Methods of Costs Allocation for Equipment Maintenance and Operation in Determining Industrial Products’ Costs Nepran A. V., Bolotova T. M., Holovanova O. M.
Nepran, Andrii V., Bolotova, Tetiana M., and Holovanova, Olena M. (2021) “Methods of Costs Allocation for Equipment Maintenance and Operation in Determining Industrial Products’ Costs.” The Problems of Economy 1:85–90.
Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
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Abstract: The method of costs allocation for equipment maintenance and operation has been analyzed. It is especially important to properly allocate costs by type of product at those industrial enterprises, where a complex range of products is produced as a result of a single production process. The main method for calculating the product cost unit in industry is calculating the product cost and expense budget. Differentiated methods should be used in allocating indirect costs between particular products or types of products, depending on the nature of a cost, its economic nature, and its connection with the process of forming production cost. In calculating production cost, costs for production maintenance and management are identified, having a very diverse composition. A big group of expenses connected with equipment operation (depreciation on operating equipment and vehicles; maintenance repair of the equipment and shop-floor travelers; wear of low-value tools; the wages of workers engaged in equipment maintenance; maintenance materials) is singled out in a special spending pattern. It is established that quite accurate results are also used in a number of industries. For example, the method of allocation of indirect costs allows the maintenance costs and equipment operation costs to be reasonably allocated, thus making it possible to more accurately calculate the production cost and make management decisions on this basis. It should be noted that, since indirect costs include a large number of various production costs, which differ in many economic respects, allocation of all indirect costs should not be carried out on a single basis.
Keywords: calculation, costs of maintenance and equipment operation, direct and indirect costs, production cost.
Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 7. Bibl.: 8.
Nepran Andrii V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Lecturer, Cyclic Commission of Economics, Management and Administration, Kharkov Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (202 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61045, Ukraine) Email: Bolotova Tetiana M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head, Cyclic Commission of Economics, Management and Administration, Kharkov Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (202 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61045, Ukraine) Email: Holovanova Olena M. – Lecturer, Cyclic Commission of Economics, Management and Administration, Kharkov Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (202 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61045, Ukraine)
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