful activity of enterprise is substantiated. The expediency of analyzing the external conditions of enterprise activity in the process of formation and improvement of its image is determined and substantiated. It was found that when choosing an enterprise, the consumer is guided by its image, because in order to make a purchase decision, understanding that an enterprise has a positive image allows to get a clear understanding of the high quality of goods or services and other competitive advantages. It is reasoned that improving the image of an enterprise allows increasing the efficiency of advertising and various measures to promote a product or service, facilitating the process of introducing new goods or services to the market, and increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.
Keywords: image, image of enterprise, image assessment, corporate identity, enterprise, efficiency of enterprise, competitiveness.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 18.
Rozhko Viktor I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine) Email:
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