
Studying the Current State and Trends in Developing Logistics Activities at Machine-Building Enterprises
Maslak O. I., Nikitiuk V. G.

Maslak, Olga I., and Nikitiuk, Vitalii G. (2021) “Studying the Current State and Trends in Developing Logistics Activities at Machine-Building Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 2:149–158.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The current state and trends in developing logistics activities at machine-building enterprises is studied through evaluating the efficiency of financial flows. It is noted that studying the current state and trends in the logistics activities at machine-building enterprises is a necessary condition for the revival of mechanic engineering in our country. It is noted that the machine-building industry has specific features in management, which are associated with high costs for raw materials, energy, transportation, and labor resources. Mostly, products of machine-building enterprises have a fairly long usage (consumption) cycle, and are quite large, so their sale causes problems during periods of economic crisis, in contrast to, for example, food products. It is established that for the industry to undergo sustainable development, it needs to attract capital investments. The general problem with the level of financing, including the machine-building industry, negatively affects the prospects for reorganizing the production cycle, involving innovative technologies, introducing resource- and energy-saving processes in production, complying with environmental management. It is this set of conditions that is the key to making products of Ukraine’s machine-building industry attractive for global market consumers, and therefore, to increasing financial flows. As a result of the study, a methodological approach to evaluating the logistics activities at machine-building enterprises by selected indices of financial logistics is suggested, where the indices can be calculated on the basis of the annual financial statements of enterprises as for their balance (statement of financial position) and financial results (statement of comprehensive income), making it possible to identify both factors influencing the results of the economic activity of machine-building enterprises, and the degree of this influence. The calculated values of the relative efficiency ratios of financial logistics in managing accounts receivable and payable related to product flows can serve as input data to build a mathematical model for forecasting the efficiency of logistics activities at machine-building enterprises in Ukraine.

Keywords: current state, development trend, evaluation, logistics activities, machine-building enterprise.

Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Maslak Olga I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (20 Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, 39600, Ukraine)
Nikitiuk Vitalii G. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (20 Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, 39600, Ukraine)

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