
Innovative Development in the Context of Complementarity
Rybak H. I.

Rybak, Hanna I. (2021) “Innovative Development in the Context of Complementarity.” The Problems of Economy 2:181–186.

Section: Economic theory

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The peculiarities of innovative development in the interaction of economic and social components of the external and internal environment are studied on the basis of a complementary approach, namely the relationship between economic efficiency and social justice, their negative and positive impact on the quality of life and socio-economic development opportunities. As for complementary development, the idea of justice, which currently is an important factor in achieving European living standards and guaranteeing social-economic rights of a person and citizen, plays an important role in reforming all the spheres of public life, democratization of Ukrainian society, and providing Ukraine's integration into the European political and legal space. Complementarity research is becoming relevant at the present stage of global economic development, when the market situation is characterized by a fairly high rate of transformation, and innovation becomes the main competitive factor. The author considers the emergence of the complementarity concept in research works made in various areas (e.g., the concept of institutional complementarity), and also highlights the features of compensatory and supplemental complementarity. Unconditional following global examples without taking into account the state of real socio-economic and institutional structures in a certain state will not give a favourable result from implementing reforms and introducing innovations due to the lack of complementary connections. Therefore, the conditions for the emergence of new institutional changes and the impact of "social elevators" on social development in the long run are analyzed. The presence of complex unresolved problems in the development of our state actualizes the study of the complementary context of innovative development, aimed at rethinking the role of social justice in solving major economic problems. Due to a complementary approach, the economic system will be able to increase such features as adaptability and continuity by developing mechanisms of self-preservation, and will acquire systematic innovative development with a ripple effect.

Keywords: complementarity, economic efficiency, innovative development, internal and external environment, institutional complementarity, social elevators, social justice, supplemental complementarity.

Bibl.: 10.

Rybak Hanna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and International Economy, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Chornohlazivska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

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