The Conceptual Foundations of Infrastructure and Service Methodology for the Development of Local Communities Omelianenko O. M., Omelyanenko V. A.
Omelianenko, Olena M., and Omelyanenko, Vitaliy A. (2023) “The Conceptual Foundations of Infrastructure and Service Methodology for the Development of Local Communities.” The Problems of Economy 2:120–128.
Section: Regional economy
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UDC 338.1:330.3
Abstract: The viability of the socioeconomic environment directly depends on the level of development, quality and reliability of infrastructure. In these circumstances, the role of self-organization of communities is growing, which requires, on the one hand, reasonable prioritization in the social spheres and development of infrastructure of life activities, etc. (consistent with the goals and objectives of the development strategy), and on the other hand, assessment of the own and the potential sources of ensuring the implementation of these priorities, which can be made through the development of self-sufficient innovative communities. The aim of the study is to determine the substantial content of the infrastructure and service methodology and its potential in the context of post-war recovery. The infrastructure and service approach involves maximum satisfaction of human needs and requests, as well as the creation of conditions for work and life, and is focused on meeting the needs of the community through attracting and retaining human resources through the development of services and infrastructure. The infrastructure and service approach is focused on adapting the management of the development of innovative communities to the problems of sustainable development as such, which opens up opportunities for studying promising organizational and economic mechanisms for managing service orientation, based on assessing the impact of status changes as a result of military hostilities in the economic space and its effects on the quality of life, living space and human capital. The methodology of the infrastructure and service approach is based on the ideas of the geography of innovations, combining the methods of economic geography, regional economy and innovatics and explores the spatial patterns of creation, implementation and dissemination of new ideas, technologies, products, as well as the impact of these processes on regional (local) development. From these positions, the infrastructure and service approach is relevant, because it relies on the potential of the territories and is aimed at more intensive use of its own capabilities. The infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities implies the understanding that innovations cover not only technological changes, but also changes in organizational, labor and social practices as those that can potentially affect the well-being of human capital of communities. Service modeling involves describing all processes in communities of different typologies in order to take these processes into account while projecting. Infrastructure and service projecting is the process of organizing space in such a way that economic agents interact as smoothly and efficiently as possible within innovative communities. In this context of the project, service innovations will be considered at the local level as an integration totality of basic factors of living standards, socioeconomic conditions, characterizations of innovative business entities, innovation infrastructure, cluster and network connections. The authors believe that for infrastructure development at the decent level, it is necessary to maximize the existing potential of the community, which is as most effectively possible through the development of innovative communities. Within the terms of practical implementation of the infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities, it is advisable to consider the hypothesis that development at the regional level should be carried out through a combination of smart-specialization strategies and the objectives of sustainable development.
Keywords: infrastructure and service methodology, community, projects, infrastructure, recovery.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 24.
Omelianenko Olena M. – PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Economics and Administration, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine) Email: Omelyanenko Vitaliy A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Educational and Scientific Center for Design Technologies, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine) Email:
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