Conceptualization of innovation landscape within the sustainable development of a region Omelyanenko V. A.
Omelyanenko, Vitaliy A. (2021) “Conceptualization of innovation landscape within the sustainable development of a region.” The Problems of Economy 1:52–57.
Section: Regional economy
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Abstract: Ensuring sustainable development at the level of individual territories becomes especially important for Ukraine. At the same time, the management of sustainable development processes should be improved with respect to the key aspects related to innovation. In these circumstances, the concept of innovation landscape helps to focus on creating competitive advantages and, on their basis, on developing strategies for sustainable development. Having analyzed the existing research results, we can conclude that theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of innovation policy development within sustainable development need further specification. Thus, the study in question aims at conceptualizing the innovation landscape in the context of sustainable development. The scientific analysis carried out allows us to suggest a new definition for the innovation landscape, understanding it as an integrative set of indicators, which reflects socio-economic conditions and includes the performance of public authorities, innovative management tools used, the activity of innovative economic entities, the availability and quality of innovation infrastructure, the development of cluster relationships, etc. aimed at solving problems of socio-economic development. Having generalized the research results, including those of the author's research, we can determine that the concept of innovation landscape and an appropriate applied approach based on it open wide opportunities for creating and managing the spatially rooted structures of innovative interactions between science, education, business and communities. It is proved that innovation landscape should be considered both at the regional and territorial level. It is determined that to form an innovative landscape of sustainable development of a region it is necessary to use new innovative practices, opportunities and challenges that arise at the local level in accordance with these trends. It can be done within the innovation audit mechanism recognizing these trends and supporting innovation management.
Keywords: innovation landscape, model, region, strategy, sustainable development.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 19.
Omelyanenko Vitaliy A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Educational and Scientific Center for Design Technologies, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine) Email:
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