
The Means of Managing the Logistics Component of the Economic Security of Enterprise
Panchenko V. A.

Panchenko, Volodymyr A. (2022) “The Means of Managing the Logistics Component of the Economic Security of Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 3:121–127.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The conceptual provisions and relevance of the issues of separation, along with the management of the logistics component of the economic security of enterprises are substantiated. It is shown that in a highly competitive environment, when in order to ensure the survival of enterprises, it is necessary to constantly promote products to the market, business success largely depends on the ability of the enterprise to effectively manage relations with suppliers in a system of simultaneous minimization of risks and threats to the logistics security of enterprises. In turn, the dependence of enterprises on suppliers of raw and other materials, subcontractors and partners requires the skills to quickly find reliable suppliers (able to meet the needs of production) and establish effective working relationships with them. A comparative characterization of the components of supplier management according to two directions has been developed: (1) long-term relationships; (2) strategic partnerships. The scheme of strategic management instruments in the context of managing the strategic partnership of an enterprise with suppliers in the system of strengthening the logistics component of its economic security is generalized. Four types of relationships with suppliers are allocated that an enterprise must adhere to in order to ensure the logistic component of its economic security in a strategic vertical type interaction (with suppliers and consumers). The economic risks within the logistics component of the enterprise in the supply system are summarized. It is stated that in the conditions of war and critical instability, logistics becomes one of the key components of ensuring the economic security of enterprises. Its formation requires the introduction at enterprises of a mechanism for guaranteeing the logistics component of security, aimed at forming its proper level in the course of financial-economic activities both in the current period and in the future. It is proved that the strengthening of the logistics security of enterprises will contribute to the achievement of a number of parameters of technical-technological development, namely the creation of new organizational and production structures, the use of leasing, active participation in promotional and communication activities, the introduction of the best practices and technologies of logistics.

Keywords: economic security, enterprise management, logistics component, material-technical supply, transportation, warehousing, technical-technological base.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Panchenko Volodymyr A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Aviation Management, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University (1 Stepana Chobanu Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, 25005, Ukraine)

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