Analyzing the Tendencies in the Technological Development of the Countries of the World in the Context of Patent Statistics Grytsulenko S. I.
Grytsulenko, Svitlana I. (2022) “Analyzing the Tendencies in the Technological Development of the Countries of the World in the Context of Patent Statistics.” The Problems of Economy 2:4–12.
Section: World economy and international relations
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Abstract: In the face of increased competition in the world market, the issue of assessing the factors of influence on the technological development of the world countries is actualized. To this end, the article measures the indicators of patent activity in the context of individual regions and countries of the world, together with technological areas, using the patent statistics databases. According to the results of the research, the following main conclusions are made: – a noteworthy feature of modernity is the dynamic growth of patent activity (+42% for 2012-2021) as a significant criterion for technological development of the world countries; – in particular, the active patent position of three Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea: a combined share of 54.1% of PCT applications in 2021) provided them with leading positions in the international patenting of inventions, as well as control over large niches of the global market in the field of computer (31.4%) and digital (26.7%) technologies, as well as electrical machine-building (20.2%); – the first-rank status belongs to China, which in both computer (15.6%), and digital technologies (15.2%) is ahead of even the United States (12.4% and 9.7%, respectively), where these technologies de facto originated; – a significant sphere of U.S. interests in the global market are also medical technologies (10.8%), while for Germany it is energy (10.3%) and transport (9.6%); – however, Ukraine has no place on the world technological map, as indicated by almost zero share of patent activity (0.06% in 2012; 0.05% in 2021) and its negative dynamics (–17%). Taking into account the extremely negative assessments obtained for Ukraine, which is a contradiction with the global tendency, the need to raise patent activity appears a key task of technical and technological reconstruction of the economy.
Keywords: technological development, patent statistics, patent activity, international patent applications, technological industries.
Fig.: 7. Tabl.: 8. Bibl.: 10.
Grytsulenko Svitlana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Digital Business, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine) Email:
List of references in article
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