
Scientific Views on the Structure of the Elements in the Financial Security Management System in Economic Sectors
Kunytska-Iliash M. V.

Kunytska-Iliash, Marta V. (2021) “Scientific Views on the Structure of the Elements in the Financial Security Management System in Economic Sectors.” The Problems of Economy 3:147–152.

Section: Finance and banking

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It has been clarified that the process of ensuring the financial security of the economy is closely correlated with the establishment of an appropriate management system in this area. The article is aimed at substantiating scientific views on the structure of the elements in the financial security management system in economic sectors. To achieve this goal, it is ascertained that the financial security management system of an economy provides for grounding links and means of interaction with both senior systems (financial security of regions and the state, economic security, national security), and lower systems (financial security of enterprises). It is proved that structural aspects of financial security management in an industry relate to constructing an internal system of elements and organizing their interaction in order to form the unique properties and capacity of the system by management areas. A set of structural elements of the financial security management system in an economic sector is determined, which can be divided into several groups, namely: formation of an institutional and management structure; identification of strategic and tactical guidelines; introduction of a system of economic incentives and support; provision of information and analytical monitoring and control tools; and use of regulatory tools. It is proved that the effectiveness of the financial security management system in an industry is largely determined by the quality of the organizational management structure, rational choice of strategic and tactical guidelines, effectiveness of economic incentives and support, coordination of information and analytical monitoring and control, ability to use broad regulatory tools.

Keywords: financial security of an economic sector, management, provision, tools.

Bibl.: 24.

Kunytska-Iliash Marta V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics, Innovation and Counseling in the Agroindustrial Complex named after I. V. Popovich, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytskyi (50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine)

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