
Production Potential of a Gas Producing Complex: Concept, Structure, Factors of Its Formation and Usage
Andriishyn N. M.

Andriishyn, Nazar M. (2020) “Production Potential of a Gas Producing Complex: Concept, Structure, Factors of Its Formation and Usage.” The Problems of Economy 4:265–272.

Section: Economic theory

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The economic essence of the category "production potential of the gas producing complex" is substantiated from the standpoint of the systemic approach and a set of factors determining the ability of a gas producing complex (GPC) to perform its functions. Methodical approaches to the interpretation of the essence and structure of production potential are determined, taking into account the peculiarities of gas production. It is noted that the study of production capacity should begin with its production functions, which are provided by the resource potential of a company. The relationship between production factors and production resources lies in the fact that only resources that can be used in production are considered factors of production. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the success of the gas producing complex today is not only determined by the size of hydrocarbon deposits and the availability of modern technologies or production equipment, but mainly by available intellectual capital, which includes leading technicians, gas producing management and programmers together with the software developed by them. It has been proven that a company’s ability to effectively use intellectual capital is a sustainable competitive advantage in ensuring future balanced development, as intellectual capital is based on the accumulation and use of knowledge, ideas and information that are specific to a particular company. The effect of their usage is the result of practical implementation of this knowledge, transfer of experience to young employees of the company, and interaction with partners and contractors. Nowadays, intellectual capital affects the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the GPC to a greater extent than tangible assets and financial capital. Therefore, the production potential of a gas producing complex cannot be confined to its production capacity (tangible equity). It is concluded that, based on the fact that the GPC is a system of enterprises and organizations with different functions, its production potential should be considered systematically, comprehensively assessing the quantity and quality of resources that create opportunities for all its structural units to perform their functions in accordance with strategic development tasks.

Keywords: efficiency, gas producing complex, opportunities, potential, production potential, resources, structure

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Andriishyn Nazar M. – Postgraduate Student, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

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