
Development of Startups in the Energy Sector: The World Experience and Opportunities for Ukraine
Khaustov M. M.

Khaustov, Mykyta M. (2022) “Development of Startups in the Energy Sector: The World Experience and Opportunities for Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:13–24.

Section: World economy and international relations

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The aim of the study is to define the essential characteristics of startups, identify the features, trends and prospects for their development in the global energy sector as well as development opportunities in Ukraine. Based on the carried out research, it is shown that today startups are a catalyst for economic development, the processes of their creation in the world are developing dynamically. The importance of the energy sector in the development of startups due to the importance for states and humanity aiming at achieving the goals of the transition to clean energy, also the need to ensure energy independence and security of the countries of the world, and their national security in particular, is determined. An understanding of the essence of the concept of «startup» has been formed. It is found that startups are based on low-tech, high-tech and deep-tech innovations, their features are examined. Specific features of the energy sector that determine the processes of technological changes in the sector and affect the peculiarities of creating and implementing startups, the dynamics of their development and risks are highlighted. Quantitative indicators of the development of startups (including those connected with energy sector), as at the global level so by individual countries, their structure according to the directions, features of the development of startups in the fields of «clean» and «digital» energy are researched. The experience of individual countries in building an effective startup ecosystem is considered. It is substantiated that in the current conditions the development of the country requires the use of various instruments on the part of national policy for the formation and development of an ecosystem of startups, ensuring the appropriate institutional environment. This will create the basis for economic growth, which is extremely important for Ukraine in the context of post-war economic recovery. It is determined that large-scale destruction in the energy sector substantiates the high importance of the development of startups in it, which can be helpful in covering certain needs, for example, in liquid fuel, efficient heat supply, etc.

Keywords: startup, innovation, high-tech innovations, high-tech startups, startup ecosystem, energy, energy independence, clean energy, digital energy, energy transition, motor fuel, heat supply.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 54.

Khaustov Mykyta M. – PhD, Junior Researcher, Sector of Energy Security and Energy Saving, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

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