
The Formation of an Integrated System of Economic Security at the National Level
Kondratenko N. O., Dobryanskyy O. I.

Kondratenko, Nataliia O., and Dobryanskyy, Oleg I. (2023) “The Formation of an Integrated System of Economic Security at the National Level.” The Problems of Economy 1:58–64.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article forms an integrated system of economic security at the national level. It is noted that new threats to Ukraine’s national security today are caused by hostilities on its own territory and certain problems in the country’s economy. In this regard, a sharp lag in technical-technological, organizational, managerial, marketing, and human resources potentials in almost all sectors of the national economy is observed, which significantly affects the level of economic security at the national level. It is specified that when forming an integrated system of economic security at the national level, it is necessary to take into account certain objective circumstances, neglect of which may lead to a loss of control over national interests. It is defined that in today’s conditions, the economic security of a country is the foundation for the functioning of all elements related to this system: political, social, military, environmental, technological, information security, etc. Thus, it can be confidently stated that it occupies a central place in the national security system, since its provision guarantees the vital activity of virtually all spheres of society and contributes to the socioeconomic development of the State. A structure of the economic security of the State is proposed. After analyzing the proposed integrated system of economic security at the national level, the authors note the close interrelation of all types of threats and their impact on the realization of the national interests of the State. It is concluded that the formation of an integrated system of economic security at the national level, which combines the identification of threats to national security and the level of economic security of the country, can ensure the sustainability of all sectors of the economy, long-term economic growth and high quality of life of the country’s population. When building an integrated system of economic security at the national level, the authors identify the main types of threats: of national level, internal economic relations, of territorial level, and threats to public relations, the presence and relevance of which prove the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of economic security.

Keywords: integrated system, economic security, national economy, threats, level.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 20.

Kondratenko Nataliia O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Public Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Marshala Bazhanova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Dobryanskyy Oleg I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of the Department, Department of Customs Clearance of the Customs Post Kyiv Customs, State Customs Service of Ukraine (11h Dehyiarivska Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine)

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