
Strategic Management of the Development of a Transport Enterprise
Husak O. А.

Husak, Olga А. (2023) “Strategic Management of the Development of a Transport Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 2:141–146.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article is aimed at substantiating and forming theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic management of development of transport enterprise. The author of the article reveals the dependence and importance of the category of development strategy of transport enterprise on external changes in the market segment, which is necessary in conditions of uncertainty, the growing rapid variability of the environment and the need for instant response. The article forms, substantiates and improves the content and essence of the components of the strategy for managing the development of transport enterprise. Attention is focused on the importance of integration processes for transport enterprises regarding the implementation in their work of the principles of sustainable development in the field of transport system. The stages of strategic management and structuring of problems as an instrument for assessing the initiative of holistic-oriented thinking in relation to managerial decision-making were also considered. One of the most urgent tasks of modern management is the formation of a model of strategic management of the development of a transport enterprise, the search for modern and novel instruments for its implementation, which are able to ensure economic development and its effective functioning in both the domestic and the foreign markets. It is determined that the solution of this problem depends on timely and preliminary formation of a map of actions for strategic management of the enterprise’s activity. The formed model of strategic management of the development of a transport enterprise will allow systematizing the managerial decisions, problem areas of management, will reduce uncertainty in matters of the relative state and efficiency of the enterprise in a changing situation of the external environment. The article substantiates practical necessity of a model of strategic management of development of a transport enterprise to achieve continuous and efficient operation of the transport enterprise.

Keywords: strategy, strategic development, development, transport enterprise, management, management of transport enterprise development, strategic development of transport enterprise, strategic planning, model of strategic development management.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Husak Olga А. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Public Management and Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)

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