
Exploring Sustainable Development Tasks for Enterprises within the European Bioeconomy Model
Pashkevych M. S., Li Guannan

Pashkevych, Maryna S., and Li, Guannan. (2021) “Exploring Sustainable Development Tasks for Enterprises within the European Bioeconomy Model.” The Problems of Economy 4:134–140.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article presents the results of research on the topical issue of achieving the global goal of sustainable development by 2030. So, the urgent problem of substantiating the tasks of the institutional micro-level of enterprises during their transformation in accordance with the sustainable development principles in the bioeconomy model has been solved. The article is aimed at publishing scientific achievements that improve the theoretical foundations of sustainable development by positioning the bioeconomy in relation to sustainable development, comparing the components of bioeconomy and sustainable development goals, and defining the objectives of enterprises in this context. Having analyzed and compared the essence of bioeconomy and bioeconomics, the authors have identified their significant differences in such characteristics as the conceptual basis of the two models, their focus issues, and the factor seen as the main driver of economic growth. The choice of bioeconomy as a concept that is closer to sustainable development is argued. Significant polarity of scientists' views on bioeconomy as a set of processes and phenomena is revealed. Two types of interpreting bioeconomy are substantiated. Scientists in the first group believe that bioeconomy covers all the components of socio-economic relations connected wtih the production, consumption and utilization of biological resources, including renewable energy. The other group criticizes bioeconomy as a concept and call it a political project of economic influence. The article expresses the authors’ view on bioeconomy as a model, a mechanism for achieving certain global goals of sustainable development, which are mainly related to its environmental component. On this basis, the place of the bioeconomy model in the sustainable development system is substantiated, and the tasks of the sustainable development of an enterprise in the bioeconomy model are determined. These tasks can be divided in two groups, namely 1) tasks of the company’s own activity, and 2) tasks of supporting and assisting other enterprises, whose activities meet the global sustainable development goals and ensure their achievement.

Keywords: sustainable development, global sustainable development goals, enterprise, model, enterprise management, ecological development, bioeconomy, bioeconomics, system.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 19.

Pashkevych Maryna S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of International Relations and Audit, National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic» (19 D. Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine)
Li Guannan – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Relations and Audit, National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic» (19 D. Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine)

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