
Methodology of Assessing the Innovative Potential of Industrial Enterprises in the Digital Economy
Havrylenko N. H.

Havrylenko, Nataliia H. (2022) “Methodology of Assessing the Innovative Potential of Industrial Enterprises in the Digital Economy.” The Problems of Economy 3:112–120.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article carries out an analytical review of scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the research of the methodology of assessing innovation potential, which showed that it is insufficiently developed, in particular, at the level of an industrial enterprise in the conditions of the digital economy. It has been proven that in the scientific works of both foreign and domestic economists, the task of assessing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise boils down to the use of one of two possible assessment methods: detailed or diagnostic. The analytical review of available methods conducted in the article showed that the considered methods have certain advantages and disadvantages. The most complete, deep and objective assessment of the innovative potential of a system is possible only with the correct selection of a set of indicators that allow characterizing the innovative potential according to various features and in terms of its constituent components. Thus, the author's methodology of assessing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise, taking into account the digitalization of the economy, is proposed. As part of the methodology, a system of indicators for analysis was developed, which is subdivided into four projections: production and technological resources, financial and management resources, factors of innovative activity, and indicators of information security. The proposed methodology includes the calculation of generalized indices of the innovative potential of each projection, the integral indicator of the innovative potential of the enterprise for positioning the enterprise according to the level of innovative activity. Such a set of indicators meets the requirements of universality and ease of use, but at the same time provides objective and complete information about the state of the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise, in particular in the context of digitalization.

Keywords: innovative development, innovative activity, information potential, production and technological potential, financial and management potential, innovative activity of an industrial enterprise.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 19.

Havrylenko Nataliia H. – Postgraduate Student, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (2 Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)

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