
The Local Budgets’ Revenues as an Instrument for Ensuring the Socioeconomic Development of Territories
Kaneva T. V., Karpenko M. Y.

Kaneva, Tetiana V., and Karpenko, Maksym Yu. (2023) “The Local Budgets’ Revenues as an Instrument for Ensuring the Socioeconomic Development of Territories.” The Problems of Economy 1:185–191.

Section: Finance and banking

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The purpose of the article is to disclose and deepen the theoretical provisions on the nature and role of the revenue side of local budgets in ensuring the socioeconomic development of territories. The State financial policy should be focused not only on solving urgent current problems and tasks, but also have a perspective character, which consists in creating the preconditions for socioeconomic development. The article conceptualizes the role of the local budgets’ revenues in ensuring the socioeconomic development of territorial communities. The main functions of local budgets are defined. The concept of sustainable development and a totality of indicators that characterize it are studied. The theoretical aspects of the impact of local budget revenues on socioeconomic development are revealed. The advantages of budgetary decentralization are determined, the indicators of budgetary decentralization in the field of revenues are considered. The provisions on the impact of decentralization on socioeconomic development are generalized. The authors applied a system approach. They also used the dialectical method, methods of synthesis and analysis, comparison and generalization. It is substantiated that local budgets play a significant role in regulating socioeconomic processes, performing both distributive and regulatory functions. Local institutions should have sufficient financial resources at their disposal to finance public services and infrastructure development. The transformation of interbudgetary relations is intended to increase fiscal responsibility and motivation to accumulate own budget revenues to cover expenditures. It is defined that fiscal decentralization is aimed at improving the quality of public administration and the formation of financially viable territorial communities. The decentralization processes are intended to improve the quality of public administration and form financially viable territorial communities in which the basic set of public services will be as close to the consumer as possible, and the quality of these services will meet the established criteria.

Keywords: local budgets, local budgets’ revenues, subsidiarity, budgetary decentralization, sustainable development, socioeconomic development.

Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 22.

Kaneva Tetiana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Dean, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, State University of Trade and Economics / Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Karpenko Maksym Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance, State University of Trade and Economics / Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)

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