
Exhibitions and Fairs as an Integration Tool for Implementing the Interests of Agricultural Enterprises
Holovnia O. M.

Holovnia, Olena M. (2022) “Exhibitions and Fairs as an Integration Tool for Implementing the Interests of Agricultural Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:20–25.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The state of modern exhibitions is considered, the latter being an important means of communication between producers and consumers in the Ukrainian market under market economy. Exhibitions reflect the material, technological, information, and communication development; they have become a standardized price indicator, an economic and political platform forecasting changes in supply and demand in the global agricultural market, and a globalized phenomenon with economic, political and socio-cultural content. The author argues that international agricultural exhibitions and fairs are the most effective tools for studying the situation in the agro-industrial market, finding potential consumers, establishing business and cooperation contacts, setting up business cooperation and integration, searching for investors, and more. The article characterizes such leading international agricultural exhibitions as: “Agritechnica”, or the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment in Hanover; IGW Berlin (International Green Week), which is the largest platform for exhibiting equipment and products of the food industry, agriculture and horticulture; International Green Week (IGW); EuroTier Hannover, or the International Exhibition of Livestock and Poultry; SIMA Simagena Simavip, which is an agricultural exhibition in Paris; SIA (Salon International de L'agriculture), or Paris Agricultural Salon, specializing in animal husbandry, horticulture and food; AgriEquip, or International Modern Agricultural Equipment & Technology Exhibition held in Shanghai; the international exhibition of Warsaw Food Expo in Poland; and International Agro-Industrial Exhibition in Kyiv. It is argued that participation in exhibitions strengthens the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, create long-term mutually beneficial partnerships, increase the enterprise’s domestic and foreign trade, and promote agricultural and food products in other market segments.

Keywords: participation in exhibitions, international agrarian exhibitions, agro- industrial complex, agrarian companies.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Holovnia Olena M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Foreign Economic Affairs, Hotel and Catering and Tourism, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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