
Forming a Strategy for Management of Industrial Enterprises Based on Complex Value
Kononov O. I.

Kononov, Oleksandr I. (2022) “Forming a Strategy for Management of Industrial Enterprises Based on Complex Value.” The Problems of Economy 4:171–176.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The purpose of the article is to structure the strategic, tactical and operational levels of management of industrial enterprises, as well as the choice of the optimal strategy. The carried out study helped to identify that the key requirement for any system is the presence of a link between the strategic and operational management of an enterprise. Precisely the connection between strategic and operational management is one of the most difficult problems that industrial enterprises need to solve, because many of them have a gap between strategic and operational management. The causes of such problems may be different, but the main one is the lack of an effective system for bringing the enterprise management strategy to employees and the undeveloped process of linking strategy and operational management. New forms of management, based on the use of an integral criterion for the formation of the complex value of an enterprise to assess the efficiency of managerial decisions, ensure the development and implementation of a single management strategy of the enterprise, which covers the following interrelated components: financial, marketing, production, investment, and personnel. This approach provides «total» management of the enterprise as a single object, while managerial decisions are made taking into account all significant aspects of the internal and external spheres of the enterprise's activity. Our proposed strategy for managing an industrial enterprise on the basis of complex value allows us to identify for each subsystem its technological, organizational and information inputs and outputs, link them in a single system of organizational and economic indicators and develop uniform requirements for making managerial decisions based on the complex value of the enterprise. The strategy involves using approaches to solving problems of multicriterial optimization, aimed at effective coordination of options for choosing a model for the formation of the complex value of the enterprise in certain areas of the enterprise's activities and finding the optimal solution for the enterprise in general.

Keywords: complex value of enterprise, enterprise management strategy, strategic level, tactical level, operational level.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Kononov Oleksandr I. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)

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